Clark Kent/ Kal- El, The Story of an alien- The last son of a Dead Civilization who loved the world who adopted him, became its ' champion and its soul and conscience
Two Cleveland Teenagers- Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel, first created him in 1935. Detective Comics- known since as DC first published him in 1938.
I think noble and estranged souls, those who may have lived as orphans all their lives- whether their parents are deceased or actually alive, have long seen themselves as a kindred of the Last Son of Krypton.
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Monday, August 27, 2012
The 200 TH Blog Posting of August 2012
For the second time in the 22 Month History of this blog I've posted 200 posts in a month. The flow is strong and the mix is healthy. I've learned not every post most be " for the ages" but every post shows My life and what matters to me on that particular day- what is capturing my attention.
People tend to be quick to pigeonhole themselves...
We are too quick to say " This is who I am and what I want>' or this is what I am looking for and nothing else will do." Yet, Those pigeon holes limit us and deny us the joy, as long as we maintain them of finding something/ someone far beyond our dreams hopes and expectations.
It is good to know who you are ...
and to understand how you became that way. It is even better to appreciate yourself as you are and be determined to continue to improve yourself!
Are you a loser...
Regrettably, I tend to be. I tend to lose track of things far too easily and far too often.
Do not take opportunities lightly...
The one you do not take seriously or do not engage in all in and with gusto may become a regret that haunts you years later.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
A Cliche that works -----
A very old one - " It's nice to be important, but it is MORE important to be nice."
Stan Lee
I lived as a child in a largely Alternative Universe- I, too often, felt that I couldn't survive ion the reality of the SW Bronx in the 1960's and 1970's. . Stanley Martin Lieber ( Stan Lee) also of The Bronx played a role in creating my safer and more creative- friendly alternate Universe.
Shutting yourself off from life and the world ...
is a negating and self-destructive act. People shut off to keep from being hurt. However, Avoiding people anmd hoping that life will ignore you and leave you alone guarantees that you will avoid healing and wholeness.
Listening To Children
There is something unsettling about people who ignore, disregard and discount children, Children represent freshness, opportunity and hope. They are the living voice of the future and they motivate us all to learn, grow and constantly look beyond simply what " we want."
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Not every thing has to be
great and even acceptable for you, me or anyone to notice that some things are going quite well and are an amazing blessing!
I am a tad anxious about tomorrow . . .
Worry never gets anything worthwhile accomplished that is worthy of doing!
You've got to be kidding.
I bought a mop at a Dollar Tee in Alexandria, VA. store today. A basic stick and mob head are connected in this purchase.
I was handed the mop- they only had one size of bag and didn't have a bag that would allow me to to carry the mop securely. I thought that was absurd and I told the store manager that.
I looked bizarre walked through a strip mall and walking homo with a mop in my hand. I think the store is even more bizarre for not having a bag that would handle the mop!
- Johnny -
I was handed the mop- they only had one size of bag and didn't have a bag that would allow me to to carry the mop securely. I thought that was absurd and I told the store manager that.
I looked bizarre walked through a strip mall and walking homo with a mop in my hand. I think the store is even more bizarre for not having a bag that would handle the mop!
- Johnny -
The Strange World of Sports
Quite often people express the thought that our professional sports chew up and spit out their players especially their stars. Then you have the Strange reaction of the sporting public to shut down Steven Strasbourg in order to preserve his health and safe guard his career.
It does seem that there are time where you fail to please people no matter WHAT you do!
It does seem that there are time where you fail to please people no matter WHAT you do!
Being at peace...
is valuable in and of itself. Peace lasts a lot longer than the bling that you feel you must have this second!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Settling some one's tension, anxiety and....
angst can be a vital way to truly let someone know that you truly and deeply love him or her.
Price, Cost and Value
I do thoroughly believe that over the last few years, Americans have become crazed in their obsessive stinginess. People want to spend next to nothing and be accorded far more in service and toadiness.
People seem to gloat , as employers, as to how they can maximum efforts from talented people for next to nothing and get maximum effort from the. Anyone say exploitation ?
People seem to gloat , as employers, as to how they can maximum efforts from talented people for next to nothing and get maximum effort from the. Anyone say exploitation ?
I'm looking forward to VAST Toastmasters
tomorrow. My goal is to be a true peace maker and to practice detente in the true sense - to pursue a realistic and valid easing of tensions.
I need to take a deep breathe and . . .
do more things from the start. I'd play video games much better if I accepted that I need to yield to the learning club when I first play a game. That's why I'm struggling with Madden Twelve right now.
Living for today.
No matter whether or not I want to be here, Today is where I am and the only place at present where I can live and move and have my being.. If I accept that and try to make the most of that day- even if what is arduous and nasty, I tend to like myself much better and live OVERALL much better!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
A Short Sunday at Church today
While I love Summer, My Church availability- in terms of accessibility and the time I get to spend with people there gets to be truly irregular in August!
Friday, August 17, 2012
I no longer dread weekends per se.
Freeing myself from obsessing on loneliness does help to make me less dread and panic prone. There are still lonely weekend- I've simply learned to deal with them better! I will expand on this further later this weekend!
You cannot improve in anything ....
by inaction! That is why living in a continually avoident and fear -filled way leads to a rather GHASTLY and regrettable life!
Heroes are CONTINUALLY important to me.
They ring true. They show me why any life, no matter how miserable it appears to be , is worth living every second of!
I truly am at my best when I practice this following paradigm , during the day, for ALL THAT I am worth and capable of " Doing The Best that I can do for the BEST possible!!!!!! reasons and motives!!!!"
- - Johnny -
I truly am at my best when I practice this following paradigm , during the day, for ALL THAT I am worth and capable of " Doing The Best that I can do for the BEST possible!!!!!! reasons and motives!!!!"
- - Johnny -
Today is good...
Being rigidly committed to the execution, without exception, of original plans can lead to a lesser day being lived!
Wisdom dictates that I not spol and ruin
the good that will soon and eventually be mine in order to greedily have all that I want today!
Waiting is torture at times.
some times, in life , You do feel like the 8 year old child thinking of how much he/ she longs for Christmas to arrive at One Second after 12 AM on December 26TH.
I am not responsible for all things
I am TOTALLY responsible for how I live my life and treat others.
This will be a GREAT Weekend
I will be helping a group of Toastmasters become better and more adroit as Table Topics respondents tomorrow afternoon.
A Madden Twelve Story - Waiting for prices to drop
is not always a good strategy. Some times denying and waiting can be a form of punishment. I bought Madden 12 for 16.00 earlier today. I wanted to see that price drop to 12.00. I've waitede for over 9 months for this to transpire! I finally realized today that this drop to 12.00 was not likely to happen for a long while into the future ------ in fact it might not happen.
I've been very disciplined of late and doing really good and helpful things. I decided it was a good time to reward these good behaviors! So, 2 hours ago, I did!
A Video game, Johnny? Yes, A video game. It is not the MOST harmful thing that I could have spent money on!
- Johnny -
I've been very disciplined of late and doing really good and helpful things. I decided it was a good time to reward these good behaviors! So, 2 hours ago, I did!
A Video game, Johnny? Yes, A video game. It is not the MOST harmful thing that I could have spent money on!
- Johnny -
I changed my plan for the day today. I fretted about it for a while this morning. However, My choice to stay home and run close to home errands allowed me to make a positive change for next week. I ran across someone who I had been trying to connect with.
We chatted briefly and I was able to make an appointment. Plan "A" would not have allowed for that. Plan B absolutely did. There are times when Plan Bs simple rule!
We chatted briefly and I was able to make an appointment. Plan "A" would not have allowed for that. Plan B absolutely did. There are times when Plan Bs simple rule!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
My Energy is great today!
I've worked today on doing things, all day long, that will be a tonic and a boost to my morale!
Be not afarid to speak boldly . . .
and in congruity with what you deeply think, believe and hold dear. Be even more willing to strive to live all of that out on a continuing basis!
Looking forward to playing Madden 13 !
It will be out in the local Game Stop on the 28TH. It looks like the Tiberon crew has done majestic work on THIS game.
I panicked over thinking about a book.
that I thought I'd lost! This is a library book. If I'd just stopped to think that I'd put that book in a place that I'd easily find it about a WEEK ago then I would have avoided the 15 minutes of sheer panic. Silly Johnny!
This new wrting focus is STILL working effectively !
15 days into August and I'm still AVERAGING over 10 posts a day! YES!!!!!
Treading water versus . . .
going somewhere that is invigorating and worth going to- This seems to me what the PRIMARY issue of the 2012 campaign is.
Knowing what will heal you is Step One
You really start making progress when you actually do those very things.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
1,900 Posts over all and 150 Posts
for the months. 4 months ago, I was posting very little and these blog postings had no momentum spark or verve.
That is not true now!
That is not true now!
Last night's Toastmaster meeting
was vigorous and thoughtful and thought provoking. I heard a satirical speech on Global Warming which did ask the listeners to keep things in perspective/
Monday, August 13, 2012
I believe I will be attending a great Toastmaster . . .
meeting a few short hours from now! I am truly confident that I will not be disappointed later today!
If you ask the Question, " Am I lovable?"
Don't you want that other person to say " Yes" without snickering, making a face or otherwise mocking you?
How do you choose to live?
If anyone chooses to live to a much lesser degree than they are capable of, They really are not practicing self- love and self- appreciation.
Take a deep breathe
not acting and being still RIGHT now just could be the BEST choice that you or I might engage in today.
How important is it to you on TV, in the movies,. in the comic books and when it concerns your favorite authors and your favorite characters?
I've been a comic book buyer since 1963....
There have been few pleasant constants in my life, That has been one of them/
I truly do believe . . .
that one component of being abusive towards others is an individual deciding that I will be selfish and self -serving no matter what, no matter what the outcomes and the consequences are.
Who teaches people how to properly...
and appropriately care for others as individuals? There are many of us who fail in doing this, How can we learn to improve in this arena1
Do you care?
If you do, what do you do to make sure that others know that you do! Doing so humbly without drwing attention to your self makes the fact that you do care that much MORE impressive.
Dealing with reluctance in a mature and intelligent way
I have a serious character weakness. whenever I'm ask to do something I find " Not my druther or something that i don't do well, loathe or simply feel is beneath me , I tend to sulk whine, duck it, offer to resign, engage in totally avoident behavior or say and stand by the statement that " Someone, anyone else needs to do this."
I notice that my self-esteem droops noticeably and I really am not a good or wonderful person to be around. Character, good character and noble character,, enables a person not to be need to be catered to, placated to and babied manner.
An adult can take a deep breathe, admit, " I really don't like doing this at all." but I do NOT need to fully love an activity in order to engage in it and do it well and skillfully. Caring about making a true and worthy contribution and caring enough about those who you are partnered with to honor them by being fully in and performing with that in mind is of great gain to the person " eating that spinach" at that moment.
Brats, The Entitled, The Immature, The Anti- Social are the ones who feel that " I will only excel when I do what I love to do and enjoy!' must be the way they live 24/ 7. Those who contribute well and powerfully touch and transform powerfully and positively the lives of others will say " I don't have to be happy or be in love with who I'm with" to be kind, fair, caring about that person as a fellow human being to the person I'm work with, working for or working to represent or on the behalf of!" I don't have to think an activity is THE BEST OF ALL POSSIBLE ACTIVITIES in order to be splendid at getting that task done fully and in a truly quality manner!
- Johnny -
I notice that my self-esteem droops noticeably and I really am not a good or wonderful person to be around. Character, good character and noble character,, enables a person not to be need to be catered to, placated to and babied manner.
An adult can take a deep breathe, admit, " I really don't like doing this at all." but I do NOT need to fully love an activity in order to engage in it and do it well and skillfully. Caring about making a true and worthy contribution and caring enough about those who you are partnered with to honor them by being fully in and performing with that in mind is of great gain to the person " eating that spinach" at that moment.
Brats, The Entitled, The Immature, The Anti- Social are the ones who feel that " I will only excel when I do what I love to do and enjoy!' must be the way they live 24/ 7. Those who contribute well and powerfully touch and transform powerfully and positively the lives of others will say " I don't have to be happy or be in love with who I'm with" to be kind, fair, caring about that person as a fellow human being to the person I'm work with, working for or working to represent or on the behalf of!" I don't have to think an activity is THE BEST OF ALL POSSIBLE ACTIVITIES in order to be splendid at getting that task done fully and in a truly quality manner!
- Johnny -
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Consistent exercise
does make a difference and it demonstrates that you are not static and willing to settle,
Saturday, August 11, 2012
I am happy tonight.
This makes this Saturday night different from many of the Saturday nights of the past,
Doing what I know to be right...
will always lead to my finding, peace, security and serenity, if not immediately than, most certainly, eventually!
A Sleeping in Sunday
Church will be an evening event tomorrow. I will sleep in much later than usual.
Moments of Marvelous Bliss
I enjoyed some moments today of truly impressive silence. Where all was still and and just calm- nothing at all was needed to augment that moment.
I know that I 'm noy progressing as rapidly as
I'd like in recent times. This is not pleasing to me. Yet, Expressing gratitude and being more willing to celebrate the blessing that I have and enjoy today and now is a valuable, centering and healing exercise!
Rock and Roll is still the music of change...
challenging tyrants and crying out for freedom to appear and reign. Just ask Russian President Putin about this!
Today has been a good, low-key, and a rather ...
pedestrian day for me. Not the Saturday I'd like it to be but a good gift!
" Thank You for Your service to OUR! Country"
When I say this to a military server or a first responder what I am also saying is the following, " Thank you for working to safe guard my freedom. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to live the BEST possible life, I owe a debt to you. My ability to live freely and prosper depends upon YOUR Service and Your willingness to sacrifice."
I do love to travel !
I think that this summer has been a go nowhere and have no great adventures summer, SO FAR, has not weighed well upon me this year.
Admitting you made a mistake...
is a declaration of a strong person who desires to become better! Those who feel that being that way is humiliating are imposing humiliation, usually upon themselves!
Finish Lines
lose their importance if one becomes all you desire to reach. The more finish lines you desire to reach the more full and bountiful your life will become.
One of Life's Greatest Sweetnesses . . ...
is having someone say ," I know you and accept you fully - exactly as you are! I enjoy being with you and I long to get to spend more and more time with you!"
11, 000 Hits
I'm obviously not producing a great blog. However, in less than two years, it has been viewed over 11,000 times. I do need to not despise my, to me, smaller numbers. - L!!!! O!! !L!!!
Those who know it should revel in it. Those who don't have it will make anmy sacrifice to get it. Those who have it and are indifferent to it are really not worthy of it!
Preparing a Child to love school in 2012-2013
If a parent plants the idea, especially in late summer, that the NEW school year will be splendid. The child is likely to buy in and live it out throughout the new soon to start school year.
I'd actually love to have a pet
A puppy or a kitten. Knowing me, I'd need a kitten with a puppy personality. What type of dog or cat would be best for me? What type of critter - Kentucky Talk- would I best bond with? What would my new FURRY/ Four- Legged best friend be like?
This is an on going Nike Saturday for me. Nike translates best to " VICTORY". It is from the Ancient Greek!
Hope dies quickly when...
you keep telling yourself , " I'll never win" " It isn't possible" or- one that I'm vulnerable to, " No matter what I do- I shall fail!!" and concede that this is reality- then you are killing yourself painfully second by second!
I've done this to myself far too often in the past- not today, absolutely not -- I refuse to do this to myself today!
I've done this to myself far too often in the past- not today, absolutely not -- I refuse to do this to myself today!
Some of Our Pasts are ugly!
I wish, so fervently do I wish that mine was not so! Alas, It is. Accepting it, grieving it in a proper and healthy ways, learning from it and reolving to either not gewt foolewd again or to not brepeat errors and choices that did harmm- these are the best ways to deal with these personal hardships and- to be blunt- tragedies!
Great Toastmaster meeting today
I was The TMOD- The Meeting MC earlier today. I was witty, clever and on my game today. I'm really pleased. This meeting was very empowering and the result of a lot of good effort that was rewarded!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
A Better Night tonight.
You can ruin everything by not accepting that not having what you yearn for today or not having it to the extent you wish to have it does NOT always mean that you will not get what you are yearning for. All you know is- just not today!
Some things seem laborious
Then again, Some things must be done in a detailed-center, laborious and personal way!
Panic is a powerful force., HOWEVER ....
It can be defanged by a deep brethe and taking time out to assess the true nature of who you are, where you are, who you are connected with and what you are doing.
100 Posts in a Week
I like this tendency to write far more often and not be as self-conscious about it!
I chose to stop being a pouty child...
this afternoon and do what need to be done whether I wanted to do it or not!
Overvaluing Emotinal Satisfaction!
Why is it that we'd rather feel emotionally satisfied and justified rather than actually do the right thing ?
The value of a Realistic sense of prespective
What am I really seeing, noticing feeling? Am I being practical and sensible? Am I allowing a momentary blip to take on importance that it does not merit?
Taking a deep breath calming myself and calmly thinking things out slowly and thoroughly will allow me to maintain a proper and effective sense of perspective.
My life works better, my relationships work better and I avoid strange mistakes and adopting odd perspectives when I strive to establish a proper and factually justifiable perspective!
Taking a deep breath calming myself and calmly thinking things out slowly and thoroughly will allow me to maintain a proper and effective sense of perspective.
My life works better, my relationships work better and I avoid strange mistakes and adopting odd perspectives when I strive to establish a proper and factually justifiable perspective!
Monday, August 6, 2012
If you will not give yourself a fair chance...
It is truly unlikely that you will give others a true and fair chance!
This is a Great Monday
I've devoted a great deal of it to cheering on and doing what I'm able to do to empower my friends!
Doing whatt you do well
is a great blessing when you then take advantage of every POSSIBLE opportunity to take advantage of what you are best able to do!
Living My Life to my best benefit . . .
I can be very dense at times. Living to support and co-operate with others DOES NOT EQUAL making myself their slave and letting my schedule be a hostage to what they think my priorities should be!
Overpowering Silence
My voice started to fail me early last week due toa rather severe and painful sore thoat. I uauall;y do talk to myself at home , especially when I am being creative.
This last week has been SILENT. It has truly gotten bizarre, frustrating and deeply bewildering at times. I will be MOST glad when this is finally and totally over.
This last week has been SILENT. It has truly gotten bizarre, frustrating and deeply bewildering at times. I will be MOST glad when this is finally and totally over.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
When the dust settles ...
and all the votes have been counted 3 month from now, Where will we be? What will it mean for 2013?
Be A Rocky
Keep straining , exercising and striving no matter what. You will reach the top of YOUR LIBRARY steps one day !!!!
I've still exercised over these last 5 days...
That I've been down with this sore throat, achiness , and weakness trifecta ! This means that I've kept my vow to exercise every day from 12- 25 to 12 -25, The Full plan WILL include BOTH Christmases.
I do like
the way I'm writing now. Not everything must be thoughtful and earth-shaking and compelling. Nor will all on This blog EVER be mundane. A mixture in the variety of topics does indicate thought, wisdom and a greater and truer self-awareness and insightfulness .
Isreal Versus Iran
We do seem to, as a nation, really frustrate and antagonize our friends and allies to the benefit of nations that hate us and wish us the most total ill !!!!!
The Nats Roll on!
The Washington Nationals are now talking about the sale of PLAYOFF!!! TICKETS!!!! Yes<,Jim Mora, we are talking about " PLAYOFFS!!!!" for the Washington Nationals and " No, we are ABSOLUTELY!!! NOT kidding you!"
What killed MTV???
It;s best videos seem Iconic. Is You Tube really as good as MTV ? That is what seems to be what most of us have come to believe or accept!
God asks you to ....
see Him above all- not what He does for you when you are expecting from Him as you are serving Him!
A Great Lunch
today. GREAT FELLOWSHIP, quality food and stimulating and loving conversation a tonic to my spirit!
A Five Cent Sermon
My Associate Pastor, Derek Adye, really preached an impressive and compelling sermon based on Joseph.- The Old Testament Joseph.
He spoke of how Joseph struggled after being sold into slavery by his brothers. He did well in many waty but felt that his not being with his family was torment. Derek mentioned that Joseph's comfort and strength was God's presence . He reveled in God being with him.
He ten talked about how people in torment, suffering and crisis are often given FIVE CENT answers to Billion Dollar Questions by caring and well-meaning Christian friends.
He then mentined some scriptures normally quoted at such times and flicked a nickel at the wooden floor each yime he uttered one of them- over all FIVE nickles hit the ground.
His strong take away- God's presence and God's daily moving in our lives , ultimately, matters more than any pat answer!
He spoke of how Joseph struggled after being sold into slavery by his brothers. He did well in many waty but felt that his not being with his family was torment. Derek mentioned that Joseph's comfort and strength was God's presence . He reveled in God being with him.
He ten talked about how people in torment, suffering and crisis are often given FIVE CENT answers to Billion Dollar Questions by caring and well-meaning Christian friends.
He then mentined some scriptures normally quoted at such times and flicked a nickel at the wooden floor each yime he uttered one of them- over all FIVE nickles hit the ground.
His strong take away- God's presence and God's daily moving in our lives , ultimately, matters more than any pat answer!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
One of the Stifling aspects of long term singleness
is that you are too prone to measure life and reality by yourself- and likely to convince yourself that this, of course, IS the ONLY ! way to measure , properly and wisely, your life and all aspects of reality that are , somehow, connected to !
A Man should strive to stretch himself
In a lot of ways, My life is far too locked into " status -quo" This current status quo isn't, at all, a Johnny- friendly one!
A Peaceful Saturday night
It does seem like this is a result, at least on this nite, of feeling self -valued!
If Pluto is truly NOT a planet...
Who wants to explain away that it has FIVE!!!! moons? Does this mean that Our Earth and Mars are not planets either?
Our Liberal Policies economically ...
truly more about generosity and " feel good" governance rather than practicality and life on life's terms reality!
I'm glad now that I ...
chose to get my rear in motion rather than whine on Thursday moring. I believe that decision has but me in the relatively better situation that I'm in almost 60 hours later!
I'm not usaually ill during the Summer.
This is a powerful reminder that you never know what the days you've not yet arrived at will bring.
Micheal Phelps
A fascinating man. He does not, as I see it, always make sensational personal choices. However, He is a stellar athlete and competitor!
Bashir Assad as a moderate ???
we can work with. Our Secretary Of State and President, not long ago, seemed to embrace. Shall we ask the Syrian people if they currently agree with this clever observation?
Rejoicing works well for me ....
when it is a ordinary and dependable part of my life than as something, to be blunt and realistic, is nothing more than a very random and rare activity that I engage in !
Aint no Stoppin' me now...
I've referred to this old Mc Fadden and Whitehead song before. I need to remember it more frequently. My resolve does seem to fade and dissolve far !!!! too easily
The 2012 Baseball Season
Much better than I expected to be. I need to look hard and often here in these early days of August at the Present and CLEAR reality that The Nationals and My Yankees as joys that I did not expect to enjoy THIS year!
Tiredness can ..
be another way of saying, " I did ALL I could and I left it all out on the field today!"
Anniversaries !
serve as oasis in our normal striding through life. We remember love, we remember, affection commitments , empowering and the most vital form of committed personal investments.
Anniversaries are blessings and gifts of personal exhalation and splendor. Cherish each one. It is proof that you matter and the life you have lived has empowered, enlivened and noticeably enriched the life of another!
Anniversaries are blessings and gifts of personal exhalation and splendor. Cherish each one. It is proof that you matter and the life you have lived has empowered, enlivened and noticeably enriched the life of another!
Truth gained from a Death Camp!
Viktor Frankel survived a Nazi Death camp as a relatively young man. He found a profound truth during those grim years. He learned and he has taught MILLIONS since that , " The Greatest Human Freedom is the ability to control your own attitude!"
Friday, August 3, 2012
Do I have a book within me?
That is why I started this blog on October 4Th, 2010. From what you've read, Do you think I could actually write a book that you'd wish to read?
Reaching 1800 Blog Posts!
I really am soaring forward over these suimmer months. I like that Bloggiong is once again a muscular part of my daily experience!
I am yired of sleeping and doing
little else. Yet, As I don't want to fall back to how I felt on Tuesday night, I will just persevere.
You really do need others to help you see yourself...
as clearly and as precisely as possible.
No matter how long and in what detail you study yourself, it is hard to just see, note and properly understand all that it takes to be you!
No matter how long and in what detail you study yourself, it is hard to just see, note and properly understand all that it takes to be you!
Some times close isn't enogh
You do have to let some things fully come to a proper finish. Time does take time!
Roger Goodell wants Football In The Olympics!
The NFL Commissioner claims that 57 nations play a form of AMERICAN FOOTBALL. Therefore, It is an idea whose time has arrived.
So, Is this an idea worth taking seriously?
It is amazing how loud your THOUGHTS can...
become when you spend there days not talking much at all!
Is it wise to consider it a " no -no, no matter what" option? Does life really allow that as a possibility?
The Unknown - HUH??- President.
We must resolve , as intelligent voters - to never allow anyone who is an almost total unknown to us - at the time that he or she is a candidate -to serve as Our Nation's President.
Case in Point- Barack Hussein Obama!
Case in Point- Barack Hussein Obama!
Learning to value your own company
People who need to be around others to feel vital , cared about and important may be lacking in self love and the skills to be self-valuing. I'm not used to three days of me, myself and I
Yet, I'm seeing that being there for me and enjoying what I learn and gain from my own self-awareness is proving to be an unexpected boon. I see now, far more clearly over these last few days, that I am clever, creative,humorous and philosophical! I tend to be EVEN more so when I give myself a chance to be.
Yet, I'm seeing that being there for me and enjoying what I learn and gain from my own self-awareness is proving to be an unexpected boon. I see now, far more clearly over these last few days, that I am clever, creative,humorous and philosophical! I tend to be EVEN more so when I give myself a chance to be.
Not only Rock Stars die young
Hank Williams, Senior died at the age of 29 just a few years before Rock came to be.
Standing your ground
One way to maintain a friendship is to let a friend who can be overly demanding that he or she is not always going to be groveled before by you!
Schedules are great
However, Sometimes knowing that it is not wise, for the immediate nonce, to be on one is also marvelous!
A Classic Joe Di Maggio Rejoinder
Marilyn Monroe had just returned from a USO tour and gushing she told her husband, Joe DiMaggio, about the cheering she was accorded. " Joe, You've never heard such applause and cheering. Thousands of people chanting your name."
He paused for a second and, with a deadpan expression. said, " Yes, I have."
He paused for a second and, with a deadpan expression. said, " Yes, I have."
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Movies that don't age well!
Wild in The Streets - first shown in 1967. A movie about the 14 year old vote and a Dictatorial President retiring people at 35.
Could anything scream out more loudly LATE 1960's?
Could anything scream out more loudly LATE 1960's?
Should The NFL adopt an 18 Game Regular Season?
This would, as the discussions have been put forth, mean a reduction of the Pre- Season to 2 games. The concerns over concussions issues have derailed this idea at present.
Would you like to see an 18 game season? People say this is an inevitability- it will be the status-quo eventually!
What I find interesting is that there seems to be two strong ideas that are at war among NFL fans at present. It seems to be " We need to make the game safer for the players" versus " They are turning the sport into either The National Flag Football or The National Touch Football League."
Would you like to see an 18 game season? People say this is an inevitability- it will be the status-quo eventually!
What I find interesting is that there seems to be two strong ideas that are at war among NFL fans at present. It seems to be " We need to make the game safer for the players" versus " They are turning the sport into either The National Flag Football or The National Touch Football League."
Teachers help develop a life long....
love of learning. Any teacher can get you to pay attention to them, to some extent, today! The most superb teachers have you remember and treasure what they say and do decades later!
Patience is the breaking system that
will keep you from " wrecking yourself" if you are wise enough to be guided by it .
If you think that nothing old is worth honoring ...
in 2012 ! Consider that Rock music is nearing the celebration of its' SIXTIETH birthday !
Hope Springs Eternal
Do Rookies cure the doubts and misery of the most harden, cynical and long suffering fans? Well, If you are in The Nation's Capital just mention the names , "Bryce Harper" and " Robert Griffin The Third" .
Foolishness is insisting that you are right...
when even your own instincts are loudly telling you " I really think you ought to reconsider what you are saying and doing!"
Thinking clearly
I need to decide what works best for me and what will clearly help me to become, in a sustained manner, the best person that I can be.
I know that I can make PROGRESS.
Remember, There is a major difference between " I am stopped !" and " I am slowing down and going over some UNanticipated speed bumps but I'm still moving forward."
Baseball will always be my sport !
Baseball was my refuge and my solace as a youth. Baseball has been very good to me!
Being your own best ...
friend and living in a way that shows that you are help to show others that you'd be a great person to become their best friend!
Being inside in Early August is not ...
my will or choice. Then again, I've oft been told, " If you want God to laugh, Tell Him of your plans ! "
If you think that making friends is not a needful...
priority, Then, Please do not ask " Where is everyone?" when you feel the weight and burden of being alone and lonely!
Creativity is a great joy,
Being creative is a great way to entertain and well and properly satisfying yourself !
" I must always be happy ,well-cared for, catered to and considered as MOST Important to everyone I know! What I want needs to be everyone's priority! You must cater to me, agree with me and think ill of anyone who makes life difficult, in any way, for me.
Making me happy should give you great pleasure. I am first in your life,as, of course, I should be, As long as I am happy, All is going as it ought to be. Yes, of course, I am, THIS important!"
Making me happy should give you great pleasure. I am first in your life,as, of course, I should be, As long as I am happy, All is going as it ought to be. Yes, of course, I am, THIS important!"
Sometimes, Slowing Down ...
allows you to see what you'd usually miss or just not see as fully as you are are capable of doing!
If I trusted more, I'd live more boldly! Lord, Please increase my faith and my capacity to trust in and rely upon yourself!
Self- Care
Loving yourself is best tested when you are really cranky or anxious. Do you care enough to encourage yourself to change your focus to that which will have you thinking more positively and with empowerment?
Gratitude is a muscle
that is good to strain. This is a muscle that makes life better the more it is utilized!
I hate being sick...
Yet, Tell it to go away is silly and absurd. Somethings need to be allowed whether they are on the schedule or not! LOL!!!!!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Taking a very deep breath ...
before you say the next word or take the next action is a good way to live wisely!
You better off ALWAYS
to go along with what is than to make assumptions of others that are based on truly nothing.
Some days are not fun and wonderful ...
but it does still serve as a proper brick in building your character!
Kal- El and Bruce Wayne
Would you rather have a hero who seeks to resolve and heal or one who is an instrument of vengeance?
The day that may be chewing you up presently
is ,second by second, exiting. Do you really want to grant it as much power over you as you are doing at this moment!?
The error of being too taken by Nostalgia
No matter how good the past looks you cannot reside there again.
The Boy who survived The Bronx is not.....
a wimp. You do yourself wrong if you convince yourself that you are unable to do what it is POSSIBLE for you to do!
Some days, like it or not,
You are the only one that you can rely upon. That means, like it or not, you'd BETTER be able to rely and depend upon you!
Rash words can be launched quickly
The damage they cause MAY take a long time to heal or may never heal.
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