Freedom works best when you use it to express yourself as well as you know how to do so. Freedom also serves as a way to encourage others to express themselves fully and comprehensively. one upon a time, I'd stop pushing myself and too easily let noble, character stretching and soul and spirit empowering ventures die. I was a loser for doing such and, for too many years, lived the life of a soulless and broken loser!
This year, I've become a much bolder and more dynamic and more stirring Public Speaker. I served as a Toastmasters Division Governor. I've exercised more, traveled to Mexico to help improve a school and I've prayed a good bit.
I've also been making some extra money as a Tutor since August. I think the key to my being bolder, more confident, more determined and tenacious started when I wrote the first of the blogs 14 months and 2 days ago.
I would have thought that I'd write 50 or MAYBE a HUNDRED blog entries- I would have never, never, never imagined that I'd write 1,00O!!!!!! Blog Entries in far less than two years.
I have no intention of stopping- so the push to continue to become a more passionate, eloquent, daring and impressive communicator as both a writer AND a speaker continues on!
- Johnny -
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