I've known, in the interest of being candid, real and vulnerable, that I'd be writing THIS particular blog entry. I can delay writing it no longer. This is my 1,095TH entry on My Blog. That is the equivalent of THREE YEARS of blogging in less than 15 months. This also seems that it MUST be a Christmas Day Blog.
This blog will also allow me to discuss an issue that is tearing at my heart and soul. I am a loyal American who has a life long love affair with the land of his birth. I cannot, presently,,imagine leaving this nation no matter how bad conditions ever get there. I also believe it is right and just for the United States to rigorously and zealously enforce its' borders. i also believe it is undeniably a crime to enter the United States, illegally without the official permission of Our Government. Living and Working in the United States when you are not legally permitted to be here is a further act of violating the laws of the United States.
I know that the stance of others who do not see things as I do say that this is a matter for The Federal Government to deal with and no state or locality really has any business establishing policy that create a separate immigration policy or law of their own. The argument is then- Whether they should be hear or not or whether you think it is appropriate or inappropriate or not that they are members of the community and are neighbors, that they SIMPLY ARE members of our community and our neighbors. Therefore, While others deal with the larger issues, It is best for us to be kind, supportive, generous, gracious, supportive and just plain neighborly to ALL who are our neighbors.
I actually hear others say that their dissent to that is to not engage positively with those who they believe are not here legally. In effect their protest is, " YOU do not belong here and I feel no desire to be helpful to you. If you can't cope here, then perhaps you will leave."
I have, at times, given into this impulse. Yet, How do I know who is , individually, here legally and who is not. I find that this behavior starts to train you to be rude, callous, uncaring and insensitive. That is just truly unacceptable. I have also been asked what is Christ-like about that response to people you believe to be present in the US illegally.
My Church, Grace Community Church, supports a ministry to the residents of a largely Hispanic community that is in an area Called Arlandria. It is in a section of Alexandria, VA that borders Arlington. It is likely that many of the people served by this ministry , Casa Chirilagua, does serve people who are not legally living in the US. One story is told about a woman, illegally present in the US, who was working for a Dry Cleaners. This man paid her lower than minimum wage and worked her too many hours. He told her that he's report her if she ever created problems for him.
She mentioned that to a Chrilagua Volunteer. This person knew someone who'd been involved in the administration of George W. Bush, This person did some research on the store owner. He learned that he was not paying her any benefits and was paying mot one sent in payroll taxes. The attorney visited the owner and asked him to properly pay his employee and have her work an appropriate schedule. He threatened to report her to ICE. The attorney said that he'd then need to report him to The IRS and the Department of Labor. The two men came to an agreement- this woman is now being dealt with properly and the taxes that need to be paid are being paid.
I'm in the midst of a program where I'm working to learn who I really am and what I'm capable of accomplishing. I want to learn what I who capable of being at my best. I want to be able to benefit others, to be freed enough to care well and to serve well!
I've been urged to invest some time in the work of Casa Chrililagua. I'm a good teacher and tutor and seem to have a good impact upon children and youth. I've balked against doing that. I've raised my argument against doing a great deal for people who are violating US law. I've lately been struck by something I was told.- " Do you believe children should be punished if their parents commit a crime?"The children who were brought to the US or born in the US have broken no law. I've tried to argue that they are paying for the consequences of the actions of their parents. Yet, Being an abused child, I know I don't like thinking that way. Knowing that my own father was illegally living in The US for years and seemed to use the US while telling me what a terrible country the US is comes back to my way of thinking. I think that is wrong but I am not him. These children are not their parents or grand parents.
I'm still not decided as to whether I will get involved in Chrilagua. Yet, It is much harder for me to disdain or disparage it.
- Johnny-
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