course -
It took 3 people and my explaining what I wanted - in detail to buy a cup of coffee at an Arby's.
I waited in line a good amount of time while someone engaged in a detailed and convoluted explanation to get a price lowered. She was ahead of me on line at a Shoppers..
I nearly took a header while checking an order at a Game Spot, because someone pulled their wheelchair too close to me.
I know that there are many reasopns why I live where I love- affordability being the prime one. I also know that people are making adjustments to situations and circumstances that they find strange, bizarre and bewildering!
My Question - How Do I best deal with the anxiety and angst that these circumstances trigger within me?
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Monday, July 30, 2012
God created us
then He blesses us by allowing us to become and to serve as a co-author in how that life comes to be individually be defined!
It is said that people who are struggling and ...
floundering cannot possibly be of any help , assistance and benefit to others? Do you see this as a truism?
A Pepsi Cola distributor went bankrupt?
Just heard about that during a radio discussion. I would think Pepsi is license to print money.
If you are bored, Then you are boring.
Boredom is said to be not about others or circumstances, it is said to be about how we see life and operate within it, Do you concur with this?
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Provocation and Offense
Americans, per se, have developed, a jaundiced and negative opinion of political correctness. We are not thrilled and rather resistant towards watching what we say in order to not, in any noticeable way, offend , antagonize or affront others.
Yet, Our actions are still HYPER PC when it comes to dealing with criminal and clearly disruptive and harmful anti-social behaviors! We are still far more inclined to find reasons to understand, justify and find tolerable actions that merit no such reaction.
I believe no matter what you social or spiritual beliefs that nothing trumps truth and clear reality. I believe that "All actions have consequences, positive or negative, connected to them" is a basic and undeniable truth. When we do not get in the way of a pe4rson dealing with the full, unvarnished and unfiltered consequences o0f their action, Wee allow people to be inspired and motivated to stop, reform and change!
This way of living would be a true blessing , beyond any doubt or questionni9ng to every individual one of us!
- Johnny-
Yet, Our actions are still HYPER PC when it comes to dealing with criminal and clearly disruptive and harmful anti-social behaviors! We are still far more inclined to find reasons to understand, justify and find tolerable actions that merit no such reaction.
I believe no matter what you social or spiritual beliefs that nothing trumps truth and clear reality. I believe that "All actions have consequences, positive or negative, connected to them" is a basic and undeniable truth. When we do not get in the way of a pe4rson dealing with the full, unvarnished and unfiltered consequences o0f their action, Wee allow people to be inspired and motivated to stop, reform and change!
This way of living would be a true blessing , beyond any doubt or questionni9ng to every individual one of us!
- Johnny-
Monday, July 23, 2012
My Favorite Topic to discuss with children and
youth. Spend many hours learning who you are. Find out what you do well and what you struggle with! Learn what inspires you and moves and motivates you and precisely why it does. Learn what drain and frustates you and why it does.
Explore your hopes and dreams thoroughly. Dicsucss them with others, write about them, dream about them, prize them. Seek to find out what you are like at your very best.
Then resolve that you will always seek to be fully and absolutely you at your best every second that it is possible for you to be that!
Explore your hopes and dreams thoroughly. Dicsucss them with others, write about them, dream about them, prize them. Seek to find out what you are like at your very best.
Then resolve that you will always seek to be fully and absolutely you at your best every second that it is possible for you to be that!
I do smile and joke quite often
I can appreciate quality and I do have perspective. I just feel weighed down, rather often by pettiness, people who don't know when to stop pushing a point and just common dullness!
I feel trapped and confused
Is it wrong for me to find my current life to be frustrating, exhausting, exasperating and a mess.? I really want to be much better, do much better , achieve and accomplish much more and just be more the type of life I can more easily appreciate and delight in?
Does this mean that I'm a discontented and whiny malcontent? I've been accused of being just that! I am at a true and profound loss to know how to respond to this!
Does this mean that I'm a discontented and whiny malcontent? I've been accused of being just that! I am at a true and profound loss to know how to respond to this!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Terror strikes again
There will be much opining about gun laws after the horror of the shootings at a premiere of The New Batman movie in a Colorado theatre.
Yet, You wonder how much alienation distance and " I can'y get anyone who will " truly listen to me, care about me and offer a way to either deal with the saituation or how I am dealing with and processing the situation."
Not dealing with thje individual, trying to decide what will best help groups of people. Is it time, truly, for a NATIONAL paradigm shift?
Yet, You wonder how much alienation distance and " I can'y get anyone who will " truly listen to me, care about me and offer a way to either deal with the saituation or how I am dealing with and processing the situation."
Not dealing with thje individual, trying to decide what will best help groups of people. Is it time, truly, for a NATIONAL paradigm shift?
I've now reached 600 posts
for the Year 2012. An active July has really help to set aside a great deal of malaise that affected me for 2 months - April- through June of this year.
It does feel very satisfying to be wriring a great deal again.
It does feel very satisfying to be wriring a great deal again.
It is hard to predict any day in advance
I was frustrated on Wednesday and picked at my teeth rather than waiting to brush them when it got home. I'm prone to gum irritation but hadn't been afflicted by it for a good while.
It did it me harshly- I think that the fact that I was very anxious on Wednesday also made me MORE prone to it. I dis then try to push through my schedule, yesterday. Not wise.
I rested today- I needed to. I slept a lot! I'm much better- but not fully back yet
It did it me harshly- I think that the fact that I was very anxious on Wednesday also made me MORE prone to it. I dis then try to push through my schedule, yesterday. Not wise.
I rested today- I needed to. I slept a lot! I'm much better- but not fully back yet
A Day that will be remembered and celebrated
for unaccountable years.
Niel Armstrong, then 38 years old from Wapakeneta Ohio, became the first human to set foot on somewhere other than else.Our Mother Earth.
The Eagle Lunar Module landed on the Sea of Tranquility at 16:32: 32 Sunday, July 20TH. , 1969. The astronauts on board were Neal Armstrong And Edwin " Buzz" Aldrin. Aldrin's legal first name is now Buzz.
A little over 6 full hours later, Neil Armstrong spoke those awaited first words " That's one small step for a man, One giant leap for mankind."
43 years later. That still kindles a " wow" with in me !
Niel Armstrong, then 38 years old from Wapakeneta Ohio, became the first human to set foot on somewhere other than else.Our Mother Earth.
The Eagle Lunar Module landed on the Sea of Tranquility at 16:32: 32 Sunday, July 20TH. , 1969. The astronauts on board were Neal Armstrong And Edwin " Buzz" Aldrin. Aldrin's legal first name is now Buzz.
A little over 6 full hours later, Neil Armstrong spoke those awaited first words " That's one small step for a man, One giant leap for mankind."
43 years later. That still kindles a " wow" with in me !
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Notes from Reality .
I was listening to some homeless men earlier today talking about some people they know very well who are destroying themselves by their selected behaviors! Theses mean seem to truly get what needs to be done for people who seem to be mired in a lack of progress and helpful initiative ,. " They know they are messing up and making their lives worse. They need to stop, decide to change, act to change and start living much better."
Why is it the county, state and federal social support system resist so mightily adopting this message. It does seem that more and more people who are receiving services are getting and embracing that " This is the way things need to be done!"
Why is it the county, state and federal social support system resist so mightily adopting this message. It does seem that more and more people who are receiving services are getting and embracing that " This is the way things need to be done!"
Intimidation gets better service
The Greater Washington DC Transportation System has a special list of Handicap Advocates and well - connected handicapped people who must be given the best quality of service- including door to door transportation.
Metro is saying " We can not afford to deal with the consequences if these customers are displeased by our service."
Sounds obnoxious, high- handed and cynical to me! Shouldn't Metro seek to please and well-satisfy all of its' patrons? Shouldn't Metro be fearful of and wish to avoid the expressed displeasure of each of its' individual riders?
Metro- The more I do not use it- the happier I am and the more I enjoy my day!
- Johnny-
Metro is saying " We can not afford to deal with the consequences if these customers are displeased by our service."
Sounds obnoxious, high- handed and cynical to me! Shouldn't Metro seek to please and well-satisfy all of its' patrons? Shouldn't Metro be fearful of and wish to avoid the expressed displeasure of each of its' individual riders?
Metro- The more I do not use it- the happier I am and the more I enjoy my day!
- Johnny-
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Today will never occur again
It is good to rejoice over being a part of and an actor within this day!
My ego and sensitivity have sabotaged my life...
in times past. I must guard, especially In Toastmasters, against having that occur in these present days !
I'm learning to appreciate listening to Praise and...
Worship music on line. I'm glad that I found KLOVE.
Another 100 Degree Day in Greater DC.
Sorry, I'm still not on the Global Warming Bandwagon. Weather and Climate are still true mysteries to us. No one has any true idea, as an example, what a typical day in what is now Virginia was like 1,000 years ago!
An Idea for a New Toastmasters Club
I'd like to start a new club with the intention of training and educating Toastmaster as to how to compete more skillfully, boldly and effectively in Toastmaster Speech Competitions.
I've actually been singing outloud a LOT of late
Barry Manilow, Carly Simon Jon McLaughlin and Jon Mayer songs have been my tunes of choice to sing.
My old enemy, gum irritation, has flared up tonight.
OWIE! Yes, I am a B!A!B!Y! when it comes to pain and discomfort.I'm in a good bit of discomfort from that- but this has been a First Class Wednesday night! Thank goodness for Orajel!
The Johnnyverse is a Baseball Paradise this July!
Bryce Harper! Steven Strasbourg! Let's go Nationals and then of course- THE! YANKEES!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The Nats beat The Mets tonight.
It was a fun game to listen to at the end and a satisfying win. I love to defeat the Mets - Always will I enjoy doing such!
I do struggle too much, think things through too ..
much and worry too much. None of that works well for me. Not one aspect of any of that does at all well by me!
My discipline IS paying off.!!!
I've lost weight since the very end of April. It is really starting to become noticeable now!
Beware of shrinking your world to ....
too small a size. You may find that is so smalll and confining that it is suffocating you!
I need to trust more
I trust only a very small circle of people. If I'm bluntly honest, I only believe that a very few people are worthy of having any confidence in.
Won as a part of a Trivia Team Tonight.
That felt great. It was great to be out and about locally tonight.
Panic is giving in to
a lack of confidence and believing that disasrer shall be the natural course of events. This is not true ! Please be wise and realistic today, Johnny.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Tumbling Down Economics!
People who feel that the floor has fallen down on them, that they are not as well-off as they once were and that things just keep steadily getting worse can be a trial to deal with. They can be quite bitter about life and not treat others very well at all!
How do you deal with such individuals? as you struggle during these tough times, How do you make sure that the struggles are not acting to turn you into a harsh and embittered person?
How do you deal with such individuals? as you struggle during these tough times, How do you make sure that the struggles are not acting to turn you into a harsh and embittered person?
I'm not good at negotiating ...
and compromising. Yet, I guess it is now time that I learn to improve upon how I perform those vital skills.
I know the IMPORTANT Blogs have Millions of....
hits but I do like that Mine is now securely into the low FIVE FIGURES !
is a burden when you try to bring it to those who want to fit it into their schedules and allow for it ONLY!!!!! it if it proves itself to be easy to cope with and convenient!
A Strange Gift
While waiting on line at the Starbucks at The Ballston Commons Mall in Arlington, Virginia. I checked with Chic-Fil- A and they had to identify who the card might have either been purchased by or belonged to. No one reported losing the card at Starbucks
The Manager of the Chic- Fil- A told me to keep the card. I bought a milkskake with that card.
I was told that I was weird - that it was bizarre to try to locate the card's owner. What do you think?
The Manager of the Chic- Fil- A told me to keep the card. I bought a milkskake with that card.
I was told that I was weird - that it was bizarre to try to locate the card's owner. What do you think?
Thursday, July 12, 2012
The Best
Fighting for the best can be exhausting and training it. You can always sleep the sleep of the dedicated when you will travel any distance though any peril to obtain it!
I know I can bestir myself
to being effective , excellent and willing to do my bes!> I need to stop trying to be absurdly cautious.
The Fall Of The Paterno Legend
There are problems when you decide what I have now must be shielded no matte what. Joe, You did anything but gave us reason to be proud of those actions of by-gone action. What IS your legend worth now, Coach Paterno ?
I'm glad Friday is just hours away.
I need a good weekend to refresh, relax, reorient, renew and more positively reconstruct myself!
I feel strong and that I am regaining my
way tonight. I really an seeing a path to progress, a sustainable possible hope and a more positive future!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
One way to live a better future
is to remind yourself that you owe to yourself to not repeat the mistakes, misjudgments and errors of your past!
Respect will often be denied ...
unless you are willing to live in a manner that indicates that you DO respect yourself!
This is a good day
Today, I have truly accomplished beneficial things and lived with passion and purpose!
Living in my own skin ...
is becoming a much better place to live at present. I'm taking actions to make living within my own skin a truly desirable residence of choice.
This are not easy days to navigate through.!
I do believe that I'm waging a war to be me as I should be. Maintaining a people pleasing false construct is just no longer palatable to me as I type this!!
Being true to your quest can
be very perilous, arduous and painful. However, It does restore a gleam to your eye , a sureness in your speech and lets you sleep more peacefully and restfully at night.
You cannot WITH INTEGRITY apply group solutions...
to individuals and really and honestly tell that individual that his or her hopes, dreams and desires matter to you at all!
A Great Tutoring session today
Very empowering and healing. I was a very effective tutor and teacher this Wednesday.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
My Boldness and My Mojo are back.
My writings prove this to be so. I need to get them back,now BOTH as a Public Speaker and as a TEACHER !
100 Blogs in 10 Days
This is number 100 of that project. When my spirit isw low and I feel broken and lost, My Blog wriying dries up.
This has been a tough and discouraging week. Yes, I'm choosing not to grovel and crawl though this week and this day!
I'm choosing RIGHT now to be me at my best! Johnny, at his best at, his optimum, IS a fighter, survivor, overcomer and thriver!
Oh Yes, I !!!!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! AM!!!!!
- Johnny-
This has been a tough and discouraging week. Yes, I'm choosing not to grovel and crawl though this week and this day!
I'm choosing RIGHT now to be me at my best! Johnny, at his best at, his optimum, IS a fighter, survivor, overcomer and thriver!
Oh Yes, I !!!!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! AM!!!!!
- Johnny-
I want an inspring and confident America Back!
I don't want to hear one more person lecture me on this land's failures. I don't want to hear one more speech or read one more editorial about how we have to settle for a lesser, more humble and more " realistic nation"
I want a President that will inspire us to colonize the moon and put men and women on Mars. I want a President who can create a genuine vision for empowerment and accomplishment , one like John Fitzgearld Kennedy or Ronald Wilson Reagan.
We don't need any more Richard Nixons or Lyndon Baines Johnsons in the White House. This, of course is easy to type. We need not one more cynical opportunist and manipulatot to rule this land. The current incarnation of Jimmy Carter that lives at Sixteen Hundred Pennsylvania profits America naught. He is an embarrassment to the Great Nation he governs. We do need TRUE HOPE and INTELLIGENT Systemic Change to be seen in our nation. We also need someone who will bring them to pass and not make such noble concepts comtemptible by using them as props and truly as no morte than the most hollow and obviously light and transient campaign banter!
I want a bold and dynamically and reliably daring Field of Dreams land to be restored. I long for an America that once again causes The Adolf Hitlers and Josef Stalins to lie awake in fear each night. I believe that those alive today who wish people to fear and grovel before them need to be made to fear the retaliation they will face should they dare to impose and foist their terroristic nightmares upon others I want an America that is excited about what we are doing now and that once again believes that we can bring about so much new splendor and wonder for ourselves, our posterity and to thwe benefit of all who live on this planet
If this offend you, I'll have to live with this. Some truths nmeed to be spoken no matter who may take umbridge to them!
- Johnny-
I want a President that will inspire us to colonize the moon and put men and women on Mars. I want a President who can create a genuine vision for empowerment and accomplishment , one like John Fitzgearld Kennedy or Ronald Wilson Reagan.
We don't need any more Richard Nixons or Lyndon Baines Johnsons in the White House. This, of course is easy to type. We need not one more cynical opportunist and manipulatot to rule this land. The current incarnation of Jimmy Carter that lives at Sixteen Hundred Pennsylvania profits America naught. He is an embarrassment to the Great Nation he governs. We do need TRUE HOPE and INTELLIGENT Systemic Change to be seen in our nation. We also need someone who will bring them to pass and not make such noble concepts comtemptible by using them as props and truly as no morte than the most hollow and obviously light and transient campaign banter!
I want a bold and dynamically and reliably daring Field of Dreams land to be restored. I long for an America that once again causes The Adolf Hitlers and Josef Stalins to lie awake in fear each night. I believe that those alive today who wish people to fear and grovel before them need to be made to fear the retaliation they will face should they dare to impose and foist their terroristic nightmares upon others I want an America that is excited about what we are doing now and that once again believes that we can bring about so much new splendor and wonder for ourselves, our posterity and to thwe benefit of all who live on this planet
If this offend you, I'll have to live with this. Some truths nmeed to be spoken no matter who may take umbridge to them!
- Johnny-
Some song lyrics paint amazing and tender word pictures
This song was a hit in EARLY 1972. It was a hit for a group called Climax. The lead singer, Sonny Geraci, really frames this song gorgeously. It is a tender song that truly nurtures the mind , spirit, soul and even the mind.
The images in stirs up inspires the mind to play enthusiastically with what it is hearing to create a mental video yo accompany this tender tune!
This song never fails to cause me to yearn for love while it ALSO inspires me to also fall in love with imagination and creativity itself!
- Johnny -
The images in stirs up inspires the mind to play enthusiastically with what it is hearing to create a mental video yo accompany this tender tune!
This song never fails to cause me to yearn for love while it ALSO inspires me to also fall in love with imagination and creativity itself!
- Johnny -
Petulant Anger does not suit me well.
It is not at all helpful and it is truly sabotaging and beneath me. Time takes time, some processes simply need to be seen through to their end. One does not always get to decide how much effort and time will need to be extended until that end properly arrives.
Johnny, Take a DEEP Breathe. Practice true and genuine mature patience and learn to trust, to do all that needs to be done and cooperate!
Johnny, Take a DEEP Breathe. Practice true and genuine mature patience and learn to trust, to do all that needs to be done and cooperate!
Monday, July 9, 2012
All does not have to being going well or
smoothly for me to be doing well and for all to be just as it should be!
Blogging is Healing.
I , like all people, am only as sick as my secrets. Frequent and active bloggers are NOT people who are usually able to hide very much! L!!!! O!!!! L!!!
I need to be more ready to receive love!
It is clear that there are those who consider me rather lovable!
The Mickey Mantle Blog for 2012
My all time hero, Mickey Mantle, hit FIVE HUNDRED and Thirty Six Homeruns in his career. He played from 1951 to 1968. He played in Ten world Series. He was a Thrre Time MVP and Hit 18 World Series Home Runs. His Yankees won 7 World Championship.
This blog is for you, Mickey! This is my 536TH Blog for The Year 2012.
This blog is for you, Mickey! This is my 536TH Blog for The Year 2012.
A New Birth of Creativity
I do need to use my imagination more effectively and much more daringly. That will also make me more of an on-fire" leader, teacher and communicator.
I need to become more connected to people like Paul White and John Lesko who already are so thoroughly imbued with those talents!
I need to become more connected to people like Paul White and John Lesko who already are so thoroughly imbued with those talents!
Life isn't My story
So, Why does it bother me, far too often, when things that I am involved ii aren't all about me. Then, I even want them to be all about me ONLY in a positive sense. That is so pathetic.
An Improved response to jarring and unwanted news.
My medicaid dispute with Fairfax County , Virginia become more complex today. They are asking for information that I do not have and cannot and will not fake. That will not happen.
I need to decide if I should try to asset my independence. I am feeling the pain of the loss of 300 dollars from my SSI/ Disability check for last month. I will also see the loss of 100 dollars a month from each check on an on-going basis at present.
I am considering now Medical Guinea Pig option. I also am wondering if I stop tutoring. Tutoring seems to have provoked this current impasse. Do I shrug off the loss and do more tutoring to make up the loss and to, eventually do much better for myself. I can earn up to 1400 Dollars a month and have up to 2K in the bank. None of those statuses are true of my present financial condition, as I type this!
My goal was to slowly build and to rid myself of support while using the " safety net" to allow me to gain the independence that I believe is the right way for me to live on an on-going basis!
I do believe our nation should encourage those on assistance to do all that they can to better their lives and improve the quality of their lives and their living as they progress to become steadily more self-reliant, secure and truly less needy and more free.
Is this a pipe dream. Is this a fight that will do massive harm and little good . Is this the classic Pyrrhic victory. Is this the classic fight for principle that leaves one broken battered and hopeless cripple ? I don't know. I just do not know as I type this blog entrt. If you have any wise counsel, I am willing to listen !
- Johnny-
I need to decide if I should try to asset my independence. I am feeling the pain of the loss of 300 dollars from my SSI/ Disability check for last month. I will also see the loss of 100 dollars a month from each check on an on-going basis at present.
I am considering now Medical Guinea Pig option. I also am wondering if I stop tutoring. Tutoring seems to have provoked this current impasse. Do I shrug off the loss and do more tutoring to make up the loss and to, eventually do much better for myself. I can earn up to 1400 Dollars a month and have up to 2K in the bank. None of those statuses are true of my present financial condition, as I type this!
My goal was to slowly build and to rid myself of support while using the " safety net" to allow me to gain the independence that I believe is the right way for me to live on an on-going basis!
I do believe our nation should encourage those on assistance to do all that they can to better their lives and improve the quality of their lives and their living as they progress to become steadily more self-reliant, secure and truly less needy and more free.
Is this a pipe dream. Is this a fight that will do massive harm and little good . Is this the classic Pyrrhic victory. Is this the classic fight for principle that leaves one broken battered and hopeless cripple ? I don't know. I just do not know as I type this blog entrt. If you have any wise counsel, I am willing to listen !
- Johnny-
I love sports radio
It really is a mixture of everything that can be said about daily life with a veneer of sports covering it.
Freedom of Expression
Only when a man or woman feels free to express what he or she truly holds to be true and significant is he or she fully and beyond any doubt or question, free!
Does anyone here still ENJOY playing board games?
Or, Are Board games now SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!! 20TH Century ?
God is Good!
Thank you for creativity and kindness and allowing me to reach beyond myself. You are a kind and thorough healer., Lord Jesus !
Is every" Day at The Beach" truly a splendid day in paradise? Would anyone like to talk about - too cramped,. too crowded, not well maintained, too tiny, too rocky or too " anti paradise" beaches?
Some people live at those locations 365/366 days a year. Do you know any people who live in those communities who are not at all " in love" with where they live?
- Johnny -
Some people live at those locations 365/366 days a year. Do you know any people who live in those communities who are not at all " in love" with where they live?
- Johnny -
Simply resting and being at ease.
I struggle mightily and arduously with - dialing it down a notch, relaxing, slowing down, being less tense and being ' Obviously chilled out" for even brief periods of time!
How skilled and effective are you at truly being " chilled out, at rest and at ease"?
How skilled and effective are you at truly being " chilled out, at rest and at ease"?
Talkin ' bout My Favorite Baseball Teams
The Yankees and- The Every one's New Favorite Trendy Fawned Over and " Cute Team" The Washington Nationals are lording it over the rest of Baseball1
Halleujah !!!!!!
Halleujah !!!!!!
July- The living does seem easier.
Even those who seems constantly, fanatically and intensely and rabidly busy seem to dial it back- a tad- during the SEVENTH month of the Year.
Let's here it for July!
Let's here it for July!
When you are very angry and ready to "immediately launch"...
Do you find that the person who you are lashing out at is being made to suffer for what someone else did to you minutes, days, hours, weeks, months, years or even ----- gasp------ decades ago.
I won't blithely say that dealing with anger s easy- It has and still is an arduous struggle that I'm currently engaged in Yet, If you can pause, take a deep breath and ask yourself, " Why am I angry Right now? Am I really offended by the person that I am just about to unleash upon. If not, Why not stop, decide to be kind and let me not make this moment worse ?"
It is one small step, that I will grant. However, It could make your day better and not add to the trouble and woes of the person/ persons that you are about to nuke!
- Johnny-
I won't blithely say that dealing with anger s easy- It has and still is an arduous struggle that I'm currently engaged in Yet, If you can pause, take a deep breath and ask yourself, " Why am I angry Right now? Am I really offended by the person that I am just about to unleash upon. If not, Why not stop, decide to be kind and let me not make this moment worse ?"
It is one small step, that I will grant. However, It could make your day better and not add to the trouble and woes of the person/ persons that you are about to nuke!
- Johnny-
Practice the peace today
that you want to have around you no matter where you are and who you are with. It is not easy to do but it is ACTUALLY possible to do!
Education in 2012- 2013 and Your !!! Child .
When the First day of school arrives for the 2012-2013 School Year- A Note To Harried Parents- It will arrive.
What do you want your child to experience that day? What do you want the school to look like and project to your girl or boy?
What do you want the principal to them about the new year? What vision do you want he or she to offer in those first minutes and hours?
What do you want their NEW classroom to look like? How do you want your child to be met at the door as he or she first enters? What are the first words you want this teacher on DAY ONE to tell your child?
- Johnny-
What do you want your child to experience that day? What do you want the school to look like and project to your girl or boy?
What do you want the principal to them about the new year? What vision do you want he or she to offer in those first minutes and hours?
What do you want their NEW classroom to look like? How do you want your child to be met at the door as he or she first enters? What are the first words you want this teacher on DAY ONE to tell your child?
- Johnny-
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Don't ever doubt the kindness can kindle
love and romance. It isn't all about lust. People still wish to be valued as a whole, it is not good to reduce any individual to the status of being regarded, crassly and vulgarly, as a mere parts department.
Tomorrow, I will be quick to be avaiable ti...
listen , to support and to be there to be counted on and upon.
Believe that beauty is possible
and that bibility lives and you can create a sense of honor and purpose that will be impressively inspiring.
I am grateful today.
I am learning that there is incredible value, if I will stop looking to be greedy, in what I have and who I am blessed to know.
It is good and right to say " Thank You" and enjoy.
- Johnny -
It is good and right to say " Thank You" and enjoy.
- Johnny -
Friday, July 6, 2012
I need to be of service more.
AA is right indeed - One way to quiet the imperious and insatiable urges is to be of service to your fellows.
Panic is the brain freaking out because fate...
is not doing its bidding . Fate seems to always win that contest.
Trust and Doing The Next Right Thing
allows anyone willing to follow that path to grow stronger and more able
I have been shruken too often by fear.
I have let it shrink me, misshape me and negate me. Nothing can harm me as much as the harm that I do to myself when I refuse to live actively hopefully and resolutely
Bravery comes about when....
you believe that someone and/ or someone is worth commitment and sacrifice and then you live out that belief.
It was very hot and draining today.
I pushed on forward and had a really marvelous day in spite of it.
Does any one owe me or
any of us an income. Does any American need to be supported if they do nothing or far less than they really are able to do to sustain themselves?
Thursday, July 5, 2012
I'm learning to push myself
more and more physically. Little increments past establishing noems lead to great advances and a greater sense of vigor and aliveness!
The Treasury of The Spirit...
is greatly increased by believing in the best and searching for it tirelessly!
101 Degrees predicted for the morrow......
July Sixth, Just get out in it, and strive to be the best you can be. You don';t get stronger in easy, uneventful and non-trying situations.
Be Strong as Friday arrives.
Believe in what you can accomplish, Johnny, many seem to believe in what you are capable of accomplishing.
This day has been good.
Being with me and being productive and positive is a mighty and effective elixir to my spirit and attitude!
I am learning- in a growingly intense way - that ...
being me is so exciting for this is the only way to be benuine and most powerfully touch the lives of others!
I'm Freer today.
Freedom means that you press beyond might be horrors and deal properly and authentically with what is
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Be of service- Become independent and ...
ready to care for yourself. This is the great and harsh tension facing today's children on this 233rd Independence Day in Our US.
Children are drawn into so many causes and really told that it would be cruel, selfish and petty not to embrace and be involved in these causes. They are told also that they must be ready to give their all for any and everyone. It isn't theirs to judge, question wonder and evaluate- when the cry goes up for help anywhere for any reason- be there and be committed to doing your ALL!
Then, There are many who want young peoplke to be tough and independent. That to build their lives well and successfully they must turn down assistance and decide wisely who is worthy and unworthy
That is a lot to put upon our children. What is the best way to wisely guide them through as they navigate these tensions!
- Johnny-
Children are drawn into so many causes and really told that it would be cruel, selfish and petty not to embrace and be involved in these causes. They are told also that they must be ready to give their all for any and everyone. It isn't theirs to judge, question wonder and evaluate- when the cry goes up for help anywhere for any reason- be there and be committed to doing your ALL!
Then, There are many who want young peoplke to be tough and independent. That to build their lives well and successfully they must turn down assistance and decide wisely who is worthy and unworthy
That is a lot to put upon our children. What is the best way to wisely guide them through as they navigate these tensions!
- Johnny-
Listening to stories of The Early Republic
Through John Bachelor's interviews is a splendid way to finish off a Fourth of July.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
The Internet and Honor
Why lie and create panic to trick people into using your services? That is truly distasteful and low!
The weather is hot, The storm was severe
However and Yet, The week has still proceeded on. LOL.!!!!!
I am blessed by good friends who
truly love me, are fond of me and who really delight in being with me.
Daily Exercise and Daily Singing and Worship
Two constants that have been there as a strength, a celebration of dedication and victory throughout the First 6 plus months of 2012.
I need to be less petulant and
more willing to wait and to trust. I need to be less obsessed on NOW!
Another Me, Myself and I Day.
One of the truths, sadly, of my being single and disconnected is being alone on special days . To me,The July Fourth is one of THOSE DAYS.
I really do not want to go to special activities by myself, particularly if I need to beg for a ride or depend upon Public Transportation on a Sunday Schedule. I just also don't wish to be thrown into a group of people and just be one of them. I also avoid events that I'm invited to when it is hard for me to be certain that I'm being invited there out of kindness and decency rather than knowing that he/ she they REALLY want me to be there!
So, I guess I need to ask and trust that if the person says " yes" and means it. Or develop closer friendship with people who have fewer obligations and CAN be more flexible and spontaneous or wait until i'm again in a relationship.
Today, I have slept, worked on some Toastmaster projects, worked on This Blog and played a Table Top Baseball game and did the play by play!
I do better in enjoying and being comfortable with my own company. I just believe that I need to reduce the times when I must do as well as possible with my own company!
- Johnny-
I really do not want to go to special activities by myself, particularly if I need to beg for a ride or depend upon Public Transportation on a Sunday Schedule. I just also don't wish to be thrown into a group of people and just be one of them. I also avoid events that I'm invited to when it is hard for me to be certain that I'm being invited there out of kindness and decency rather than knowing that he/ she they REALLY want me to be there!
So, I guess I need to ask and trust that if the person says " yes" and means it. Or develop closer friendship with people who have fewer obligations and CAN be more flexible and spontaneous or wait until i'm again in a relationship.
Today, I have slept, worked on some Toastmaster projects, worked on This Blog and played a Table Top Baseball game and did the play by play!
I do better in enjoying and being comfortable with my own company. I just believe that I need to reduce the times when I must do as well as possible with my own company!
- Johnny-
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Metro is irresponsible
on top of other faults.. Ok, It is just something that we expect sadly, It bothers me that we are so sheepish.
Listening to a discussion on hunting
I csa''t imagine myself ever hunting- never mind hunting comfortably.
Monday, July 2, 2012
I love Fresh Radio
I'm listening to John Bachelor on ABC Radio out of NYC. He is describing in detail the history of the creation of theb territories and states od Wyoming and Montana.
As a life long East Coast Big City person, I find it hard to visualize those states. Thanks to Bachelor's wit and brainy commentary ,I feel I've gotten a great test of The Mountain West.
As a life long East Coast Big City person, I find it hard to visualize those states. Thanks to Bachelor's wit and brainy commentary ,I feel I've gotten a great test of The Mountain West.
I need new and fresh in a MAJOR way!
I hope the second half of 2012 has such - in a delightful way- in store for me.
My First Day has President of VAST Toastmasters
A Good meeting and a strong start after fumbling as to whether to hold the meeting due to wide spreadv power problems in the DC Area.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
The Aftermath
The DC area may be struggling with power problems throughout this whole week due to the intense storms of Friday Night June 29th.
DC may be a getting a lesson that institutional denial often keeps us from getting.
DC may be a getting a lesson that institutional denial often keeps us from getting.
I am 57 and there is still a great amount of youthful outlook and energy within me. I think some people are off put by that. Yet, It is so me- in part an adaption and in part, I'm seeing more and more, The way I'm intended to be.
I've been focused a lot on change over the last TWELVE months- A lot of that has needed to be about figuring out who I truly am/
- Johnny-
I've been focused a lot on change over the last TWELVE months- A lot of that has needed to be about figuring out who I truly am/
- Johnny-
Peace again
It is good to be at peace and thinking soberly as to how to cope better and live better!
My Yankees are in First
This year many things have kept me from being tied to the season as I otherwise might- yet it is a thrill to see My Yankees playing masterfully in spite of injuries.
It is the decider. It is a reminder to ask others how they are doing and learn how to adapt and respond. It is amazing how intense lighting, rain and 70 mile an hour winds casn affect you emotionally and cause you to think differently!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
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