My medicaid dispute with Fairfax County , Virginia become more complex today. They are asking for information that I do not have and cannot and will not fake. That will not happen.
I need to decide if I should try to asset my independence. I am feeling the pain of the loss of 300 dollars from my SSI/ Disability check for last month. I will also see the loss of 100 dollars a month from each check on an on-going basis at present.
I am considering now Medical Guinea Pig option. I also am wondering if I stop tutoring. Tutoring seems to have provoked this current impasse. Do I shrug off the loss and do more tutoring to make up the loss and to, eventually do much better for myself. I can earn up to 1400 Dollars a month and have up to 2K in the bank. None of those statuses are true of my present financial condition, as I type this!
My goal was to slowly build and to rid myself of support while using the " safety net" to allow me to gain the independence that I believe is the right way for me to live on an on-going basis!
I do believe our nation should encourage those on assistance to do all that they can to better their lives and improve the quality of their lives and their living as they progress to become steadily more self-reliant, secure and truly less needy and more free.
Is this a pipe dream. Is this a fight that will do massive harm and little good . Is this the classic Pyrrhic victory. Is this the classic fight for principle that leaves one broken battered and hopeless cripple ? I don't know. I just do not know as I type this blog entrt. If you have any wise counsel, I am willing to listen !
- Johnny-
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