Each year , The period from Memorial Day To The Fourth of July is to me the most patriotic time of the whole year. As I view it, Memorial Day represents valor, dedication, commitment, sacrifice and devotion.
On The Fourth of July, We recognize the price of independence and freedom. We also are reminded of all of the promise that this country can help each individual to obtain I know that many people were limited in their abilities to access those in the early years of our nation. Yet, Reality has taught me that something that is right and good and proper being denied to you does not make that desire concept any less right, good or proper.
Due to continously dogged pursuit over 225 plus years. More and more American have come to live well as they experience the blessings of liberty.
If you'd really like to become inspired, Listen to a Fifth Dimension Song from The early 1970's - The Declaration. These great musicians set the Declaration of Independence to music. It is powerfully moving and inspiring.
- Johnny-
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