Brother Williaml D Amato and Hilda Wigder- Two Hero Teachers.
I met Brother William at the start of My Fifth Grade year at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic School. I was , very much, an intimidated and scared child at that point in my life!
Brother William learned quickly that I was thoroughly in love with history, This made me amazing to him as he taught history. I was eager to answer his questions. I wanted to know about reasons, strategies and possibilities- the " What If's" - the what were the options for things going differently.
He was the first teacher to value me! he urged classmates to become more like me- intellectually curious and hungry and prime to learn without ceasing
He actually gave me an old copy of a teacher's edition of the text book. He told me this would help me to understand why he taught history as he did. I felt honored, respected and valued!
Years later, I had Hilda Wigder as my 10 TH grade English Teacher. She was tough and demanding and I suffered as I was stretched. Yet, I saw that it was vital to think for myself and think things through carefully. This was revolutionary and exhilerating to me.
I believe that she helped me decide to go from The Bronx to Rural Western Maryland for my college years. I got to be a chaperone on two trip she arranged after my graduation from High School. One to Boston and another to Montreal. That also helped my view of Life and the world to expand.
Brother William and Miss Wigder- They helped this Lost in Spaced young man make sense of this strange world that he was residing upon!
- Johnny-
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