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Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Sunday that I do NOT want to depart!

Wow, An Amazing absorbing and FUN!!!! Sunday. Great church service, Amazing History Class and a most delightful picnic.

 I even played Volleyball today. I really do not WANT this day to end!!!!

- Johnny -

Thursday, April 26, 2012

April's Triumphs and Reasons to look forward to May 2012!

April has been a time of a lot of tension, anxiety and challenges. Yet, A new Computer, A New Modem, to be picked up on Monday, The 30th and TWO Division Wins in Toastmasters means that May will be fascinating. The Future looks MUCH better than the recent past has been.

 I just might become The First Evaluation Champion in The History of First Year Toastmaster District 29! A Win 7 days and a few hours beyond that would make me a First Time District International Speech Champion and would give me the chance to move on to competing in one of NINE International Semi- Finals In Orlando at The International Convention in August.

A Semi- Final win would mean ....

- Johnny -

Our Children and The Future

 What ideas are using to motivate and positively excite the imaginations of our children when it comes to their individual futures and the futures of our nation and planet?

 Are we planting the seeds for mega-changes that will allow them to transform the future into an image that we will be pleased and delighted with?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Cheers of April!

The Tears of April will not be shed by Hockey Fans in the Nations' Capital this late April. The Caps win game Seven against The Boston Bruins in Over time. The team with the oft- broken heart is a Heart Breaker THIS!!! April!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Serving as a Successful Tutor

 A 9 year old boy, who I serve as a tutor to, recieved an A plus on a book report that I worked with him on. His teacher, additionally, told him and his class that she was going to keep his book report as an example to show NEXT YEAR"S Third Graders of how to write an exceptional book report.

Wow, It seems that I've become sucessful as a tutor. I'd thought after all I've been through that my teaching skills have eroded. It seems that I can STILL be an effective instructor and motivator,

- Johnny -

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

VICTORY!!!!! - I won the Toastmasters District 27 Division F International Speech Contest

earlier tonight.

 This means that I've now qualified for District Level Competition for the SIXTEENTH!!!! time in my Toastmaster Career.

 I will be competing in District 29- Evaluation - and in District 27 - International Speech- next month.

I am exhilerated!

- Johnny -

Competition Tonight

 Tonight, I will be competing in the District 27 Division F International Speech Contest. I am confisent and I shall be ready! However, I'm also leery for truly YOU JUST NEVER KNOW, WITH ANY CERTAINTY, what the outcome of ANY contest will be until it is announced!

Monday, April 9, 2012

I do believe I can win The Division F International Speech Contest tomorrow...


 Now, I do need to " JUST DO IT".

You just don't like the behavior of your child's new boyfriend/ girlfriend.

 The behavior , bluntly, appalls and repulses you! Your child think his new gf/ bf is a "wow "and walks on water.

 Your family is planning a big annual family get together and your child wants you to invite him/ her to come. So, You... ???

Do you believe that Tiger behaved offensively this weekend?

 Was Tigers kicking of his clubs after a bad shot strike you as behavior that he should be penalized for?

Yesterday was a magnificent day!

Most fun and life- enhancing! A truly glorious Easter!

Verbal Gardens

are a life- stretching exercise. This is life- improving toil.

The Warrior for Truth and for The Finest Outcomes...

is often the one who stops only when it is totally impossible, physically, for he or she to do any more!

People CAN be so cruel ....

'Tis  so very true as the song writer once wrote, " They'll hurt you and desert you, They'll take your soul IF you let them."

  I find there are far more individuals than we like who can be described well by the words above. Yet, I find that there are Soul - Energizers and Spirit Liberators as well. People who take bruised, battered and afraid to be hurt souls and serve as physicians and counselors to them! People who are able to protect the embattled while making them strong and compelling! People who know that caterpillars will become butterflies in time , if they are given all the time they need to become a butterfly.

Heroes and Saints are titles that are well- bestowed upon the positive-provokers and genuine champions. They are the one who will do anything and everything to keep the militantly cruel and callous from triumphing.

As the song writer also stated, You don't let the  people- breaker gain a victory, You battle to keep them from being able to do so, or , as James Taylor sang, ,  " Oh, Don't you let them!"

- Johnny -

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The 8,000 Hit mark has now been surpassed.

 It seems likely that I will reach the 10 K mark sometime during calendar 2K12.

A Safe life can be lived by being timid and avoidant.

 I tried that for years. I never really got much out of living that way and found it tormenting. Be willing to live a life of risk and gain is a lot more terrifying, true, Hovever, It is also exhilerating and fullfilling in equal measure.


 When you are in a program that you are told will inprove your coping skills, Shouldn't that be a priority ? I attend DBT Training sessions through the Fairfax County Virginia Mental Health System.

Comic Books, Baseball, Storytelling and A Love of History

 That which caught my attention during my childhood and helped me to smile and gain contentment is still very vital to me today!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Tragic Death of a Brave and Principled Man

Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior was murdered while standing on the balcony of The Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee 44 years ago today!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I know that I'm keyed up tonight

This is what happens whewn your spirit soars, I find!

This day of victory feels most glorious!


This has been a most exhilerating day!

What an amazing week. PSP Miracles and Contest Wins are the fare of the week!

I WON!!!!!!!!

 I am now the Toastmasters District 29 ,  Division C Evaluation Champion. I will be competing in The Inaugural District 29 Evaluation Competition next month!


 Is it best defined by the hero who keeps batting in a public , powerfully effective and victorious way against all odds and opposition and roadblocks?

Or Is it better defined as the person who does what they believe is best or write no matter what the sacrife or cost of doing so?

 I find those in the 2nd catagory tend to wage their war/wars in a quiet and not very obvious, per se, manner!


Monday, April 2, 2012

I know that my quest is proving worth it.

 As I'm nearing the 6 month point of my 18 month journey, I'm liking the ME that is slowly being established- LOL- on more and more days!

I can win. I have a speech that can win.

 I will work on it and give myself every chance to be a victor on April The Tenth.

These words are powerful and ring of truth.

 " Take my life and let it be- consecrated Lord to Thee."

I know that God is good!

He died to pay a debt that was impossible for me to pay!

Live to thrill to the adventure of daily life.

I've spent too many years living in dread of my life each day!

Those who demand that life become easier to live...

will always be petty, embittered and overly sensitive. Those who learn to adjust, adapt, cope and become more resourceful will learn to live a much better quality life!

- Johnny -

I know my speech will suceed a week from Tuesday

 I will admit it is torture to keep reshaping it and exposing it to continual round -robins. Yet, I do believe the pain SHALL be made worth-while by the gain.

I regret that my blog output in March was sub-par.

 I allowed some turmoil to distract me far too often and easily. This good start in April is very encouraging to me!

I'm confident on THIS Monday/

 I am creative. Ideas are flowing. I've made a significant break through on my competition speech a few hours ago. I know that my moods tend to be extremely fragile but right now, 13 hours into THIS Monday !!!, I feel effective, successful and dynamic.

- Johnny -

I believe!

 I know that it is tough to prove a matter of faith. Science truly cannot either prove or disprove the existence of God!

 I know , however, that there is still hope in the midst of wide-spread cynicism. I 'm personally and thoroughly convinced  that there are reasons to believe that cannot be overwhelmed by any cause or causes to doubt. Overwhelming and redeeming love, grace and personal investment can, in my opinion, over power any nightmare or tragedy!

I believe that there is an order and complexity about all that is that bespeaks planning, design and intelligence!

 I'm not about convincing anyone else today. However, I'm willing to proclaim that I believe!

- Johnny -

Sunday, April 1, 2012

An April Fool's Day Miracle.

 Sometime over the last week , I lost my PSP. I searched hard for it and a few days ago, gave up any hope of finding it.

 I did think that it was possible that I'd lost it LAST Sunday at Church. My Church meets in an Arlington County, Virginia  Middle School. I believed there was no chance that it would still be there a week later.

 When I arrived in the Auditorium where my church meets, to my shock, My PSP was there. It was sitting in the open on the arm of a chair in the row that I usually sit in.

That IS a miracle!

- Johnny -

A Great Sunday

Two strong Church Services and a marvelous Baptismal ceremony

April Fools Day

 A holiday that has become passe. It seems to have become a victim of Political Correctness. Too hostile, too mocking it would seem