Good Friday was yesterday- The rememberance of The Death of Jesus. Tomorrow is Easter - The Day that we honor Jesus' Resurrection from The Dead.
Yet is the Day in Between. The Day when Jesus - The God-Man was in te grave as dead as anyonein the cemetery,
Those who follwed Jesus, loved Him and were taught and trained by Him saw Him die the day before! To those good people, Today was a day of the most severe loss, geief and hoelessness. Dead was dead- those who loved Him thought He was lost forever.
The power of The Resurrection and the responses that those who were closest to Him, their willingness to proclaim Him and suffer and die in His name and in His service! Having gone through THAT Saturday, The Resurrection the NEXT Day was sop sweet and so all-embracing to them.
He was Dead and Lost would NOW Rule and Reign Forever!
HE IS RISEN !!!! ------------ He IS RISEN, INDEED !
- Johnny -
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Saturday, March 30, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
The Mop, The Lily and the Bunny
I live in a rather ordinary Garden Apartment Complex in an inner suburb of DC located in Northern Virginia.
I was running a BIT late this Good Friday AM, but I noticed that my mop was still on the balcony drying out after my last using it. Noting , to myself, that, My Complex was threatening to fine people for " making their balcony unsightly".
So, I brought the mop in. I noticed that it was actually relatively warm and sunny. I was given an Easter Lily that started to bloom just yesterday and so I set that on the balcony to have a chance to bask in the sunshine.
I then finally got out the door and going. Right after clearing the outside steps of My Apartment, A small gray young rabbit came out of the underbrush and scampered right in front of me.
The Mop caused me to value and display The Lily. If I'd left on time. I would have missed the bunny.
It seems that I was being focused as I started my day's journey on Good Friday and the Easter Season.
He IS Risen! He IS Risen, Indeed!
- Johnny -
I was running a BIT late this Good Friday AM, but I noticed that my mop was still on the balcony drying out after my last using it. Noting , to myself, that, My Complex was threatening to fine people for " making their balcony unsightly".
So, I brought the mop in. I noticed that it was actually relatively warm and sunny. I was given an Easter Lily that started to bloom just yesterday and so I set that on the balcony to have a chance to bask in the sunshine.
I then finally got out the door and going. Right after clearing the outside steps of My Apartment, A small gray young rabbit came out of the underbrush and scampered right in front of me.
The Mop caused me to value and display The Lily. If I'd left on time. I would have missed the bunny.
It seems that I was being focused as I started my day's journey on Good Friday and the Easter Season.
He IS Risen! He IS Risen, Indeed!
- Johnny -
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Living your life in a PRINCIPLED ...
manner usually means that you WILL decide, more often than not, to do The Very Best things for The Very Best Reasons.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
permitted to be Catholic?
On This First Day of the Pontificate of Francis the First, I'd like to offer some words. In recent days and weeks, I've heard and read many commentaries that presume to lecture the Catholic Church on how policies, dogma, traditions and beliefs either must be radically changed or abandoned!
Is the Catholic Church allow3ed to be governed by its' theology, ethics and traditions. May it conduct itself according to how they believe God is directing them to do so?
You would never impose such standards on others- Why do you feel that you have a right to dictate acceptable governing and conduct standards for the Catholic Church ?
- Johnny -
On This First Day of the Pontificate of Francis the First, I'd like to offer some words. In recent days and weeks, I've heard and read many commentaries that presume to lecture the Catholic Church on how policies, dogma, traditions and beliefs either must be radically changed or abandoned!
Is the Catholic Church allow3ed to be governed by its' theology, ethics and traditions. May it conduct itself according to how they believe God is directing them to do so?
You would never impose such standards on others- Why do you feel that you have a right to dictate acceptable governing and conduct standards for the Catholic Church ?
- Johnny -
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
The Future is bright
I need to let it develop properly in the time it needs. Trying to hurry and overly control leads yo messes and disaster!
I do not do well without fun and ...
fascinating human interaction- face to face interaction. This is a tough week for me- Failed Connection and snow will likely make this a VERYYYYY LONGGGGG week!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
There is A price for bitterness.
A rather steep one!
A Woman dies at 84 and is cremated. Two people are there to receive the urn. Only one of the two is related to the deceased.
This is an outcome of a life of fury and bitterness. God, Please help me to learn to forgive more easily and readily!
A Woman dies at 84 and is cremated. Two people are there to receive the urn. Only one of the two is related to the deceased.
This is an outcome of a life of fury and bitterness. God, Please help me to learn to forgive more easily and readily!
Friday, March 1, 2013
Yada, Yada - 2013 Style
" Yada, Yada" is a phrase that came out of The Jerry Seinfeld TV Show. The phrase conveys the idea - " Yet Another Detail."
It was intended to get people to cut to the chase, to address the core, the heart of the matter.
I find it , too often, expresses my impatience and haste in getting things done. I prefer to get to things quickly, get through them rapidly and then move on.
I found myself screaming " Yet Another " detail at my life a number of times today. This did not serve me well.
I fussed over corrections that I needed to make on an internet forum posting as well as how long it took me to type an e-mail admitting that I had made an error.
I wanted to do something so I actually wanted the internet offerings that I was working on to correct themselves or be acceptable no matter how poorly I typed them.
The Details are important and matter. I need to remember that what I send IS a reflection of me!
- Johnny -
It was intended to get people to cut to the chase, to address the core, the heart of the matter.
I find it , too often, expresses my impatience and haste in getting things done. I prefer to get to things quickly, get through them rapidly and then move on.
I found myself screaming " Yet Another " detail at my life a number of times today. This did not serve me well.
I fussed over corrections that I needed to make on an internet forum posting as well as how long it took me to type an e-mail admitting that I had made an error.
I wanted to do something so I actually wanted the internet offerings that I was working on to correct themselves or be acceptable no matter how poorly I typed them.
The Details are important and matter. I need to remember that what I send IS a reflection of me!
- Johnny -
Is there a problem with being too easily Grossed...
out and offended?
We often see Arguments about not doing or saying anything that offended and discomforts others. We are told that givening offense and offending is a " High Crime" in 2012 America!
Yet, I am also told that " You can't control anyone else's behavior and choices.Being offended is a PERSONAL MATTER, A Personal Choice and A Personal Decision!" I've also been told that being continually offended is a sign of personal thin-skinedness and pettiness.
How do you weigh in on this matter?
- Johnny-
We often see Arguments about not doing or saying anything that offended and discomforts others. We are told that givening offense and offending is a " High Crime" in 2012 America!
Yet, I am also told that " You can't control anyone else's behavior and choices.Being offended is a PERSONAL MATTER, A Personal Choice and A Personal Decision!" I've also been told that being continually offended is a sign of personal thin-skinedness and pettiness.
How do you weigh in on this matter?
- Johnny-
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