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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I've made it through The Rain !

I know that I am in the midst of the temporary moving ever closer to the more, nurturing, healing positive and far more beneficial!

- Johnny -

The writing helped me get through the LAST 2 MONTHS !

When I write, I am making my mark, in part, and also expression my aspirations as an individual!

- Johnny -

I 'm leaving on A Greyhound ---

at 19:55 tomorrow. DC will not be my focus for the next 3 weeks once I depart from Union Station.

Yes, I am wise----

but it is wisdom born of pain. Yes, I paid the price but look how much I've gained. These words of Helen Reddy are a fitting epitaph to the last 9 weeks!

It was a vicious NINE weeks but it is now all...

almost done. I leave again for Kentucky tomorrow night!

- Johnny-

Denying a Child's Individuality is a MOST Insidious Act . . .

of child abuse.

       I have candidly stated on this blog that I suffered traumatic and pervasive child abuse as a boy being raised near the Grand Concourse in The South Western Bronx in the 1950's, 1960's and Early 1970's!

To be sure, I endured PHYSICAL, emotional, intellectual from my parents and through my time in both Catholic and Public Schools of The Bronx. I was indoctrinated , quite often through violence and through the expectation that violence was likely to be visited upon me, to " accept that" , I was less than acceptable, that I was a joke, weird ,retarded, a lose and no one that any one should regard well or be fond of.

I was told that what I liked showed that I was a " baby" or a "clueless fool" as a Gentlemen- I will not record here some of the vulgar and nasty ways that some of those statements were verbally expressed  at times. I was taught to look down, be humble, act  and tell people that I was unworthy and to not make eye contact.

There was a " Stockholm Syndrome" aspect to all of this. I found that I was trained to believe that those who got me to see myself in this light were " just honest, insightful and blunt speaking people." I also learned that bullies and my parents were willing to willing to use force to : duscipline me" when I argued that I was talented, creative, caring, desireable and talented . I was also " taught" that the fact that I believed they MIGHT be wrong showed how out of touch with reality I OBVIOUSLY was. The fact that I challenged them, was of course, the proof of how bizarre I was again demonstrating myself to be!

I've spoken of and posted how going o Yankee Games as a teen by myself, apart from either of my parents. gave me a place where I could be me as me and not feel ashamed of that. This is why I am a fanatically loyal Yankee fan! Attending an out of the area College- Frostburg State- also helped to get see myself in a more helpful and a more pervasively wise way.

Yet, I also, a folly that I'm asuured that others have fallen into, believed that I could just pretend all of that never happened and live my life  without process it and dealing with it. My summer 2003 Nervous Break Down and the arduous to get out from under wreckage that came as a consequence of it have taught me to view this differently.

I learned to believe that people of good will who seem to be invested in my life are the best people to heed and to trust. I learned it is good to celebrate those who do well and to honor their commitment to doing well and living well. I have also learned to be thankful to the people of love and good will in my life and to tell them, again and again, of how I'm blessed by them. I also see the vital importance of affirming what children do well and encourage them to try to expand upon their gifts, abilities and capacities!

I also see how healing it can be to seek mentoring from those who seek for you to become all that it is Possible for you to become. It helps if you are steadfast in your desire to become better, in all ways, than you are now. It also works if you are willing to be patient with yourself when you goof, err, stumble and just act foolishly. That is a part of simply being human.

I know I am a talented, gifted, bright, forward thinking, clever, well-educated and at times, inspring and motivating individual. I know that I am learning to become better and practicing, more and more often, the effective pursuit of becoming a better and more improving man!

- Johnny -

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Leader IS!!! A Light !

Today, I purpose to be a LEADING LIGHT during the DC Advanced Toastmaster meeting!

God is Good !

 I must remember this THOROUGH my today !

I am taking a deep breath.

I will choose to remember TODAY that I've gone through so much and INDEED GOTTEN !!! thorough it since I left Lexington at 11 PM on the 26TH of June!

- Johnny-

Kentucky is so close - but niggling foolishness ...

makes it seem SO!! far way.

   you will get to Kentucky, Please do not overly obsess upon today!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Future will be so much better-

Please, God, Free me from fretting over the worst slights and most serious outrages of today and yesteryear. I need to not have those haunt my future!

Do I spend so much time fussing over ...

the way things SHOULD BE , that I can't cope properly with what is?

I know that I am MY ! biggest problem .

I know that I anm improving and am, all things being equal a Positive work in progress.

I need a deep breath today.

Refocus, think clearly and decide to live well today.

I must remember that ...

going home is a delightful idea. It just happens that I am in the midst of a complicated process of truly coming home.

Dr. King

A Noble Man, indeed. At times when you think of things like slavery , You begin to wonder if creating The USA was a good idea. And then, Yes, It has been and still is.

We are, truly, flawed and stained and corrupt- yet, at the same time- still noble.

Today is a day to get through

Work it so that it has been a good experience once it is in the history books.

The Price of Moving on.

Life is not only hard but it has price tags- Living is costly and it is not just a matter of money.

I love my books- They do greatly work to establish my presence or my identity. A number of them will not belong to me over the last few months of this year.

That is the price of a leaving and a beginning. Holding on to all of those books is too high a price to stay where I am and live here, day in and day out indefinitely!

- Johnny-

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Freedom ...

Is a high. No one should ever be denied it, for any reason without proper due process!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Today was , in part , a

day of rest and a day of investing in my future. Both were attended to well!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Being a mentor is a true way

to ' Pay It Forward" !

I need to practice more ...

ease and confidence.

When you abuse those you serve ,

Are you providing anything worthy of being called service?

Part of Why My Mandy turns my head...

is due to how gifted and talented she is.

My Conversation need to be more focused on ...

Letting others know when I see their potential and what they are capable of!

I trust in my best instincts .

When I abide by them, I tend to live a MUCH better life!

- Johnny -

Peace ...

It is worth the price.

God , PLEASE Protect me from ...

short - sighted greed.

A Demand for Intense Pleasure now ....

is an act of stupidity if it denies you, due to it, years of growing devotion and affection.

Love people and Use Things

That advice from The Fourth Presbyterian College Group years ago still applies.

God is great

and gives those who love Him a hunger for greatness.

My life is

what I allow into it. I must do better, I know, at screening.

Adjusting and waiting

is annoying but it also is a way to de -stress!

God, Let me

see mishaps with MORE of a sense of humor, Please!

I must be humble and accepting

That is a proven path to loving more contently and securely.

I am nearly ready to go to Kentucky

with a week to go before I depart!

Monday, August 19, 2013

When you prepare well,

It is best to not fret over whether you did enough, It is time to take a deep breath, step forward and execute and perform.

- Johnny -

Spending Money-

If you do harm to yourself by being foolishly and unjustfiably cheap, Then, You are acting like and living like a dunce, a dullard and a fool.

I do not LIKE Metro at all.

  However, It is what I have so I need to be willing to TRULY make the BEST of it!

The Yankees ...

really made Frostburg possible. I needed to be free from my tiny room and from the Bronx overall.

I Know...

but am I willing, THIS DAY, to apply throroughly and effectively what I know!

- Johnny -

I need to be far less stubborn

and far more flexible. God, Please turn my heart of stone into a heart of flesh TODAY, throughout this ENTIRE DAY!

My Yankees .

Wow, A Great Victory last night. I needed to see that and gain empowerment from that as I left yesterday and entered into today!

Lord, No matter how hard I wish ...

 I cannot transform today into either August 29TH or 30TH. Acceptance allows for freedom, more prudent actions and pervasive healing.

Trust -

Today, I MUST trust that I can and that I WILL!

Lord. Let me see with ...

wide open eyes and a wide open spirit throughout this Monday!

Today will be ...

a day of being in motion and accomplishment.

Asking people to use what they ...

have gained from years invested in an organization to fire up new members is a way to keep an organization great fun to continue to be a part of.

Leadership is , sometimes, focused and well-designed ....

cheer leading strategy.

- Johnny-

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

You are A Champion

 DO NOT DARE to allow a tough season to be the cause of your forgetting that this is true!

I am seeing the return of energy and resolve ...

as this Fine Friday Afternoon continues on!

- Johnny -

Help Me-

Let Me remember that it is better to admire and marvel over the Stars than to study the mud.

It is good ...

to get up and keep going. This week, to my regret, I would not allow myself to think this way!

I do believe ...

I will live a totally non John and Florence Rodriguez type of life!

The intelligent person studies ...

what is and will not rest until he or she knows and truly groks why today IS as it is!

I know that I can stay with a good effort -

AFTER 3 DAYS of No Postings here , I'm backkkkkk !

I am having a great afternoon

This Friday AFTERNOON, August 16TH, feels like The Gorgeous Day after being battered by a long -lasting and intense storm.

I do have A TREASURE ...

in Kentucky in many ways.

I do know ...

that I survived a really vicious week. I'm hurting and glad to be on THE OTHER SIDE of THIS!

- Johnny-

This is my 950TH Posting on This Blog ...

of The Year 2013! YES!!!!!

I trust in The Lord Of Glory

I believe that He loves me.

Is treating The Poor and Disabled in a way ...

that confirms, often, that they are in a one down position really a humane policy. ?  Does letting people know that you believe that they are dependent and incapable of doing better really bless or benefit anyone ?

2 weeks from right now ...

 I will be in Kentucky again, Labor Day Weekend, I crave The Freedom that you shall provide.

If you want to know why more Americans are NOT !!!!

willing to ride public transit on a continual basis, Please consider The way WMATA in DC is operated and how they treat their patrons.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013

It takes what it takes

and avoiding and hiding solves ABSOLUTELY nothing!

- Johnny -

God, Let me cover my fear and loneliness with the ...

dazzling garment of  YOUR HOLINESS on this Saturday night !

- Johnny-

God is LIGHT -

IN HIM, There IS no darkness at all!

Those who believe in needing to live with the ...

consequences of our actions ALWAYS know , EVEN IF they are not appealing. Not having great choices before you does not absolve me or anyone else of the need to STILL make choices.

- Johnny -

A Decade ago, I abandoned myself to a Nervous Breakdown . . .

Tonight , I'm in a severe battle and I am doing all I can to fight for myself and my happiness and satisfaction.

- Johnny -

You know the value of being consistent ...

This is Johnny ministering to and being there for Johnny now.

God, Tonight, Please ...

Pour Wisdom, Prudence, Acceptance and the ability to value ANEW delayed gratification in my life on this Early August Saturday Night in dank and unappealing Lincolnia!

- Johnny -

There must be joy ...

in my world tonight. What am I doing to place it there tonight?

- Johnny-

I need to get control over my growing frustration 2 night ...

Saturday Night, August Tenth and remember that I truly have an amazing best friend, The one I see in my mirrors. He is the one that needs to come through in the clutch for me on THIS LONG SATURDAY Night!

- Johnny -

Where is The Visionary , Where is The Dreamer and

Idealist I know that is , Johnny?  The day you need to focus on is Day 64, Thursday, August TWENTY- NINTH when you board a bus and head to where the difference and the difference maker is.

- Johnny -

Please Do not let your anxiety ...

dominate your today, Johnny !

Tonight is a night of simply ...

being present, being engaged and moving forward!

- Johnny -

I must remember ..

how much I am renewed and invigorated by my creativity!

- Johnny -

Does being an American Citizen mean something ?

If so, Our borders MUST be safeguarded and our immigration laws obeyed and enforced.

- Johnny -

Remember, Ultimately, You must trust in God ...

and do all that you can to advantage your life as fully as you, on your own, if it comes to that can make this so!

- Johnny -

I hope tonight will prove to be less of a dud ULTIMATELY ...

than last night did.  by the time it was over.

I did enjoy celebrating My Fellow Toastmaster, DTM Paul White, but not being in contact with Mandy turned THE REST of the Night into a Dud that ended with a Thud.

You once escaped the Bronx...

Soon, You will escape from The Lincolnia Section of Alexandria.

10 years ago, You were getting ready to discover how ...

ugly it was to be homeless within a few days, You were in denial about it being soon to arrive.

Tonight, August TENTH , 2013, You are doing far better!

Find Happiness NOW !!!

It is important to seek to fare well in relatively dank times.

I know that you appreciate that today is not the best of ...

times for you, Johnny!

Remember time is moving forward and preparing you for the new!

Remember gide your actions tonight ...

as if you are lead by a GPS programmed to get you to YOUR !!! long awaited future!

The First World War ...

 Too many shortsighted people who demanded far too much and left themselves and the pre-war World in ruins!

Seek to live

Remember that you have NOW navigated through FORTY- FIVE !!! full and long days since leaving Lexington.

This may be The Nadir of August

It is tough to get through a Summer Weekend without a motivating, effective and spirit empowering Church service to attend tomorrow.

Friday, August 9, 2013

I am an explorer

It is difficult for me to rest with be provided an " I don't know" or let it rest. My curiosity gets ornery and more determined when it believes that it is being denied.

- Johnny -

I wrestle with issues and have conversations during my ...

sleep as I attempt to sleep.

This seems to merely be quintessentially me and does serve as further proof that my brain does not possess an off switch.

- Johnny -

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I know that being

ready to speak clearly and support timeless ideas that have been proven clearly to be timeless and vital ideas....

Makes people uncomfortable but is vitally needed by this last and rambling, and sorely out- of- focus nation at present!

- Johnny -

I know that as I continue ...

to post, I am, overall, thinking more clearly and precisely.

- Johnny -

,Living out what yopu know to be true...

wakes a person trustworthy and reliable!

We Americans need to speak more candidly ...

and worry far less about who we offend. I am offended by people who say things that they do not really believe and adhere to kust to keep[ the peace!

That version of peace making is best spelled - C O W A R D LY !

- Johnny-

I know that I must endure

Today is not an amazing day but I am getting closer to the next day that I am ceratain I am more likely to find to be amazing!

This is My 200TH Blog Entry For This Month of August 2013.

I fully believe that I will attain a Thousand Blog Entries for This Year before I reach This Blog's Third Anniversary in Early October!

- Johnny -

A bit of a lost day - On This Thursday!

 This is part of the price my insomnia exacts upon me. I must cancel activities every once in a while and just allow myself a DAY OF REST to catch up.

- Johnny-

Does Russia Bully and Act Out Against The LGBT ...


Notable Star Trek Legend George Takei clearly believes that they do .

A Musical Duet as an Act of Bullying ...

A Duet Between Carlos Santana and Michelle Branch became a pop hit a few years ago. If you listen to it, Santana easily overwhelms and comes very close to drowning out Branch.

- Johnny -

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Thousand Posts for 2013 . . .

is now below the 3 digit mark away!

I know that I must

look beyond tonight and look towards what shall come.

I must not bog

down in what seems messy currently.

I will enter tomorrow . . .

with an expectation and seeing what I find out as I explore.

Help me ...

Let me see what is there and that I am ignoring, Lord!

Freedom is deciding what is of highest value to you and ...

Then deciding what it is worth to obtain it or retain it.

Trust and acting as if I , indeed, do trust...

must be how I live out This Wednesday.

Giving is a sign of a rich,

satisfied and blessed heart and spirit.

Know that self- proclaimed martyrs are so ....


Today is what I have

 I will choose to prosper within it.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The time has come to stop Today !!!!

 I have placed my open soul for all to view enough for now!

- Johnny -

Peace to those of Good Will . . .

It is NOT just for December- LOL!!!- an longer.

- Johnny -

A Library Visit and A Hunt for

Diverting and well- done Comic books is on my menu for tomorrow, Wednesday, August The Seventh.

- Johnny -

I like who

I see myself being tonight.

Peace is going to become a

useful battle field over the next 3.5 weeks!

- Johnny -

You are getting to

where you wish to be. Today is a part of the road to there.

Healing often does not transpire ...

because the person who needs this is rejecting this as an option. Sad and Appalling, but still, IT DOES HAPPEN!!! - LOL!!!!

I have seen this, pathetically, get proven true in MY LIFE !!!!!!

- Johnny -

God does need to ...

let me suffer, even if it lasts for a long while until I finally get THE POINT  that I must get, which is, " Why am I doing this to MYSELF, again and again and, yet!!!, again.!!!! "

- Johnny-

Do what you say you will-

 Do not let haste or insecurity drive you.

I am really confident and ...

at ease this night!

The path is smooth ...

and my keystrokes are swift tonight.

I am getting some joy as I ...

more skillfully and, with verve, mountain climb on THIS Tuesday night!

- Johnny -

Help Me, Lord,

I know I can be so much better than I have portrayed myself over the last few weeks!

- Johnny -

You gain better perspective

when you stop in tensely riveting your eyes on the ground as you move through life!

God does gain His own way -

This is why He is Lord and is GREATLY to be praised.

The triumph , today, is that ...

I am so in the moment as I am typing each of tonight's blogs.

I am hard- charging my way forward tonight !

I do have 900 blogs fopr the year steadily within my sights!

- Johnny -


experiencing happiness as I type out these blogs!

- Johnny -

The battle is JOINED and...

all that I can measure tells me that I am winning!

I know I am . . .

building a sound structure that gives me reason to delight in what my future shall be like,

Know well that is marvelous and most right ...

to treat your TROPHY GIRLFRIEND as if she is exactly such!

- Johnny -

Be an energizing wave . . .

Let your hope and enthusiasm build higher and higher, Johnny.

Do not be plagued by doubts through out THIS month,

It causes you to believe that you are pathetically weak, sick and hopeless.

I can smile more often and....

truly convincingly.

Joy -

It is indeed both healing and empowering!

What is possible and what can I do to ...

bring that possibility to life, Please Johnny, Make this August a month where you place this into practice faithfully!

- Johnny -


Ask this question to build and not to re-injure yourself!

I almost chose not to blog at all today ,

That would have been a mistake.

Your goal today

I must live as as I believe I have a desirable future!

Love yourself and . . .

treat yourself as a proper other.

Take time to be Holy

Look forward to be within The Holy One!

On Wednesday, August 7TH,

Seek intensely to find out why This Wednesday is glorious and a treat to be within.

Johnny, Please note that rehearsing how you were ...

done wrong a decade ago does precious little to improve today.

- Johnny -

Remember that August of 2013

is light tears better than August 2003 . Remind yourself of that over and over again.

Be Generous to youself tomorrow, Johnny.

 I think the way that you tend to treat yourself makes you being with you a most unappealing and uninviting idea.

Monday, August 5, 2013

You will soon

be away again- not yet but in 3 and a fraction weeks.

Being in Love

makes me so much better of a person.

I led with enthusiam

tonight--- I am proud of myself for that.

Help me -

Let me see what will ignite my soul and motivate me.

I led a very strong ...

Toastmasters meeting tonight!

I know that ...

 I must be more daring and be less self- protective, That fearful legacy that came out of The South Western Bronx must be laid to rest permanently !

- Johnny -

This VERY 850TH Post on This Blog For 2013 !

further assures that I will post over a 1,000!!! blog entries for THIS YEAR.

- Johnny -

I am able to let my spirit roam free ...

and triumph inn my individuality the more I vary how I express myself in these blog entries.

The Next Goal -

850 Blog Posts for The Year 2013  shall , very soon, be reached and eclipsed!

I know that I can ask a lot of myself and ...

more and more often expect that I will do what I am being asked to do and more.

- Johnny -

I do believe.

Lord, Please help me not be throttled by my unbelief.

- Johnny -

I am learning that my way can easily

sabotage my gaining the life that I most truly desire.

- Johnny -

Is having a servant's heart and desiring to thoroughly ...

please people as you serve them indeed The Key to becoming wealthy with honor and integrity ?

- Johnny -

The Double Stage

Posting Blog Entries on FB. This is the electroiic version of placing multiple notes in a bottle and watching them float away. Who knows who will encounter them, How they will respond to them and if, indeed he or she does respond, What the nature and quality of the response provided shall be ?

- Johnny -

The Play of My Boyhood

at 615 East 189TH Street near Fordham Road in the Bronx is where my imagination was tested. Simulating Superhero exploits, Guessing what The Lost in Space Episode next week based on the televised To be Continued Segment I had just watched on Wednesday Night on CBS,would be like, and other flights of energetic fancy, is where my imagination became a vital expression of me!

I engaged in my first fumbling efforts at writing in the Fall of 1967. One might call those pedestrian and awful efforts as a greet grandparent for what I am engaging in today.

- Johnny -

I will lift my eyes to look towards The Hills

for that is where my help will be sent to me.

I need to see

my life as beauty in progress. I just do not get this often enough.

- Johnny -

The Redskins

This preseason is one of offering riddles and conundrums far more than it is centered upon providing answers.

I know that leading ...

does not require that one be in front and on stage performing.

I need to seek to find reasons to fall in love....

with life on THIS Monday August the Fifth.

                  I've lived as if I'm still embedded in times long past. How can I profit, at all from that. The best answer to that question is, " I cannot, in any way profit from that !"

- Johnny -

Knowing who you are ...

and living as that person is a most noble and true way to live.

I must not be mean to myself and harsh.

That , sadly, is too true of me too often.

- Johnny -

I need to relax as

I travel and go about my day tonight.

Morning has broken . . .

so who will repair it.

I need to act as if I believe that ...

 " All I can do IS all I CAN do,"

You do the best you can ...

 and then accept what you have attained.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Compared to 10 years ago, How I am living today is living in VICTORY!

- Johnny -

My life ...

is not determined by my age. Do not live as if being 58 is a prison sentence, Johnny !

- Johnny -

I know that when I am at my best that ...

I do dazzle people. Why do I so easily lose track of this reality?

- Johnny -

I know what I have survived. . . .

It is not wrong to consider it to have been ghastly. Yet, Remember that this is not a description of today, PLEASE!

- Johnny -


the way of healing that Johnny is flowing within on this night.

The effort and commitment to be in the . . .

moment helps you to effect best what is transpiring now.

Help me to sse clearly , God ...

that I have so much before me to yearn for and look forward to!

Help me to sing and smile more ,

tomorrow, Lord. Please.

Jesus- Name above all Names!

Beautiful Savior, Precious Lord.

A Sad Day In Yankee History

A- Rod- You had it all. What were you thinking ?

Peace is a toll of

sanity and empowerment.

I know that I am far too selfish!

Li8ving a life of wanting to be pleased and catered to is tres childish.

- Johnny-

Just because it is aggrevating and annoying . . .

Does not mean that you or I should say " No"  !

- Johnny -

Thank you , Lord,

for saving my soul.

Tomorrow will be a Great Day at VAST

as a sharp and memorable meeting will be held tomorrow night. I will really be outstanding tomorrow night.

God is working within me to

help me to become more able and resourceful. This is a sign, God, of  how much I matter to you!

- Johnny -

I know that

 I am learning to be touched more by the struggles of others to better their lives.

Being determined to solve a crushing problem

is a sign that I am beginning to grok wisdom, foresight and healing.

I love You, Johnny

Tomorrow will be a productive and positive day!

Today has been dispiriting, I'd lie if I stated otherwise...

Yet, I am still moving forward.

A Decade Ago, I was entering into

the blunt force trauma of eviction early homelessness and a nervous breakdown. How much is all of this still with me ? How much have I recovered and moved on beyond it. Right now, I'm not  certain how to answer this.

- Johnny -

Saturday, August 3, 2013

I know that I can ...

inspire and make a difference. I must keep this idea before me far more often.

- Johnny -

This effort is a matter ...

of pride and fulfillment as my push continues unabated.

August is better than July !

 You do know this to be true, Johnny. Please keep this truth before you!

- Johnny -

Be your own best friend and advocate, Johnny

 I know this is exhausting but you will be better for having done so.

- Johnny -

You now know that you can !

 You now have reached 100 posts for This month of August in LESS than 3 full days and are now cruising along, so far at an average of over 33 posts per day currently.

- Johnny -

Be ready to see possibilities ...

Possibilities bring out imagination, vision and miracles.

Do not how long you have endured blind you...

to the fact, Johnny, that you know that what you are doing is being phased out as time moves on. It is now 5 months away and shrinking!

- Johnny -


 " Johnny, I urge you to remember about restraint of pen, tongue and keystroke. What is not said does NOT need to be taken back."

God is ever Fresh ...

present and empowering.

Lord, Please grant me a fresh vision ...

and a reason to be excited about fresh empowering.

God lives within The Praises of His Servants

The Bible teaches us that, " God INHABITS the PRAISES of His people." .

I am

and thus I can grow and become more than I am today!

Studying . . .

and growing in understanding, being more confident in what you grok, causes you or I to be a wiser, deeper and more clever and resourceful individual.


Waiting is training for the Spirit, It reminds you of the reality that you are not everyone Else's top priority.

I am a winner ,

I achieved much that is positive today!

When you debase language ,

 I truly subscribe to the view that you, then ,  crate a squalid and polluted society.

Precise use of language is key to effective communication ...

We must create clear and sharp images when we present. This not only allows people to hear what we are saying but, more than that IMAGINE what they are being presented.

Thinking of the Future . . .

is built well upon a present- time attitude of not all must be done now.

Help me,

I need to not talk about what I am going to do but become FAR more determine to simply do so.

Today is a bright and . . .

inviting adventure. It is good that I've plunged fully into it.

- Johnny -

800 posts for the Year

is the next goal that I'm nearing.

Choice is what brings . . .

savor and joyful anticipation to the start of each new day.

I am sore

but truly glad that I've intensified my exercise regimen.

I know that I can accomplish much

 I am much better positioned today than I was one or two years ago.

Help me

to see myself as I am today, Lord.

I must be more

resolute and far less inclined to be intimidated.

I evaluated well today at GUTS

I truly took one out of the Park Today at GUTS.

Not to decide . . .

is , indeed to decide. Hesitation can reduce that gain to be had quite often.

I must trust

and then demonstrate that I do, indeed, trust.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Rest well tonight., Sir Johnny !

Mood does follow action and your resolute actions have earned you the btrophy, as this day ends, of a much better mood.

- Johnny-

Be willing to trust in and rely upon . . .

those who you KNOW are trustworthy and reliable.

Winning occurs during the game.

Yet, It may not be clear to the player on the field, at any given time as to whether he or she is winning.

- Johnny -

I am not a mistake.

My mother has abundantly been proven wrong, I was not a proven mistake from the moment of my birth.

Do what is

truly honorable. That makes you the best person you can be, Johnny.


Live within that and be that this weekend, Johnny !

Look to be

excited and enthralled, Johnny. That would be, for you, entering into a WHOLE! NEW! WORLD!

I know that I can..

I must view myself as able this month.

I am looking

forward to being excited and thrilled mightily before the end of this month.

- Johnny-

Consistency is a BOX that MUST be checked off ...

not only every day but during all transitions ,  I am discovering .

 I find that at the START of a NEW month, as an examplr, that while I can value what I accomplished during what is NOW LAST month, I must be ready to declare what I am able and willing to do during THis brand NEW month.

I must now take one more stap- I must take action to make my pledge and commitment an active and measurable reality!

- Johnny -

Dave Ramsey is Right.

 There is much to be gained when you live your life in sync with this philosophy - " Living TODAY like no one else, so that ,  ONE Day , You can live like NO ONE ELSE ! "

- Johnny -

Never surrender ...

as long as that surrender is due to cowardice or seeking ease rather than conviction!

- Johnny-

Help Me, God,

to live this weekend in a way that I will not regret once Monday arrives!

Rooting for a sports team ...

is a good way to learn not to just care for and support someone when they are acting in a way that pleases, delights and thrills you!

- Johnny -

I now have reached the 23,000

hits on My Blog Mark!

My temperment is truly NOT conducive for me...

to be this way but I must seek out active opportunities to be a peace seeker.

I need to find and earnestly seek out ...

to discover somethings that fascinateme, amaze and astound me. I am not like this anywhere near as much as I'd like to be!

- Johnny -

The cynical are those

who will never really get the charming  and winsome aspects of life.

When I doubt and Question myself That is, at times,

a sign that I am living an examined and self-reviewed life.

If asking for help is weak...

Then blundering out of control and being brainless Must be considered a sign of strength.

I am blessed and comfortable

in my own skin as this Friday continues on.

I love Science Fiction

 I need to find some new loves in that field.

I talked to a Kindred Spirit today

A New Support Staff Member with The Fairfax County Mental Health System named Paul. Paul is clever, insightful and truly consumer- oriented. This created a great First Impression upon me.

- Johnny-

God is ...

All else becomes measured by that !

Help me. Lord

Show me the folly of being cringing and pathetic.

I make a 1,000 Posts for this year...

so likely to be accomplished given the current pace that I am posting.

Be confident

and demonstrate that you are confident throughout this entire day, Johnny.

I am better and more willing to strive ..

than I am inclined to consider myself as being.

I have tested myself FAR more as of late

It has been a good while since I have steadily pushed myself so intensely physically.

- Johnny -

Trust ---

 Do I trust Amanda Lynn ?  Do I REALLY trust in the future that I believe that we SHALL have together?

- Johnny -

I need to think today as

to how my life is good and how I have so many reasons to love life!

- Johnny -

Reasonable Conversations...

do need for all who are involved in that conversation to BE reasonable.

- Johnny -

Praise God ...

from whom ALL!!! blessings flow.

- Johnny -

God is not to be defined by us as ...

He is the ONE that defines us, after all.

If I box myself in ...

 I do need to remind myself who boxed me in.

Words - - -

I am in awe that The Lord Jesus spoke creation into existence.

I am grateful today

 I do not have all that I want or desire as I type this. I am, however, mindful that I have so much more than I had a decade ago.

Miracles do occur - They are reality

 Just be open to what can be and what God deigns to have come about.

I am poised to

make a difference on this Friday, August Second , 2013.

- Johnny -

My Meditation for Today ----

 I am here and I must let today represent who I am. I must not resist being in this day.

I know a lot ...

How willing am I to be known ?

I must trust

and move forward boldly and with fortitude.

I need vision . . .

 I CANNOT allow my day to become flypaper for me.

- Johnny -

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I am energized to achieve on this . . .

First Night of August. I am proud of how diligently I am working on this project.

I am now so confident that . . .

I will have 4,000 or more Blog entries, all told, before the END of THIS year !

Coolumbus sailed west to reach what few comfortably . . .

believed he would ever reah. 2013 has been a year where I, Johnny, have felt a GREAT DEAL like Columbus!

I know that I love My Baseball Teams

This has been a summer where being a Yankees fan and a Nationals Fan is a period of tested love.

In the End, Will Kal-El be the name given to a ...

puppy or a kitten ?

I love My Amanda.

I steel myself by knowing we've overcome much and will get through this year. Seven months of 2013 are now fully history!

I will be better for having God ...

bless me by bestowing upon me this First Corinthians 10:13 Summer.

Protect me from running amok

due to my childishness or my tendency to be spiteful.

God's Word is Therapy

 I need to let it serve that function more often in my daily life.


Should teachers be more concerned about contributing to those they instruct or the pay and benefits that they gain as they teach ?

- Johnny-

Celebrate The Child that is the Light ...

now the waiting is over. Out of season? Not really  ,I need a Touch of Christmas, actually ,  in my life tonight.

Know that you are . . .

doing what you know how to do tonight to gewt the best out of this first Night of August!

Truth is a disinfectant -

Openness is empowering and creates confidence and trust in the other!

I am actually cycling today

I can not be crushed by the downs to night.

Keep your eye on the

prize, Johnny !- The Goal Line- Home Plate!

Does anyone care that I'm tired of too many struggles?

Yes, I'm whining but,  amidst the bravery , softer  and gentle and to my catered liking would be GREAT for a while.

I know that bonding with someome is a struggle

I just wish it would stop being such an intense struggle for a while.

I must remember to

stand up for myself- that is critical.

I need to believe that this transitory time is ...

not the rest of my life.

- Johnny-

Today was one of my last times EVER in Reston, VA.

It was there I started to rebuild my life after my nervous breakdown and homelessness.

It was there I first saw the truth of what hiding from life and denying what that damage, defacing and mockery had wrought upon me.

I need a sense of Vision for this New Month

Getting through a month by enduring virtually every second of it is NOT a good plan for navigating through any month.

Why am I so loyal to The New York Yankees ?

They kept me sane and were crital to my getting through my teenage yers while I was tripped living in the very odious SouthWestern Bronx. I attended a HS that had graduates who had a FOURTH GRADE Reading level. Pitiful.

- Johnny-

Wise people know

than fearing pain and discomfort and letting that decide what you will do and how you will love and live is highly nonsensical.

- Johnny -

I am an explorer . . .

That is why the fact that I am processing towards becoming a Kentuckian is intriguing to me. Kentucky is so pregnant with history , in every possible way.

- Johnny -

One part of My Transition Plan ...

which will kick into gear on October First is to drastically educe the books that I own. I really do not wish to do so but this is practical reality!

- Johnny -

I know that I am a talented teacher ...

 I am knowledgeable, clever, insightful and  capable of empowering and mentoring.

I am better off for ...

deciding to end what is not working and, truth be told, What has not worked for years, My living and fumbling badly to struggle here in Greater Washington DC.

- Johnny -

Does Morality no longer have any role at all in ...

how we view and consider our political leaders. If it does not, We've allowed ourselves to change in a tragically unwise way.

- Johnny -

RG 3 ...

Injured and being held out of The Pre- Season. How does this portend for the actual 2013-2014 NFL Season. No one knows but I would be shocked if the vRedskins decide to never put themselves through this again.

- Johnny -

I know that a diciplined focus makes a better person ...

My tummy is sore but I am proud that I have pressed my exercise.

- Johnny -

Tust and Obey for There is NO OTHER WAY ...

to be Happy in Jesus but to Trust and Obey.

July is now Fully History

I would clearly never wish to endure THOSE  31 days again, I am glad that I go through them. Now, I know that I am closer to better.