Dr. King's non- violent strategy- Protest unjust laws and be ready to go to jail for them. Be civil, polite, dignified as you protest. Be so reasonable that people watching your behavior will be compelled to support you and rally to support your cause rather than those who oppose you. Your civility compared to the vulgarity, meanness and barbaric behavior will win the day for you.
Many of those protesting against our society including the President Of The United States, live by Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radical.
Never be reasonable, moderate or Civil. Never stop demanding. Demand the most outrageous things and be shy about doing so. Be negative, contentious, vulgar, alarming and disturbing. Make it clear that violence is always an option that you will consider.
This may also explain why Our President would be comfortable with Reverend Wright's " GD the United States" sermons. It also might explain his comfort with men and women such as William Ayers - people willing to bomb buildings and murder policemen as Political Associates and Advisers.
- Johnny -
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