It is often said that our elected officials are deaf and insensitive to the people who voted them into office.
Here, Then is an idea. What if each legislator- Federal Level- had to list publicly the amount of mail, telephone calls and e-mail they will get get pros and cons to tied to that legislation and the representatives vote on that piece of legislation, It will also summarize the top argument offered by the constituents pro and con that legislation and the vote made on that legislation.
This will tell me/ us , over time , how ACTUALLY representative my elected official is. It will also show me , more clearly, who has influence with him or her.
I do get that people make stands on what they strongly believe to be right. Having this analysis on the votes will tell me whether the person is living by their principles are offering veiled excuses.
This is also great opposition resource material. Our brains, our technology, our resourcefulness and our desire to elect accountable men and women can be satisfied civilly and creatively and EFFECTIVELY!
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