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Friday, March 29, 2013

The Mop, The Lily and the Bunny

 I live in a rather ordinary Garden Apartment Complex in an inner suburb of DC located in Northern Virginia.

 I was running a BIT late this Good Friday AM, but I noticed that my mop was still on the balcony drying out after my last using it. Noting , to myself, that, My Complex was threatening to fine people for " making their balcony unsightly".

So, I brought the mop in. I noticed that it was actually relatively warm and sunny. I was given an Easter Lily that started to bloom just yesterday and so I set that on the balcony to have a chance to bask in the sunshine.

I then finally got out the door and going. Right after clearing the outside steps of My Apartment, A small gray young rabbit came out of the underbrush and scampered right in front of me.

 The Mop caused me to value and display The Lily. If I'd left on time. I would have missed the bunny.

It seems that I was being focused as I started my day's journey on Good Friday and the Easter Season.

He IS Risen! He IS Risen, Indeed!

- Johnny -

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