here for my Second Consecutive year. I will, I believe , reach 4,000 Posts here before 12/ 31/ 13.
- Johnny -
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Wednesday, July 31, 2013
You meant it for Evil.
This is a great and valid description of how I was raised. Beating, insult being shrieked at- being told I was unworthy to be a son.
August 4Th is the 10 Year Anniversary of My Nervous BreakDown. They worked to put me on this date with destiny.
I am stronger now, wiser and I am loved ! My Family is not DNA connected to me in 2013- but they are great individuals to be connected to!
- Johnny -
August 4Th is the 10 Year Anniversary of My Nervous BreakDown. They worked to put me on this date with destiny.
I am stronger now, wiser and I am loved ! My Family is not DNA connected to me in 2013- but they are great individuals to be connected to!
- Johnny -
I am in the path of healing !
I am discovering that I am truly FAR Tougher than my current situations and circumstances!
I've learned that VERY HARD way- It is better to Be than it is to hide and disguise who you are, especially to try to hide that from yourself!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
This is my 700TH Blog Posting of 2013 .
I am now officially back Again to an average of 100 posts a month for THIS year.
God is teaching me to become more . . .
free as well as enabling me to gain the ability to bask more comfortably in that freedom !
America is a Nation that has ...
lost it ways in , SO MANY WAYS. I do not believe this is a permanent and irreversible condition.
I do know that America's Best Days
are still to be found in times to come! I believe that to the core of my heart and spirit!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I am QUINTISENTIALLY !!! An Idealist ...
I must remember that this is who I am down to my most basic DNA level !
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Help me,
I must not be bogged down and imprsoned by my past. I do not have the time to be trapped and confined there yet again.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Am I a winner ?
If I am, Why am I so plagued with so many doubts concerning my worthiness ?
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
I do know that I can survive ----
I now so intensely need to learn how to genuinely stirve.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Individuality matters and is worth fighting ...
for! I must keep that thought with me always. If I ever lose it , I will have, then, become dangerously self-effacing!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I am frustrated and feeling trapped in many ways
... in these fading embers of this LAST DAY OF JULY ! Yet, They also provide to me, refreshing, empowerment and a TRUE and BLESSED way of escape!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Each Blog Entry I am adding today and EACH DAY ...
is keeping me alert, thinking, witty and participating in The Flow and Center of Life!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
A great Classic Baseball conversation was engaged in ...
while I was in Annandale's Beanetics. One of the unexpected treasures I rencoutered and partook in on this LAST DAY of July , 2013.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Stretching continues
and so does my quest to live better and to become better and better on-goingly!
Joy is Healing and Restoring ...
Lors, Please beslow Joy upon me as August starts in a few hours.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Life , Liberty and The PURSUIT of Happiness ...
Neither I or any other American is guaranteed Happiness but we do have the ability to seek to gain it!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
I have survived much -----
I do believe that I will , IN TIMES TO COME , Have the thrill and enjoyment of " LIVING ! LIKE! NO! ONE! ELSE !" A Nod to David Ramsey as I type this.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Stretching yourself -
Always will be a positive choice. Life teaches me this lesson again and again and again.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Always give to and empower children
It is an act that personalizes the future and adds to the quality of how we live today as well as HOW WE SHALL LIVE!
The lure of healing, refeshing and renewing prosperity ...
is both compelling and alluring to me!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Looking Beyond
A man executed for His beliefs once wrote, " I press onward to The Prize, To The Upward Calling ..."
I know that I can . . .
The major question I must ask myself, OVER THE LONG TERM , is " WILL I ?" !
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
35 years- It just never gelled
in a satisfying way. That is an OUTSTANDING reason, among others, to move on.
There is a price for sharp- tongued harshness ...
and verbally brusing unkindness, It can weaken a person commitment and loyalty to that individual.
Belief must be tied to committed action
Or else Your " belief" is just a paper thin and unreliable fantasy.
" Speak from The Heart and Be Yourself !"
This is a favorite admonition of Former Toastmasters International President Bennie Bough.
I am now motivated to ....
set new goals. and achieve and SURPASS ! even more impressive records !!!! Getting there is not enough, when I am functions as my VERY BEST, it is absolutely NEVER!!! EVER!!! enough.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Yes, This is True! To Create a BETTER America ,
There is a need , a great and vigorous need for more of us to be " WILLING TO MARCH INTO HELL FOR A HEAVENLY CAUSE " , in 2013 America !
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
One more step, one more stride, a more intense . . .
effort EVEN WHEN EXHAUSTED SPENT and DRAINED, is the TRUE and EVER - PRESENT mantra and motto of CHAMPIONS !
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
When you are crawling and struggling, ,
It is best to keep your eyes on thje prize to KNOW that the crawling is occurring now but to know there is a greater goal that you are heading towards. I am energized today for I have such a goal and such an INDIVIDUAL who I AM!!!! commited to!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Monday, July 29, 2013
My Best MINi Golf Round EVER !!!
10 of 18 holes played were played at PAR! 12 was a Hole- In - One. I love Arlington's Upton Hill's Putt -Putt Course.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
When you think matters more clearly ...
You can even find positiveness even in the toughest and messiest of circumstances.
If you worry too much about your age, Johnny,
You will be driven by fear and panic into acting foolishly. 58 IS a number, Johnny !
You do need to fight to
overcome who you want to be. I'd forgotten this during most of this month!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Sunday, July 28, 2013
You do no one ANY good ...
if and when you convince that individual that they must reject and abandon their individuality.
When you keep those who you are assisting ...
from advancing and thriving, Can you truly and honestly state that you are providing " HELP" to them.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
I am blessed today . . .
I just need to stop being childish for long enough so that I can see CLEARLY that I am.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I need to smile more and find valid . . .
reasons to be pleased and contented as I prepare to set forth on this Thursday, July 24TH.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
This month , I have cringed and hidden far ...
I am glad that, in a shortwhile, I will take a risk and a chance.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
I know that I make my life, in large part,
What it is, Thus, It is clear that I must make far wiser choices.
Waiting can be a chance
to take stock and to consider where one has been and why he or she is where they are at present.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Lord, Help me to be
strong as Wednesday arrives. Let me do well, in YOUR Sight, on the soon - to-arrive July 24TH .
I know that I can be optimistic
I often choose, venally, to not be so and I decide foolishly whever I decide to do so.
Don't let battles with self doubts ...
end in your defeat and surrender ! The price of doing so is far too high!
Today, I did some push ups- YES !!!
Six Months after being struck by a car in Annandale, Virginia, I am finally regaining a sense of testing myself and daring.
It is slowly arriving but arriving it indeed is!
- Johnny -
It is slowly arriving but arriving it indeed is!
- Johnny -
Table Topics Is Intuitive Speaking !
Not all Toastmasters agree with me on this. Yet, This is something that I strongly cling to and most ardently believe.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Move on
and keep striving and striding, Johnny. There is a worthy goal before you that ,while still in the distance. that you must continue to close in upon.
The Very LAST!!! Moment
Why is it that, when we know we have PLENTY of time to get a task or assignment done, We, myself definitely included often waste until the last moment, to provide energy, intensity and excellence to the task that we need to complete and /or fulfill.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I know that August will
arrive- I just now need to act as if I believe this to be true. - LOL!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Endurance ----
Not always what you want to need to practice, but at times, the only positive and realistic choice.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
July 20TH, 1969 - That First Step
and those words, " One Small Step for a Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind."
Words that shall linger.
- Johnny -
Words that shall linger.
- Johnny -
Friday, July 19, 2013
The benefits of consistency are demonstated here.
This blog entry is my 250TH entry for this MONTH of July!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I am capable of building a life now ...
that I could not have imagined possible in July of 2003. The last 10 years have often been messy and grueling but somehow they have directed me towards hope, love and a future.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Tomorrow, I am choosing to be the change and . . .
to live in the change, that I wish to see become my life!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I know that I can still be ...
who God originally designed me to be. I am certain that it is not too late for this to occur.
I am glad I took a chance
and got out and active today. Overall, This 19th of July has been the best day of this month so far.
I need to remember
that no day is a worthless enterprise. I may waste it but no day can be validly considered to be a waste.
RG 3 and Bryce Harper
Should they be told to play more thoughtfully and thoughtfully in order to prolong their careers?
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
suspicion corrupts and causes those afflicted by it to focus on how safe it is to be around others rather than " What am I capable of doing" and " How, then can I and will I get that accomplished?"
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Continuing on ...
The observant person notes people and events and circumstances and never stops asking him or herself, " Why and How "?
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
I need to bloom where I am planted --
I have acted, very much, as if I am a weed during this month of July. Just because I do NOT want to be here does not mean that I should be a problem this month.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I am shaking myself out of the doldrums -
I have spent much of the last 3 weeks deeply within these said doldrums.
Trust -
I do not NEED To know every possible detail of a plan and exactly how it is to be executed to believe that the plan will ultimately work.
Freedom is
still a choice when no choice immediately before you seems marvelous, appealing and enticing.
Vigor or as he pronounced it ...
"vigah" was a word in vogue 50 years ago when John Kennedy was The President of The United States.
I know that acting like a bad day
now is a cosmic disaster is a demonstration of foolishness on my part.
Late August will get here
as times always arrive. Reality tells me that there will be no magic involved. I must live each day in between. The only question is - What will I choose to do with the days that shall arrive and depart that are in-between ?
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I must remind myself that My Life is...
My Life. I am responsible and accountable for it. I cannot hand it over to anyone else.
A Morale Victory of Sorts
I have let people know that I have found navigating THIS July- July 2013 - as being most ardous. However Today, A Boost of Morale. The Comic Book Library- The Beatley Library in Alexandria, Va-that I have blogged about before had free comic books available today!
I am happy to note that I gained 26 Free Comic Books today.
- Johnny -
I am happy to note that I gained 26 Free Comic Books today.
- Johnny -
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
July in now a little more than half over . . .
Times keeps moving even if it seems that it does not.
Greater Washington DC is clearly no longer
home. It just doesn't fit as well. Just another sign to me that My January plans are proper ones and continue to be.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Some people weigh heavily on you
Being around them is or truly CAN be a chore and a duty and an assignment that an individual might readily wish to avoid. Yet, As someone who wants grace, this may be an opertunity to be used as a conduit of grace.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Painful progress is still progress . . .
and it can well serve to make you glad that you endured it at a LATER - perhaps- much later time.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Learning to be more generous---
When you are inclined to fanatically and selfishly/ bratilly cling to what you "think" will make you happy.
What helps you to get over your self and decide it is best to change your behavior and attitude?
What helps you to get over your self and decide it is best to change your behavior and attitude?
When you can say " no" to what you most ...
insistently want and then say yes to honor someone that you are dedicated to, That is an act of love far beyond Hallmark I am discovering.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
My effort to fight for all I felt I that I needed
clearly needed to stop. I was heading towards disaster and I'm glad I've changed course.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Monday, July 8, 2013
I need your motto this week, Johnny to be...
" Think before you speak or type or make a telephone call."
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Hope, Trust and being determined to not . . .
let dreams be starved, Allows a person to make progress no matter what else is occurring around them or within them!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
To treat well those who are easy to deal with.
Is to do what anyone and everyone can easily and effortlessly do!
Every word I type expands
the legacy that I am leaving. So, I should think wisely of the record that I am involved in creating.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I am not a victim
My choices, such as they are, means that I have VOLUNTEERED for the life I am living on THIS DAY !
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I must strive to seek to live
as abundantly as I know how to through out this Second Full Week of July 2013.
i must remember the power of Belief
in these days that seem to go buy much too slowly. There can be miracles WHEN you believe.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
July has been a long and slow months so far...
for me. I do know every month starts and does come to an end .
Friday, July 5, 2013
The Future is too marvelous
Keep that in mind as you go through these days that are immediately before you, Johnny !
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
The worst damage you can do to anyone is to crush their morale. The worst damage you can do yourself is to sabotage your own morale.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I cannot give up
I have nothing to gain by not pushing forward. Darn the discomfort, I must speed on ahead.
I am confident of this very thing....
that He who has begun a good work in Me- A day that will be perfected continually and without end.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Help me to understand
One of my greatest weaknesses is to fail, again and again, to understand.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
The more History you read and take seriously
the less you are likely to bog down attitudinally at ANY GIVEN moment.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
God WILL make a way where there seems to ...
be no way. This is proven, in history, again and again and again.
Love is wonderful to have
It can cause you to agonize greatly when you are not with that individual of your desire!
It is said that "Practice makes Perfect"
In that sense it is true that the way we decide to live from day to day truly becomes the story of our lives.
Glen Campbell once sang, " You know I need you MORE ...
than want you and I want you for all time."
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Tomorrow will be a day . . .
when I will get to celebrate the value of seeing a long-term commitment fully through. I hope that this is an augur for my future as well.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I've not been with my Amanda Lynn physically/ in person the last two Fourths of July either yesterday nor 366 days ago.
Yet, My reaction to those two Fourths is radically different. 07/04/12 was the day I knew I loved her passionately in an unvarnished way. Yesterday was painful due to circumstances that severely limited our ability to be3 in contact with each other.
- Johnny -
Yet, My reaction to those two Fourths is radically different. 07/04/12 was the day I knew I loved her passionately in an unvarnished way. Yesterday was painful due to circumstances that severely limited our ability to be3 in contact with each other.
- Johnny -
I do cherish my Freedom of Expression.
I'd be MUCH better off if I'd use it far less often to whine.
I don't like shopping
I guess that is an "Un-American" philosophy that I strongly embrace. - LOL-
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Being too clever
can be a way of spinning your wheels. A great deal of activity with little to no benefit or progress!
Sometimes asking " Which is better and...
Which is worse " is pure folly? Either for the good or the ill, The two choices are truly the same.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
I am looking forward to This Weekend
Saturday, July 6Th will be the true formal wrap up To the 18 Month Prime Directive.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Superman and Cleveland
Superman's creators, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, were both born and raised in Cleveland.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
This summer is certain to be ...
a time of stretching. I know I will celebrate the process of arriving right on The Edge of Labor Day.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I know that Kentucky
will bring out the explorer in me once again as I will come to want to GROK my WHOLE NEW WORLD!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
The only way to become a better writer is to . . .
write every chance that you can, or, at least so I've been told!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Being willing to adapt and adjust, I find,
is a sign of intelligence and evidence of a true peace-oriented servant's heart.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Kentucky is a marvelous place to be
When I am there, I seem closer to being in contact with much more of the rest of the US than i am here in Washington and far more than I ever saw myself as such when I lived, years ago, in New York City!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Trusting that all can be made better . . .
is a way to free yourself from that which may now seem so undesirable .
My parents thought I'd never find love and abundance
They spend a lot of time to do as much as they could to insure that this WOULD be my future! God loves me enough, it is becoming clear, to work to unravel this malevolence.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
When you are free to tell others what is on your heart,
You are then developing a tail, I'm learning, that is rich, fascinating and well-worth telling.
I am a Big Fan of John Batchelor's Radio Show
He is a most literate, compelling and dynamic radio host.
I am a Proud Toastmaster
My 22 plus years in Toastmasters have expanded my spirit and shown me a great deal of how truly abundant life can be.
Fight to get the most out of life between now and
Labor Day. I know, if I follow this course, I will be so much the better for it!
Frostburg brought out so much that is good in me !
What will I be like after I've spent months in Kentucky !
I need to remember to keep focused upon the value ....
of Postive and Optomistic thinking over the coming weeks.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I am expecting Saturday to be the . . .
first truly warm, enjoyable , fun and satisfying day of This Seventh Month of 2013 !
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
The Last Fourth Of July living in Greater Washington....
is less than two hours away from being over. While actually rasther a slight confort, It is actually a small but valid reason to smile.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I know that the fear that where I am at present
will not end is but a mere chimera. It is unraveling steadily and, by the start of October, The finishline, while still distant will be in sight.
If you an reach the end of August, You will see that there is not one chance that you will spend any part of a 36TH year anyehere in The Greater Washington DC Area!
- Johnny -
If you an reach the end of August, You will see that there is not one chance that you will spend any part of a 36TH year anyehere in The Greater Washington DC Area!
- Johnny -
' Tis most true - Trust and Obey For THERE IS!!!!...
no other way to be HAPPY in Jesus but to trust and obey.
Not letting the difficulty of the moment crash and dissuade you
into surrender is not Our American way. This is not the way the 56 signers conducted themselves through many harsh and crushing days after July 4Th, 1776 passed into history.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I do know
that time will pass and where I am now will, in the fullness of time, be as distant to me as early May of 2013 now is to me!
Fortune favors those
who are willing to allow events to unfold in all the time that they validly need to unfold!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
Freedom is a risky investment scheme
You accept that we make choices and you live with the consequences of each and every one of those choices.
I am noting today that even in the best of times and when all is going as it should, There are still rough times to weather and battles to get through and beyond!
- Johnny -
I am noting today that even in the best of times and when all is going as it should, There are still rough times to weather and battles to get through and beyond!
- Johnny -
" Johnny 2014 ,
Please do not ruin what I am battling to maintain, strengthen and enhance on this early July afternoon in 2013!"
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I am glad that I'm ...
deciding , right now, to not cripple my future in order to attempt to greedily get what I long for RIGHT NOW at THIS MOMENT !
God knows best
If I give into temptation and act to run amok to get what I feel I must have now- RIGHT NOW - Will I accept the ruinous and destructive consequences that my action will likely bring into being ?
Today is a a day of intense struggle and massive frustration for me! God, Please keep me from acting to make things FAR WORSE than they are at present.
- Johnny -
Today is a a day of intense struggle and massive frustration for me! God, Please keep me from acting to make things FAR WORSE than they are at present.
- Johnny -
Can you live well today when what your heart craves
is a to have a wish answered. That wish- To be sent One Calendar year into the Future !?
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I have done all that I know to do so . . .
far TODAY !!!!!!! to honor and cherish My Amanda Lynn onj This First Anniversary of our FORMALIZING Our Romantic Relationship !
Yet, As this day is not yet over, I am most certain that I am not yet close to doing all that I shall do to honor This AMAZING DAY!
- Johnny -
Yet, As this day is not yet over, I am most certain that I am not yet close to doing all that I shall do to honor This AMAZING DAY!
- Johnny -
Individuals took risks in the 1770's ....
and inspired others by their daring boldness, to join with them to create a nation.
This same paradigm can benefit The US today, if we, as individuals decide that it is vital that we bring this about now " both for ourselves and OUR POSTERITY!"
A Great America 237 years from now can be brought about if we as INDIVIDUAL AMERICANS act to make this possible.
- Johnny -
This same paradigm can benefit The US today, if we, as individuals decide that it is vital that we bring this about now " both for ourselves and OUR POSTERITY!"
A Great America 237 years from now can be brought about if we as INDIVIDUAL AMERICANS act to make this possible.
- Johnny -
While today has NOT been the day that I hoped it ...
would be, It has , so far, been rather better than I feared it would be.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
If you trust in what is better ..
You will be more inclined to find it as you navigate through your day. This is a concept that I need to put into practice far more often than I do at present.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
In My Life, Lord
Be Glorified today. I'm feeling shay and overwhelmed at this moment so this brief prayers in most certainly and honest cry and yearning of both my heart and my spirit.
- Johnny -
PS ------
Happy Fourth of July, Land that I Love!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
PS ------
Happy Fourth of July, Land that I Love!
- Johnny -
This is now the start of The Second Year of
The Mandy -Johnny Verse. This is a land of always interesting times- LOL_ to be sure!
My First Full Year of Being with Mandy!
will be completed within the next 2 minutes. Wow, It has INDEED proven to be an amazing and transformational adventure to be sure!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
This has been a Me, Myself and I NIGHT !!!
It is not what I expected this Wednesday Night to be. I still think I've done much to redeem it and make much more of it than I have in past times.
Expectations can set you
up for frustration. Yet, To live without expectations would seem to indicate that one is living a rather dismal and uninspired life.
God knew that it would not be good for me to be alone
I am very much reminded tonight that I am very prone to not respond well to life when I am lonely.
Life is radically unpredictable
We never really know when we wake up what our life will be like throughout the course of that day!
I am glad that creativity is one of my gifts.
Imagination allows you to never lose a sense of wonder and amazement and possibilities.
Giving with right motives is never a bad thing
I know that when I give it is a sign that my heart and spirit knows the vital importance of honoring and blessing others.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I need to sing more often, especially now.
The Garment of Praise is The Best RX for A Spirit of Heaviness.
I know that Late August is ahead and
that makes this anxious early July night a tad easier to negotiate my way through!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I cannot imagine what July 4rh, 2014 will be like
for me. I find this simple fact to be both tantalizing and positively provocative!
- Johnny
- Johnny
is trusting in what is unseen, knowing that there is enough evidence to trust you life upon the FACT that God is and is 100% trustworthy!
I love America
It is a land that focus as much on what we can be as much as upon what we have been!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
The Primary Difference between The Night and The Day is that
The Night can often serve as a time of anxiety and dread while The Morning- The Beginning of the Day- is more readily considered to represent renewal and hope !
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
The eve of The Fourth of July is a most poor time ...
to behave as a "Sunshine Patriot" or a "Summer Soldier" when in comes to love and romance.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Allow that people goof up.
I must remember that no one is perfect and unable to goof- I know that I am far from perfect and that I goof up a lot.
Accepting what is and living according to what is ...
can be rather thorny but it does allow you to see where you are and what you need to do next very clearly!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I know that a time is coming when all that is now
will no longer be true about how I am living . It will have CLEARLY have little or nothing to do with my today and tomorrow!
That day has not yet arrived but I know that I am heading towards it!
- Johnny -
That day has not yet arrived but I know that I am heading towards it!
- Johnny -
I expect tomorrow may be...
a movie watching day. Not the perfect Fourth of July ,by any measure, but this seems to be what I am best set up to do for tomorrow, as I see things right now!
I am responsible for the Quality of My Life!
I need to be committed to doing what will allow me to live the fullest life possible during This Summer of 2013.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I know that God is Good ...
I must count on THE REALITY that He loves me and is working to bring out the best in me, all that He created me to become as apart of my being called by Him, according to His purpose.
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
When you are committed to someone ...
It is best to ALWAYS believe the best about them UNTIL you have plentiful and abundant reasons to believe otherwise!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
When you overrate the emotions that you are PRESENTLY experiencing ...
then you tend to act rashly, foolishly and say and do things that you are HIGHLY LIKELY to regret later!
This is the battle I find myself to be in right now.
- Johnny -
This is the battle I find myself to be in right now.
- Johnny -
I can keep going - I absolutely KNOW that I !!!! CAN !!!!
I know that I'm stronger and more capable tonight that I am acting on this late night of July 3RD ! I am just not experiencing in my life the ease and lack of stress that I desire to have!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Help Me , Lord!
Do not let me yield to the impulse that I'm struggling with recently to GIVE up Five Minutes- Relatively Speaking- BEFORE the miracle occurs for me.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
"Are we there yet?"
is only cute when a six year old asks it. Adults keep making progress uintil they get to the sought after destination- if it is possible to get there.
Not getting there may not be a sign of failure providing that you have done ALL that you can possibly do to GET THERE!
- Johnny -
Not getting there may not be a sign of failure providing that you have done ALL that you can possibly do to GET THERE!
- Johnny -
Mood follows action - A Continuing Saga !
When I let myself get overtaklen by anxiety and fear, I will be weak and hesitant. My feelings are not facts and I can still act at tines when I am struggling to do well!
A One Year Anniverasry
occurs tomorrow. I am glad for the blessing that I've gained from being more and more invested in My Amanda Lynn with each passing day!
Not at all American.
" We can't do those type of things. We are not The Rockefellers, We are not The Kennedys. We don't buy good things, we do not go on vacations. We just get by somehow!"
This is a statement exemplifying what our 43rd President would describe as " The Bigotry of Soft Expectations." This states, in effect, " " We have nothing, We are nothing and thus, We can achieve nothing."
Sadly, This is what I was OFTEN told by my parents when I was a child. It is horrible when people consign themselves and those they are SUPPOSED to love with this viewpoint.
We, too often, as a society, extend this same view to our fellow Americans. Many of those who are provided assistance are asked to live with in cripplingly limiting means and are encouraged to stay there and be confined and constrained.
I think we need, on this Fourth of July, This 237TH Independence Day, to get back to asking people tro do all they can to live their lives to the fullness of their hopes, possibilites, abilities, capacity and potential.
Choosing not to do so when an INDIVIDUAL has the ability to act cannot be an acceptable response from any of our fellow Americans! If we want to be a Nation with a grand future, We all must be contributers to the fullest extent that we can be in our own lives.
If I can make a difference in my life and I decide to not act to do so, Then I am the full reason why I am incapable of succeeding
Happy Fourth of July to one and all!
- Johnny -.
This is a statement exemplifying what our 43rd President would describe as " The Bigotry of Soft Expectations." This states, in effect, " " We have nothing, We are nothing and thus, We can achieve nothing."
Sadly, This is what I was OFTEN told by my parents when I was a child. It is horrible when people consign themselves and those they are SUPPOSED to love with this viewpoint.
We, too often, as a society, extend this same view to our fellow Americans. Many of those who are provided assistance are asked to live with in cripplingly limiting means and are encouraged to stay there and be confined and constrained.
I think we need, on this Fourth of July, This 237TH Independence Day, to get back to asking people tro do all they can to live their lives to the fullness of their hopes, possibilites, abilities, capacity and potential.
Choosing not to do so when an INDIVIDUAL has the ability to act cannot be an acceptable response from any of our fellow Americans! If we want to be a Nation with a grand future, We all must be contributers to the fullest extent that we can be in our own lives.
If I can make a difference in my life and I decide to not act to do so, Then I am the full reason why I am incapable of succeeding
Happy Fourth of July to one and all!
- Johnny -.
I do NOT Like Shopping AT ALL !
Even after having admitted this, Using Coupons when you are shopping at a Dollar Store - You have got to be kidding, This is what I ran into today.
I do believe someone should design a store for people like me, The Store that people who loathe shopping enjoy shopping in. It is a slogan that just might catch on!
- Johnny -
I do believe someone should design a store for people like me, The Store that people who loathe shopping enjoy shopping in. It is a slogan that just might catch on!
- Johnny -
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Once I am CLEARLY identified as a HUMAN BEING !
Once, I've typed in the letters that I am asked to type in again and again, I, THEN !!!!!!< should not need to prove that I am, again and again, to continue to BLOG! REALLY!!!!!!!!! NOW !!!!!!!
If you cannot convince yourself,
You are not likely to be convincing when you attempt to motivate others.
I am in the zone
I've done a lot tonight that I'd rather not do. The road to where you function best is often built upon doing the best rather than what seems to be most appealing, delightful, charming and fun!
The Goal
gets closer when you are in motion and getting the most out of where you are now, right now!
The Last Post of This July Second
Blogging can be therapy and this has served as my prime therapy on THIS DAY!
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
The difference between Adults who do
wrong and their children. You must treat children with more compassion. I know that children , especially young children cannot choose where thet live and how they love and how they got to where they are at this moment.
If I am to be a man of principle, Then, I must keep this in mind as I wrestle with volunteering at The Grace Community Church supported Casa Crilagua!
- Johnny -
If I am to be a man of principle, Then, I must keep this in mind as I wrestle with volunteering at The Grace Community Church supported Casa Crilagua!
- Johnny -
I've made some efforts to redirect myself
Not getting what I want does not preclude that I cannot make this a productive and valuable summer this year.
Exercise is one way to
remember that I benefit from giving Amanda a better Johnny as I work towards getting ready for my NEXT trip to Kentucky.
I do know that
I was expected never to be happy. I must not deny myself contentment and peace- They must be claimed and rested within.
I've now gone past a marker ...
I am now beyond the one year's posting based on one post a DAY mark!
When you have a prayer answered ...
that does not mean that all becomes smooth and cliched Disney easy!
Playing to win
does not allow you to declare defeat until you know the game cannot be won. A bad inning never , ever GUARANTEES defeat.
When you first started this process, I was well over a year
away from exiting DC and moving to Kentucky, now you are just slightly over 6 months away from this transpiring.
You may be a tortoise now but you are inching closer and the finish line is now more in reach than it has been in times past.
You may be a tortoise now but you are inching closer and the finish line is now more in reach than it has been in times past.
The Next time you write a Devotional
Please remember that I do better as a Candle lighter than a be moaner of the thick darkness.
This summer may well teach me that
I need to live in a wider perspective and be less strident vis-a-vis insisting on "NOW" !!!!
Being resolute is good
Blogging when you desire to sulk and brood, Johnny, is acting to gain rather then sabotage yourself.
Healing is a version of therapy quite often
This summer will be a time to submit to God's healing as He applies Holy Therapy in my life.
The Boy in The Bronx waited
51 plus years to set foot in Southern California. He saw a wish come to pass. Late August of 2013 is NOT- LOL- 50 plus years away.
Writing is healing
We are all as sick as our secrets and our hidden fears. Placing our thoughts in the open is both healing and empowering.
There have been years where there seem no answers.
2013 is NOT one of those years!!!! You are foolish and acting irresponsibly if you see 2013 as a year of horror and nothingness, even for a moment! This year the answers are - " You will see her in August and Have an Amazing Birthday and Thanksgiving in The Fall." July is not forever and is already drifting away one second at a time."
This Day, July 2ND, may not be all you'd like it to be RIGHT NOW but there have been far worse times!
- Johnny-
This Day, July 2ND, may not be all you'd like it to be RIGHT NOW but there have been far worse times!
- Johnny-
Yes, Tonight I am struggling.
I believe, no matter what I must do to satisfy this, I will do what I must do! That I do promise myself and remind myself that I keep my promises.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I need to know that someone sees me as their priority.
That pleasing me is their number one priority. That has just never been true in my life.
God, Show me what a blessing this summer can be
I need that hope to be shown to me - What, realistically can I do to be blessed and a blessing THIS summer ?
I know what January 2014 will bring. Will the next two months of frustration be redeemed next year ?
The First Anniversary
will leave a lot to be desired. Celebrating face to face nearly EIGHT weeks later - at best - does not make this situation any better or more delightful.
Asking patience from a 58 year old...
seems to be asking a whole lot more than asking a 29 year old to be patient !
Am I wrong to believe this to be valid ?
- Johnny -
Am I wrong to believe this to be valid ?
- Johnny -
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