I am , far too often the biggest obstacle to my own success! I misread situations, I react too quickly and I get too easily annoyed and frustrated by situation that are too petty and insignificant, for an intelligent and creative person to concern himself with!
I like to do things quickly, one I'm in motion I greatly prefer to not have to stop slow down, need to change course or be diverted. This means that I can react very poorly and not make a good account of myself at all when I'm waiting for an appointment, standing on a line especially in stores. You could film a video that would garner great ratings on a program like America's Funniest Videos of my temper tantrums and meltdown if I get made to wait " unreasonably long". Fussy and need extra attention grocery shoppers, very slow and struggling at their job cashiers and Bus Operators, especially if I feel my waiting for an OVERDUE bus is seriously damaging my staying on schedule.
I like to justify it by offering that LAME excuse that " This is the way I am". I know that I cannot control what others do but I am fully able to control myself AND my responses and reactions! I can keep my displeasure and irritation to myself. I can learn that things " just happen". I can learn that I do not have to be catered to and that I can accept simply to deal with the occurrence of the moment with humor, insight, sympathy and support for those I'm in relationship with - in THIS case the " relationship" being that we are in the same place and involved in the SAME circumstance.
Being selfish and demanding do nothing to make me a good or attractive person to be near. Being willing to let everyone know how I'm displeased with them wins me NOT one friend and positively influences absolutely no!!!! one!!! If I behave this way and claim to be loving, I'm telling a fib! God offers me His grace, peace and ability to be forebearing and long-suffering! So, If I want to be embraced more and be more desired and have my company MORE sought after. I need to get real, practice love, kindness and gentleness and SIMPLY! CHOOSE! CONTINUALLY to seek to GET!!! OVER!!! MYSELF!!!
- Johnny -
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