It's annoying, it sounds pathetic and as if your life is controlled by anyone and everyone except for the person who is droning on and on and on! Yuck, It is called c-o-m-p-l-a-i-n-g! It is tiresome, boring and MANY see it as the perfect perfect reason for having anything to do something.
Complaining, sadly has far too often ME!!!! - Johnny ! It is something that I am working VERY MUCH to be rid of INDEED to free myself of. What complaining is is asking some, likely and ultimately God Himself to change something that I am not pleased with and change it to my liking! It is a thinly disguised form of brattiness- an adult engaging in the worst form of acting out- a temper tantrum.
Sometimes the most effective for of self-valuing is something not always talked about in the literature of therapy- self tough love! You know that you cannot change anyone but yourself- so it is folly to demand that others twist and contort themselves- make their lives less pleasing to them -in order to advantage you- No intelligent adult is going to play along with that! I know,very clearly, that taking a short-term action that provide a result I like RIGHT NOW could have a long term boomerrang effect at a future time. The result I like and the boomerang outcome that will later arrive are truly a package deal- so I really cannot complain about the pain caused to me when the boomerang strikes- I, realsticallly, KNEW that the boomerrang was going to arrive!
I can always choose wisely and sometimes either decide to do without or plan to soldier through the " not wonderful times" without complaining. Accepting and living with a bad result and making the best of it or working to fight to either get beyond what has occurred or working to bring about a change that will bring about a pervasive change in my circumstances are , indeed, mature and wise alternatives to live a better life- a life that others will want to be invested in and be involved in! Complaining is a weak and pathetic way to respond to life's tough times. I deserve to be seen as weak and pathetic when I decide to complain!
- Johnny -
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