People died yesterday, some people nearly died yesterday! Murder and attempted murder , rage expressed towards an elected political leader, a judge and people who were nearby! We will now hear , I'm sure quite often , in the days that are to come about the need to drastically limit gun sales and how to limit crimes by more drastically limiting who is allowed to use guns.
A gun is a tool, it does not possess a mind, it does not have emotions, it cannot plans nor can any gun calculate and scheme. It is people who make the choices to do harm and decide what tools- what weapons they wish to employ to do that harm. In this case festering anger that was heated up to bonfire intensity is what led to the carnage of yesterday. Torrents of angry words and improperly dealt with mental illness where the indicators that the gunmen would likely engage in such an events.
It is time that we realized that we just cant ask ourselves to be more understanding- certain [people need to be confined. It will be beneficial to all to give such a person all the support and care he needs once you have assured that he is not able to be a danger to himself or ANYONE ELSE! I also think that we need to be alert to what the most disturbed among us are saying, Sometimes their words provide a detailed trail to tragedy!
We want to be, at every reasonable opportunity,to be understanding and supportive to the max. We also owe it to ourselves to make sure that our desire to be as understanding as possible does nOt come back to haunt us!
- Johnny -
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