Human beings can be strange, A person may be very difficult to deal with. He or she may act -out and be rather disturbing to be anywhere near.. They have proven over the years to be demanding of you and trying. You have heard them, at moments when all seems worst for therm, tell you with great emotion and conviction that they intend to change and improve themselves. You back them and offer love, friendship and support. The crisis passes,things seem better and they go back to their old ways and behaviors.
Now, at some point, That individual decides that they can't stay as they are- that they have reached the point of being "sick and tired of being sick and tired"! So, They start living better and decide to discontinue old and bothersome ways, habits and practices. Now, How might you react if the person who is in the process of "transforming" asks you if you notice that they are improving. They ALSO want to hear you tell them how proud you are of them and how pleased you are by their efforts.
People do need to understand that people who have dealt with obnoxious behavior and large numbers of broken promises may not be quick to embrace the person who is finally getting their life together. It takes a lot to get over the hurt and disappointment. God forgives and forgets readily. It seems to be more difficult for mortals to do so.
A child will be treated well when he or she asks , " Did I behave well today, Daddy? " or " are you pleased with me today, Mommy?" Adults do not often get similar responses when they behave properly and decide to do the NEXT right thing!
For Adults, Behaving well and treating others well is doing well. Sometimes, It needs to be enough that knowing that you are doing right and well needs to serve as its' own reward!
- Johnny -
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