Some people will stoutly maintain that speaking the truth about a valid issue is, in and of itself, fine. That truth whether dressed up in silk and rainbow colored thread or hurriedly wrapped in burlap and poorly adhesive- taped together is the truth. Thus, It must be listened to, it must be accepted,and it must be heeded.
Others are more governed by a mutant form of aesthetics. Not only must truth be True- correct and and able to be tested for its' validity but it must be attractive and appealing. I CANNOT accept a truth that goes counter to something I passionately believe in. Truth must never offend or create difficulty or hardship for anyone. It can't be allowed to make life more arduous for anyone. Any truth that creates problems, hardship or hurts someone feelings just cannot be taken seriously, it cannot be considered to be a guideline for how people will live and conduct themselves. To expect that to be the case, is cruel, mean and harsh.
Anyone really want truth to have proven itself to be " warm, fuzzy and innocuous" before we can accept it and live by it? To tell you the truth, That idea is TOTALLY offensive to me!
- Johnny -
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