" Gotta get off, gonna get, Have to get off of this ride, Gotta get hold, gonna get , Need to get hold of my pride." Valley of The Dolls was a hit movie in the Year 1967. These words are from the theme of this movie and were written and are sung by Dionne Warwick!
One of the prime themes of this movie is drug addiction, Anne Welles, played by Barbara Perkins, was a bright and very talented young woman who came to New York City to make her fortune!She wanted to gain as much as she possibly could as quickly as she could get there. She had a similar desire to the other 2 female leads of the movie- Neely, played by Patty Duke, played the young singer and dancer, Neely O' Hara and Sharon Tate played a young actress named Jennifer who wanted to be known for her acting talent but was much more sought after for her body.
The "Dolls" of the movie actually referred to pills. Anne Wellles seemed to be the one who would wind up with the least troubled road. She met a man that she was attracted to and found a great job. Yet, The scheming and " Get to the Top" at any cost Neely took her man from her and that led to a rough down hill slide for Anne that wound up with her plunging deep into addiction. The song lyrics are basically tied to scenes with Anne realizing her life had totally fallen apart and that she would have to start the slow and painful climb to regain her soul once again.
Why refer to a late 1960's movie that has not worn well over time, I chose it because it demonstrates where being too tunnel-visioned upon the concept of NOW can lead you. Now is the cry of the greedy, the immature and tiresome. They give anyone who encounters them the clear message that " satisfying and Pleasing me is yours and everyone else's Job #1!"
People who decide to work on the assunption are, in a strange way, totally others focused- when it comesgaining answers and obtaining resolution. If you are insisting upon things occurring " N!!!O!!!W!!!" then you either seeing yourself being magically in total control of everything. If not then THAT individual must believe that someone else has the ability to make everything and everything happen and that he or she will, of course, act IMMEDIATELY now to their advantage.
Unless you are 4 years old or are magical or a being of vast power from some other locale in the Universe, You do not truly think that you will get all that you desire NOW! Thus, Being "NOW" focused means that you plan to be unhappy, whiny, impossible to please and satisfy and just not at all great to be around!
The maturity process that we all must participate in to learn to live well shows up the value of time, process and work. Nothing positive or negative really happens in a surprising moment. We usually blind ourselves that that which is working around us that is negative and adversity- constructing because we decide to will ourselves to ignore it!
Problem-soling and improvement occurs when we recognize a change must occur! Then, We must decide what to do and then we have to actually get into action.We also have to give ourselves permission to work hard and wait to gain what we want or to regain what we have lost! Starting something new can also be a slow and torturous process!
So, Insisting on NOW as the only answer to when means you will not be easy to please or, ultimately very pleased with yourself!
- Johnny -
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