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Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Ripples!

  If a butterfly flapping his or her wings can start a series of events that can bring about a Category FOUR Hurricane eventually, Doesn't that tell all of us that the choices that we make and the choices that are fully and inseparably TIED to our choices matter? Wouldn't you and I be better off and wouldn't those we are connected to be likely to do better if we more carefully considered our actions and perhaps then decide that we must NOT do, no matter the temptation fascinates us , that which is likely to be harmfully and damaging!

 Sometimes disastrous and really tragic harm is  caused simply by us willfully choosing to do that which is BLUNTLY!!! NOT!!!!! GOOD!!! " No: can indeed serve as a complete and most clear sentence. When you say to a choice that will clearly not properly and rightfully benefit any one, You pull out the roots of a devastating Social " weed" before it can begin to grow and fester!

Sometimes wonderful, healing and long term positive good can also be born with a simple "Yes"! You can begin something that will bless by many be deciding to do that which will really make THE BEST POSSIBLE difference in your life, in the lives of those you are connected with and those who you will become connected with in days not yet having arrived  by a simple and determined saying of the word " YES"!

Does this seem simplistic? Yes, It can be viewed that way. I . very much, viewed this "simple idea" with a great deal of scorn, mockery and contempt! Yet, Simple ideas can do amazing good and truly bring about excellent and impressive results!

As a brief example, "If you do not drink, You will not get drunk" Duh, That seems sooooooooo painfully obvious. The power and effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous uses this simple principle as a vital bedrock. Adhering to this very "simple" idea has saved many people from creating unavoidable havoc and preventable misery for themselves others since June 10th, 1935- The Day AA was first established!

So, Will you and I be brave enough and principled enough to say "Yes" to that we know there is EVERY good reason to say " Yes" to? Will  you and I, Additionally, be principled and  brave enough to say " No" to that which will not do anyone any good?

- Johnny-

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