Israel, in the years between 1956 and1973, faced 3 wars against a coalition of its neighboring nations.The purpose of the Wars was not only the defeat of Israel but the breaking of Israel. Israel's opponents made it clear that they devoutly held the total destruction of Israel as their primary war aim.
In the First 2of these 3 Wars, Egypt led by Gamal Abdel Nasser, was the most outspoken of all the belligerent nations. They also were the chief spokes men of the " Death to the Jewish State" battle cries. After General Nasser's 1970 Death, His Vice- President Anwar El-Sadat took over. It was Sadat who stood at the head of the Anti- Israel Alliance during the October, 1973 Yom Kippur War. Yom Kippur is also known as "The Day of Atonement" a day when The Jewish people fast and pray and ask for atonement- forgiveness and release- from THAT year's sin. This is considered One of the Holiest Days on the Jewish Calendar. Israel was attacked by the Egyptian -Led Coalition on Yom Kippur.
While Israel was set reeling and was in disarray at first,Israel eventually was able to turn the tide. Not however before All US Forces were put on high alert and not before massive weapon shipments were sent to Israel to make up for loss they sustained during the outset of the war.
However, in the months to follow, Anwar Sadat began to assess his nation's military policies and the price that Egypt had paid in the fighting of those 3 wars over a period of 17 years! He began to wonder just what his nation had to gain by staying on a war footing against Israel!
This reassessment of Egyptian military and diplomatic policies transformed President Sadat and The Egyptians! President Sadat , in the late 1970's stated that he was willing to meet AND negotiate with Israel Prime Minister, Menahem Begin. Anwar Sadat and Menahem Begin accepted an invitation in 1978 from President Jimmy Carter to use The Presidential Retreat at Camp David as a place to conduct their negotiations. President Carter, President Sadat and Prime Minister Began met for 12 days coming up with a peace agreement between Israel and Egypt.
Overtime, Egypt has become a trust worthy friend and ally of Israel. Mr. Sadat was assassinated a few years later by assailant who took their nation's leader's life. Mr. Sadat had completed his transformation from a War Leader to an International Martyr for peace.
The cost of war became a classroom for both Anwar Sadat and The Egyptian People.
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