No matter what let's all be kind! It is a wonderful sentiment ! I believe in a sentiment also expressed in The Bible, " As far as it depends on you, Be at peace with all men." The stress of this verse is on two things- peace and the co-operation displayed by others.
Some people are by nature, very conflict avoident, They are, truly, not likely to make thins difficult for others. This is great when the circumstances are peaceful. Yet, It can be a road to disaster and tragedy. Some people will mistake kindness for weakness and some people will fully take advantage when no matter how hostile and menacing they get the people who they are menacing show no defiance or or offer no challenge no matter how threatening they become.
Once a National leader, in a time when it seemed that war was likely said of a nation that his country was allied to, " We have no reason to take up arms for a far away country that we no nothing about." . The Prime Minister was Neville Chamberlain and the country he spoke of was Czechoslovakia. Mr, Chamberlain signed a Treaty with Adolf Hitler.. Based on what was signed, A portion of Czechoslovakia was turned over to Germany. Months later, The German Army marched into the REST of Czechoslovokia!
A year later, A General European War began. It is long been maintained that if England and France had stood resolutely behind their ally, a war might have broken out in 1938- a war that might have been more easily won by England and France.
Peace at any price can become peace at an unacceptably high price!
- Johnny -
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