Years ago, A musical group, The Hollies had a hit song -He Ain't Heavy- He's my brother. The inspiration for this song was from imagery from the famous boy's orphanage , Boys Town, The Founder of Boy's Town, Father Flanagan,saw a picture of an older boy carrying a younger boy on his shoulders on a magazine cover back in 1927.The younger boy is his younger brother. When asked if he was uncomfortable with the weight on his shoulder, The older boy smiles and says, " He ain't heavy, He's my brother."
Edward Flanagan was taken by the imagery which he saw as perfectly describing the mission and work of Boy's Town. He asked for and was given permission to use the image and concept.It was changed slightly as the older boy NOW said, "He ain't heavy, FATHER, He's my brother.". The idea now was that the older boys looked out for, were concerned with and acted as willing mentors to the younger boys.
The 1969 Released Hollies song broadened the concept to looking out for each other, being willing to care about each other, support and help those of us who are overwhelmed at this moment and are in need of both assistance, friendship and support. When I was in college, A friend of mine changed a line in the song from "His welfare is MY Concern" to " His Welfare is HEW's Concern". HEW is the old Federal Agency, The Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The name and function of this agency was shifted when the Department of Education was created during President Carter's Administration. The Current Agency is called the Department of Health and Human Services ( HHS). My friend later said, " I changed the line because the Government cares for people not their friends and neighbors. The rest of us have our own problems and our own lives to worry about."
The Feds have to care because the rest of us don't, won't or can't care. Is that really the truth in Our 2011 America. I know that times are indeed most rugged and difficult. I know extra money does not seem readily available . Yet, Are we really, either by necessity or wont, blind and deaf and simply unaware of the truly needy around us? I really do not believe that this is true for any of us. Right now, I live on SSI and SSDI and the margin of funds available to me seems extremely thin. Yet, It still seems that I waste money. So, I'm guessing that we all have a little EXTRA money that we can CHOOSE TO USE to benefit the truly overwhelmed and needy!
It isn't much but I provide two fifteen dollar check each year to my associate pastor that are used to buy a Christmas present and a birthday present for a child living in a difficult situation. I just provide the money and the associate pastor buys the gift, It is a way of giving this young person a special bit of sunshine and knowing that he or she matters,
I will say that I do not believe that pieces of paper ( cash or checks) pieces of metal and plastic cards solve EVERYTHING. I just do not believe this to be so! A kind word, spending time with someone, inviting someone to your home or to go with you to see a movie or to attend a sporting event can be a way to be loving and supportive. Challenging a person to do more, to try harder and to not stop striving to become the best that he or she can become is also loving, caing and supportive as well. When HEW or HHS provides your welfare, They are constrained by possible protest actions and political correctness concerns from a delivering a message which asks or requires what you do what you are ABLE to to better yourself!
So, His or Her welfare IS indeed thankfully my concern. It is a rich blessing to acknowledge the undeniable REALITY that this is so!
- Johnny-
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