On Capital Hill, making sure that you have enough time to say what you need to say can be a rather important issue.As we know, There are 100 Senators and 535 Representatives in Congress.When a member of either body wishes to speak, he or she raises his hand to be recognized. Once recognized, The member asked to be allowed so much time for his or her remarks- enough time to say what they need to say in the way that they wish to say it.
At times, A fellow member of the body, one who agrees with the member who is speaking may ask that the member yield- give up- all or a portion of their remaining time so that they may speak. The member has the right to agree or to decide not to yield to his/ her fellow Representative or Senator. This is clearly an exercise in time management and a way that clearly demonstrates that time on the Hill is considered to be a valuable and vital resource!
I know that I CAN be a time waster. I know that I also rush through activities and try to get an unreasonable amount of activities done in a ridiculously tiny amount of time. This causes stress, anxiety and tension. This places us on as course to fail or to be highly frustrated.
Kind people, in order to appear to be cooperative, will agree to do far more than they can possibly accomplish, This is a non-productive practice. It becomes a certainty that you will NOT be able to keep your promises and commitments.
We all most certainly KNOW and recognize that time can't be manipulated. We all proceed into the future at a rate of one second per second. Therefore, It is intelligent and prudent to assign the time that will be sanely needed to do what must or what is desirable to do.
Having good skills in the practicing of Time Rationing and Time Yielding is an outstanding way to live a full life, a productive life and a caring life!
- Johnny -
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