I've now been in the process of getting ready to move for 3 months and a week.I am now 5 away from making the actual 600! mile move. I am, leaving where I have operated from and lived for 8 weeks short of THIRTY - SIX years.
That could be used to justful the INTENSE frustration, pique and major outrage that I'm process through as I type this using Computer 12 at The Attractive and Comfortable Beatley Library in Alexandria, Virginia. I could also offer that I'm not usually at my best during intensely cold weather.
However, These are all merely highly transparent excuses and rationales. I am tired of having to deal with people who seem to stumble and bumble through life, who simply do not really get proper behavior in public is vital , expected and necessary. We have become a society imprisoned by a mania of being understanding, forbearing, tolerant and rubber band flexible. To protest, to be dissatisfied and to SUGGEST that this is not worthy of being accepted and that we know all that we can do better/ much better than we are now as a people and as RESPONSIBLE individuals is consider to be a heinous and unforgivable sin and crime by many throughout our American Society.
Lest anyone think I'm merely being bombastic and shrill- Let me just relate some vignettes from this week.
On Monday afternoon, I was waiting for a Metrobus at The King Street Subway Station. I was standing at inside a Bus Shelter. I had my books on the edge of the bench . There were two other people inside that shelter. I finished a newspaper and walked about 5 feet from the shelter to throw it away in a trash receptacle.
As I got back the woman had pl;aced my books o the ground and had clearly gone through them. I reminded her that those books are private property and as she had not asked permission- that she had no right to touch them. The man sitting on the bench told me to " Calm The F Down." I told him that I did not want to deal with his vulgarity or attitude. I also thought that if he were concerned about what was right- he COULD have reminded this woman that those books were NOT her property! She was one of those women who cannot seem to speak without shrilling shouting. . What ever happen to the simple ability to respect the rights of others and not infringe and obnoxiously impose yourself others.
Then , Today! I was not able to deposit a check I had been sent as a refund for overpaying a medical bill. I know, quite often, the companies are very demanding, fill out all that we ask as we tell you must or your application will not be processed. The check that I had been sent was not signed by the firm that had been sent to me. NOW, as I'm getting ready to leave the area, a nuisance is imposed upon me. The demanding firm seems to be lax in expecting their employees to be accurate in the services that they provide to their customers. Arrgghhhh!
After The Bank, I went To Mc Donald's for coffee. I had to wait as no one behind the counter KNEW WHERE THE SUGAR AND CREAMER were. I waited a good 5 minutes. This , to me, seemed like a rejected skit from Saturday Night Live. Mc Donalds does have a national and international image- Do they really gain by anyone seeing them as useless and painfully obvious buffoons? Anyone ever hear of management and oversight?
Then, CVS! I went to CVS to fill a prescription for eye drops. As I arrived at the counter, A young woman asked if she could help me --- and then proved that she could not. I told her five times , " I have a prescription for eyedrops" and gained a blank stare in response. THEN , I was told someone else would help me.
We all know that litany- We are Multicultural and all ways are good. We have failing schools We have many people who are mentally ill or who struggle to process information. We can not judge whether a person is legally present in the us or not. You have not walked a mile in their shoes- you do not know his or her story or the pain, struggles, difficulties, hardships and barriers that he or she has had imposed upon them !
Enough, A wise person should laugh at all of this and say, " I can no longer take this seriously or give this one more moment of my believing this to be credible. You cannot make any of these guiding principles for how you operate a livable and functioning society!
There are many people who are limited, who are hard precessed to improve and do better! My heart goes out to them- We SHOULD do all we can to do well by them! Yet, Pretending that this is how we must treat 100% of our society is irrational, illogical and unintelligent!
Rush Limbaugh's First book was entitled - The Way Things OUGHT to Be. I think we need to once again be brave enough to think there ways. Our Society needs to go back to a Best Practices Society.
We know there are proper, intelligent, wise and efficient ways to operate. We can problem solve and enhance and improve our transactions and interaction to provide genuine and honest truly win-win situations. We can expect professionalism, skill and panache from people as they work. The people we employ can learn that they must prove to stay employed! customer Service can be a showcase of dedicated and beneficial serving excellence. Public Service can also be measured by these SAME standards.
A friend of mine, over 20 years ago,emphasized the value of competence to society. he said for us all to blend well and function well we need to act intelligently and with awareness and avoid being an obstacle to others being able to function this way as well. I now see how valid a concept this is.
I think that if more of us asked ourselves to honestly and thoroughly look at our lives and our society as it OUGHT to be, We'd all live much better ! It would be a blessing top our nation if we voted with this idea in mind. Mr. Obama would not now be our president. This standard would neve4r allow Hillary Clinton to be elected President!
There are ways that things simply OUGHT to be. Who profits when we deny this simple and valid reality ???
- Johnny-
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