In the series The Six Million Dollar Man, Steve Austin is an Astronaut who barely survives a horrendous crash during a training flight.While he is on the operating table, he is augmented with high tech components turning him into The Six Million Dollar Man.
The Classic line from the opening is , " We can rebuild him., make him stronger faster, better." When you feel down, defeated and broken, I well know what that is like, The inspiration to renew, refresh and rebuild yourself- to test out new methods, new theories and new concepts can be highly motivational and re-invigorating. It can fill you with new hopes and new dreams.
So, Are you in the midst of renewing, reestablishing and renewing yourself today? What led you to this point? What is new about you and what you are doing, thinking and saying?
If all works as you desire it to, What do you expect to be like ONE YEAR from today?
- Johnny-
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