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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Not at all American.

 " We can't do those type of things. We are not The Rockefellers, We are not The Kennedys. We don't buy good things, we do not go on vacations. We just get by somehow!"

This is a statement exemplifying what our 43rd President would describe as " The Bigotry of Soft Expectations." This states, in effect, " " We have nothing, We are nothing and thus, We can achieve nothing."

Sadly, This is what I was OFTEN told by my parents when I was a child. It is horrible when people consign themselves and those they are SUPPOSED to love with this viewpoint.

We, too often, as a society, extend this same view to our fellow Americans. Many of those who are provided assistance are asked to live with in cripplingly limiting means and are encouraged to stay there and be confined and constrained.

I think we need, on this Fourth of July, This 237TH Independence Day, to get back to asking people tro do all they can to live their lives to the fullness of their hopes, possibilites, abilities, capacity and potential.

Choosing not to do so when an INDIVIDUAL has the ability to act cannot be an acceptable response from any of our fellow Americans!  If we  want to be a Nation with a grand future, We all must be contributers to the fullest extent that we can be in our own lives.

 If I can make a difference in my life and I decide to not act to do so, Then I am the full reason why I am incapable of succeeding

Happy Fourth of July to one and all!

- Johnny -.

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