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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Do people have a right to expect others to be competent?

 A friend who I first met over 30 years ago is a straight speaking, blunt and spare no one's feelings type of a man! He will tell you what he's thinking and what he believes YOU NEED!!! to hear NO! MATTER! WHAT!

 My friend D believes that only those who are competent have any reasonable chance of living a successful, fruitful and prosperous life in these United States.His definition of competence is - Think out clearly what you need to get done, do exactly that no more nor less and do things in a way that does not make you an impediment, speed bump,a process slowing downer. He believes that people need to be taught as to how much living competently is a must. He will go even further that people have a right to expect that people handle their public discourse and connectedness in a competent manner.

This notion seems like a " set in his ways" and a crotchety mans" outlook on life. Yet, Could this explain the mindset of 'road ragers", of people who want to go ballistic when someone has 22 items in the 15 items or less line in the store. Could people who want to strangle the person who has them to explain something YET again for the sixteenth time also be wanting to say " You need to be competent". This may also hold true for the person who refuses, when he is asked to, say something when he or she is asked to repeat him or herself. He or she may be seething and thinking, " If you were a good listener, I would ONLY need to say this once!"This also could be, perhaps, restated as " Why aren't you competent"?

 It might make our lives easier. I've often imagined how much easier life might be if life worked on the principle of  "GET! IT! RIGHT! THE! FIRST! TIME!" .However, Who said that life needs to be lived easily?

 This is a companion piece, Part one as it were. What happens if I or Anyone decides to be demanding and expectant of myself and allow others  grace and leniency ?

 To Be Continued....

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