When we say " ENOUGH" and "Now" !!!!!!
" God, I'm cold, I'm tired and having foggy and then rainy weather go on from Friday through After dark on Wednesday. I'm simply fully tired of this."
I was peeved as I was walking down a steep hill in Annandale, Virginia, Just outside of Washington, DC, 5:30 PM, two days ago- Wednesday, January 16TH
I'd had a successful day- I worked as a Volunteer as A Speech Team Coach with The Annandale HS Speech and Debate Team. I also stopped for a great cup of coffee - AS ALWAYS- at The Beanetics Coffee Store in Downtown Annandale.
The weather was still grey and rainy. There were predictions- that never came to pass- of heavy snow arriving the next day. It was a cold, raw night.
I just wanted to get across Little River Turn Pike- a large and treacherous crossing- catch a bus. go Food Shopping arrive back home and be warm and dry.
I thought I had the light- looking back now, I'm not a 100% sure. It really did NOT matter however when I was run over by a car while crossing.
I'm ok- a bit battered - a separated shoulder, a torn left ear lobe that was stitched back together a large bump on the back of my head and assorted owies.
I am grateful. It could have been much worse.
I saw my problem to solve as the rain, the cold and a possible snow stoirm and getting enough provisions to get through it.
My Haste and My Wanting Comfort " NOW" were the problem that night and I would have been far wiser to not be too hasty to indulge them!
- Johnny -
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Friday, January 18, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
When you fight to hard to get " Yes" as
a response, You can , sometimes insure that you will get a " NO" that will never be reversed!
Battling to gain my positive outlook
footing on a rainy, dreary and chilly Tuesday, The Fifth such day in a row!
Packets on The Floor
The weather in Alexandria is now either rainy or intensely foggy for a 5th consecutive day. I stopped off today in a small diner for a plate of French Fries and A Cup of Coffee.
As I looked under a nearby booth, I saw 30 or so packets of artificial sweeteners on the floor. I left my table and picked them all up and placed them on the table.
I like to see people act to improve situations - make them better than they were when they first encountered them. Picking up those packets to me felt right and empowering.
You may note that I recently posted a blog on how I loathe problem creators and problem enhancers- those determine to make situations, circumstances and personal encounters worse, more contentious and less savory than they were before their arrival on the scene.
I was practicing today the way I'd like to live and the way I'd like my community to be more regularly! I would personally like to find away to not associate with or not be in situations where I'm likely to encounter problem creators and enhancers much less often or not at all!
So far, I do NOT know how to make that come to pass!
- Johnny -
As I looked under a nearby booth, I saw 30 or so packets of artificial sweeteners on the floor. I left my table and picked them all up and placed them on the table.
I like to see people act to improve situations - make them better than they were when they first encountered them. Picking up those packets to me felt right and empowering.
You may note that I recently posted a blog on how I loathe problem creators and problem enhancers- those determine to make situations, circumstances and personal encounters worse, more contentious and less savory than they were before their arrival on the scene.
I was practicing today the way I'd like to live and the way I'd like my community to be more regularly! I would personally like to find away to not associate with or not be in situations where I'm likely to encounter problem creators and enhancers much less often or not at all!
So far, I do NOT know how to make that come to pass!
- Johnny -
Monday, January 14, 2013
On Problem Enhancers and Bus Queens !
There is just something most irksome, loathsome , irritating and offensively absurd about people who choose to be difficult and annoying JUST TO BE difficult and annoying!
On Tuesday, January 8TH, 2013, I was shopping at a Shoppers Food Warehouse In The Lincolnia Section of Alexandria, Va. The shopping bags- plastic- that I'd been given by the check out clerk all fell apart in a short 2 block walk. I always ask the clerk to double bag my items. All told, 6 Bags failed.
The First Bag failed as soon as I lifted the bag out of the shopping cart I was using. I had some items in my hands , a book and a magazine I'd read in a nearby Mc Donald's and they tumbled out of my hands back into the cart.
I then had groceries on the side walk and items I need to remove from the cart. I was also aware, at that point, vaguely, there was a woman standing near me. I tried to pick up my items from the sidewalk and the chart. The women, in very bad, difficult to understand English tole me she wanted my cart now. When I refused to respond to her, she became more demanding.
I looked around and saw numerous empty carts readily available. Therefore, I did what it seemed best to do to pick up groceries and put them in other bags and gather my things together! This woman whoever was still insisting that I give her what she was demanding.
I stood up, made contact and glared at her. I asked, icily, " Don't you know how to behave in public. Go somewhere else and stop bothering me." " She said , now reaching for my cart. " I no has to!". It is hard to believe than any intelligent adult would NOT realize that they are making a total azz of themselves, a petulant public nuisance by conducting hi8m or herself in such a manner.
Then, I've long shaken my head over having to tolerate the childish and arrogant antics of an outwardly impressive older woman who have the severe MISFORTUNE to share a bus ride with FAR!!! TOO! often!
This woman always has an open and seemingly full personal shopping cart. She seems to walk normally and does not show any signs of a disability.Whenever the bus stops, She makes no effort to board it , waiting for either other people waiting along side to carry her cart on to the bus. She is never ready to pay the fare once she gets on, she makes a show out of locating her plastic card to pay her fare. She then takes her time in getting seated and chides the driver not to pull out UNTIL she is seated COMFORTABLY!
This is presumptuous, arrogant and controlling behavior. I've told this woman to stop this, it really is taking advantage of a people and mistreating and taking advantage of. She is quite willing to tell me that she does not care about my concerns and " I will do as I please" I've challenged the drivers for allowing this. I've complained to Metro- a number of times about this- and no actions have been taken to remedy this patent absurdity.
As not everyone gets treated this way- This is discriminatory treatment. It is also an impediment , an unneeded and easy to avoid one- to this bus staying on schedule. I refer to this Rude and Self- Centered Lady as The Queen of The Bus. When all of this happened again on Friday, I loudly challenged her, I told her, " I'm not willing to be held hostage by her vanity and high-handedness on a regular basis" I also told her to stop being " The Queen Of The Bus." I also filed a complaint against the driver for REFUSING to challenge this behavior.
I think we'd all be better off If we decided to not co-operate and be understanding of such people and their nuisance behavior. They are seeing what they CAN get away with- what we will allow ourselves to tolerate and roll our eyes and permit by not raising an objection! We'd all live better lives if we told more adults to " behave yourself" or " This is unnecessary, Stop what you are doing now!"
I've lived long period of time In The Greater New York City Area and I've lived- far too long , I now realize, in The Greater Washington DC Area. I'm looking forward to leaving the DC area in a Year! I think the quality of life in such areas and the overall level of tension, cantankerousness and anxiety would lessen if we told prodlem producers and enchances to simply " Behave" and " Cease what you are doing"
- Johnny -
On Tuesday, January 8TH, 2013, I was shopping at a Shoppers Food Warehouse In The Lincolnia Section of Alexandria, Va. The shopping bags- plastic- that I'd been given by the check out clerk all fell apart in a short 2 block walk. I always ask the clerk to double bag my items. All told, 6 Bags failed.
The First Bag failed as soon as I lifted the bag out of the shopping cart I was using. I had some items in my hands , a book and a magazine I'd read in a nearby Mc Donald's and they tumbled out of my hands back into the cart.
I then had groceries on the side walk and items I need to remove from the cart. I was also aware, at that point, vaguely, there was a woman standing near me. I tried to pick up my items from the sidewalk and the chart. The women, in very bad, difficult to understand English tole me she wanted my cart now. When I refused to respond to her, she became more demanding.
I looked around and saw numerous empty carts readily available. Therefore, I did what it seemed best to do to pick up groceries and put them in other bags and gather my things together! This woman whoever was still insisting that I give her what she was demanding.
I stood up, made contact and glared at her. I asked, icily, " Don't you know how to behave in public. Go somewhere else and stop bothering me." " She said , now reaching for my cart. " I no has to!". It is hard to believe than any intelligent adult would NOT realize that they are making a total azz of themselves, a petulant public nuisance by conducting hi8m or herself in such a manner.
Then, I've long shaken my head over having to tolerate the childish and arrogant antics of an outwardly impressive older woman who have the severe MISFORTUNE to share a bus ride with FAR!!! TOO! often!
This woman always has an open and seemingly full personal shopping cart. She seems to walk normally and does not show any signs of a disability.Whenever the bus stops, She makes no effort to board it , waiting for either other people waiting along side to carry her cart on to the bus. She is never ready to pay the fare once she gets on, she makes a show out of locating her plastic card to pay her fare. She then takes her time in getting seated and chides the driver not to pull out UNTIL she is seated COMFORTABLY!
This is presumptuous, arrogant and controlling behavior. I've told this woman to stop this, it really is taking advantage of a people and mistreating and taking advantage of. She is quite willing to tell me that she does not care about my concerns and " I will do as I please" I've challenged the drivers for allowing this. I've complained to Metro- a number of times about this- and no actions have been taken to remedy this patent absurdity.
As not everyone gets treated this way- This is discriminatory treatment. It is also an impediment , an unneeded and easy to avoid one- to this bus staying on schedule. I refer to this Rude and Self- Centered Lady as The Queen of The Bus. When all of this happened again on Friday, I loudly challenged her, I told her, " I'm not willing to be held hostage by her vanity and high-handedness on a regular basis" I also told her to stop being " The Queen Of The Bus." I also filed a complaint against the driver for REFUSING to challenge this behavior.
I think we'd all be better off If we decided to not co-operate and be understanding of such people and their nuisance behavior. They are seeing what they CAN get away with- what we will allow ourselves to tolerate and roll our eyes and permit by not raising an objection! We'd all live better lives if we told more adults to " behave yourself" or " This is unnecessary, Stop what you are doing now!"
I've lived long period of time In The Greater New York City Area and I've lived- far too long , I now realize, in The Greater Washington DC Area. I'm looking forward to leaving the DC area in a Year! I think the quality of life in such areas and the overall level of tension, cantankerousness and anxiety would lessen if we told prodlem producers and enchances to simply " Behave" and " Cease what you are doing"
- Johnny -
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Lord, Help me make sense of
my days. Let me commit myself to serving you as you direct where I am today!
Contentment with Godliness is of
Great gain. My current lack of contentment does make it arduous to navigate through days like today.
Being difficult and maintaining trouble is
not a great way of living. Yet, I run into too many people who seem to be find to live that way!
Moving forward rather than just treading water ...
can be away to get something accomplished. It can also be an act of bravery.
There are times to just be candid...
I feel that I'm trying to move forward in a maze of confusion at present.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Does the Result of Last Night's Game demonstrate
that Note Dame had no business being in The BCS Championship Game?
Should you post when you are boiling angry
and want to vent? Does anyone else really gain ANYTHING from Reading such posts?
Monday, January 7, 2013
God is so Good.
That never changes. The importance I give to that truth, sadly, does tend to fluctuate far too widely.
Steven Strausberg and RG 3.
Would The Redskins have been wiser to show the same concern For RG 3's legs That the Nationals showed to Steven Strasbourg's Arm?
Exercising First Thing in the morning ...
seems to launch my day strongly and keep me very mission focuded!
The Pain Of Defeat ...
All seemed wonderful but on this Monday. The Redskins are feeling the injuries of their Rookie Quarterback and wonder what this will mean for the future of Their Football team.
The First Week of 2013 has been a time ...
of blessing. It has been a time of healing and badly need reassessment as well.
Making eye contact, smilling and
chatting with someone as if that person matters to you does make life a lot less callous and cold.
Actually then going on to BE Pleasant - LOL -
is even more effective. and brings about even more benefit.
Christian Radio is makling a difference.
Spending time listening to skilled preachers with a heart for God does affect my thinking and attitude.
A Small Toastmaster meeting
I attended a meeting with only 3 other Toastmasters. I am President of This Club - VAST Toastmasters.
It was, in spite of this- a lively, fun and productive meeting.
It was, in spite of this- a lively, fun and productive meeting.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
A BALLSY Church Service
I worship at The Greace Community Church of Arlington, Va. Our Pastor, John Slye, introduce a NEW SEVEN WEEK SERIES entiled - Life. This series is based upon the Gospel of John.
Pastor John statred the series by telling us about the stress endemic upon those who love in The Greater Washington DC Area. Each person was given a soft stress ball upon entering the sanctuary.
Pastor John is a BIG!!!! Redskins fan and was still basking in the glow of last Sunday's game. We had two men come up on stage and put on a Redskins and a Cow oys Helmet with a large basket above the helmet and attached to it.
The Two Men than walked around the snctuary as we were urged to fill the basket of our choice by throwing ouur ball at it.
The Redskin basket filled fuller. It was , indeed, a BALLSY, church sevice.
- Johnny -
Pastor John statred the series by telling us about the stress endemic upon those who love in The Greater Washington DC Area. Each person was given a soft stress ball upon entering the sanctuary.
Pastor John is a BIG!!!! Redskins fan and was still basking in the glow of last Sunday's game. We had two men come up on stage and put on a Redskins and a Cow oys Helmet with a large basket above the helmet and attached to it.
The Two Men than walked around the snctuary as we were urged to fill the basket of our choice by throwing ouur ball at it.
The Redskin basket filled fuller. It was , indeed, a BALLSY, church sevice.
- Johnny -
Exercise - A True Life and Mind Restoring Practice
Not instant but low cost and relatively few side effects- LOL! - Aside from the soreness.
The Sports Revival Weekend In DC. . . .
Bryce Harper almost took the Nationals to the 2nd Round of The NL Playoffs . Now, RG 3 and Alfred Morris will marl the NFL Playoffs with their cleats.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
My 2, 700TH Post on This Blog.
I've reached a century mark for the First Times this year and this is only the FIFTH day of 2013.
Feeling Free
When you act boldly and do not far what your actions will bring about, You are relishing being free..
Being Available
It seems such an ordinary concept- a very mundane idea. It could be thought of as " I'm here, I'm ready and I CAN do something!
To someone who needs help. a contact, a smile or any number of things, You or I ' Being Available" can become something very important and meaningful to that person.
To someone who needs help. a contact, a smile or any number of things, You or I ' Being Available" can become something very important and meaningful to that person.
God is Good!
I was convinced that a Devotional that I wrote and planned to send out would notbe sent out today. I was wrestling with it and it wasn't coming together.
Now, Wow, I can type that I e-mailed out to my reader's list a short time ago! Thank you so much, God!
Now, Wow, I can type that I e-mailed out to my reader's list a short time ago! Thank you so much, God!
The 8 and The 4
Many Americans find that they trudge through January, February, March, April May,June, September and October to feat on and Revel in November, December, July and August.
These are the Prime Vawqcation, reveling and being more able to do what we enjoy doing Months of The Year!
Now that we are 6 montths and a fraction from the First of the Months, It is interesting how being in JANUARY effects the overall public mood and attitude!
- Johnny -
These are the Prime Vawqcation, reveling and being more able to do what we enjoy doing Months of The Year!
Now that we are 6 montths and a fraction from the First of the Months, It is interesting how being in JANUARY effects the overall public mood and attitude!
- Johnny -
Friday, January 4, 2013
Stretch as far as you can...
It will help you to continue to grow deeper, stronger and more able to cope, adjust and thrive!
Somedays ....
Life is an obstacle course. We are made athletes, at such times, whether we desire to be or not!
Be Not afraid of those who can kill the body
The truly dangerous ones are the ones who will do anything to keep you or I from being and living as who we are!
People who don't fit sterotypes
always need to beware of those who will try to force them to be the stereotype that person sees them as no matter what the cost.
Momentum is what I seek.
When I fret too much about writing an entry that will be for the ages, that will be quoted by school children living on a planet orbiting Tau Ceti on March 28Th, 3284. I tend to write either nothing or write with embarrassing and ineffective pompousness .
When I decide I just wish to write, to express myself to go with what I desire to type, now- right now, I usually enjoy the act of writing so much more and am so much more pleased, fulfilled and satified by what I ACTUALLY write!.
L !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O!!!!!!!! L !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Johnny -
When I decide I just wish to write, to express myself to go with what I desire to type, now- right now, I usually enjoy the act of writing so much more and am so much more pleased, fulfilled and satified by what I ACTUALLY write!.
L !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O!!!!!!!! L !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Johnny -
I like writing a lot in
the First Days of a New Year. It shows I'm winning the battle to not be swallowed up by - And, YES!!!!!! , This IS a cliche - "Dark and Dull and Foreboding January!"
Yes, Telling someone I love you
over and over can seem to be a true pain at times. Yet, Not telling someone often can be a far worse thing to do!
Being Bolder is useless as a theory-
To live more successfully and audaciously, One must really do so! Mood and Acoomplishments are established by actions.
When I do nothing and sulk, My mood also changes. That is ALSO an action.
When I do nothing and sulk, My mood also changes. That is ALSO an action.
Practicng Peace
is a practice that benefit s all. Remember that peace is a desire to be of service and to bring the best out in others because you years to bring out the best in others for their sakes!
A Technologically Possible Veto
It is often said that our elected officials are deaf and insensitive to the people who voted them into office.
Here, Then is an idea. What if each legislator- Federal Level- had to list publicly the amount of mail, telephone calls and e-mail they will get get pros and cons to tied to that legislation and the representatives vote on that piece of legislation, It will also summarize the top argument offered by the constituents pro and con that legislation and the vote made on that legislation.
This will tell me/ us , over time , how ACTUALLY representative my elected official is. It will also show me , more clearly, who has influence with him or her.
I do get that people make stands on what they strongly believe to be right. Having this analysis on the votes will tell me whether the person is living by their principles are offering veiled excuses.
This is also great opposition resource material. Our brains, our technology, our resourcefulness and our desire to elect accountable men and women can be satisfied civilly and creatively and EFFECTIVELY!
Here, Then is an idea. What if each legislator- Federal Level- had to list publicly the amount of mail, telephone calls and e-mail they will get get pros and cons to tied to that legislation and the representatives vote on that piece of legislation, It will also summarize the top argument offered by the constituents pro and con that legislation and the vote made on that legislation.
This will tell me/ us , over time , how ACTUALLY representative my elected official is. It will also show me , more clearly, who has influence with him or her.
I do get that people make stands on what they strongly believe to be right. Having this analysis on the votes will tell me whether the person is living by their principles are offering veiled excuses.
This is also great opposition resource material. Our brains, our technology, our resourcefulness and our desire to elect accountable men and women can be satisfied civilly and creatively and EFFECTIVELY!
More Thoughts on Living Short, Mean , Nasty
and Brutal Lives.
Lives that mock morality, ethics, right and wrong and standards of quality, decency and positiveness are lives that Thomas Hobbes could have written about.
Lives that mock morality, ethics, right and wrong and standards of quality, decency and positiveness are lives that Thomas Hobbes could have written about.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Don't ask for Ketchup on A Subway Sandwich
A Severe fight was started in an Orlando , Florida Subway Restaurant when a customer asked that ketchup be put on his sandwich.
God is Eternal
God's love through all the ages is a sign of eternity that we all are are of! We know that we are toched by God's love as well!
Do you see what is?
One of the keys is to determine what truly is and to work with that. It is hard to live better when you try to work with what is nothing more than a construct of your imagination!
God help me to know that, truly, ....
I can only be greedy , in a healthy sense- in craving one thing- Wanting to have more of You and grasping more knowledge and insights concerning you!
Does Home Schooling make a difference?
It is said that Home-Schooled Kids are not able to relate well to other kids, Do your kids have Home_ Schooled friends, What do you find is true of their interactions and your inte3ractions with Home- Schooled young people?
I heard a radio broadcast where the comment was made that Home- Schooled children might eventually profit our nation as elected officials and community leaders. The advantages I've seen from working with Home Schoolers over Ten years in a Home- School Co-Operative are the following-
1, The students are more clear- thinking, inquisitive and probing
2. They tend to be oriented to being problem solvers.
3. They tend not to want easy answers- they seek solutions that are more likely to be comprehensive and enduring.
4. They challenge their instructors to be demanding of them.
5. They are grateful and appreciative of their instructors and the instructions that they are provided!
6. They really are invested in quality results and outcomes.
7. They are greedy for knowledge and understanding-m They really learn to grok what they are being taught.
In my humble opinion, These are all qualities that would be RARE and hard to find in the average Public School Student. While private school students Might have more of these characteristics, They would still be harder to find in private school students than they would be in a typical PRIVATE School Student!
The seven qualities that I've listed above cause me to believe that these students will develop into quality leaders that will seek workable answers and who will not settle for whatever " lowest common -denominator answers" that they can convince a slim majority of the population to buy into!
- Johnny -
I heard a radio broadcast where the comment was made that Home- Schooled children might eventually profit our nation as elected officials and community leaders. The advantages I've seen from working with Home Schoolers over Ten years in a Home- School Co-Operative are the following-
1, The students are more clear- thinking, inquisitive and probing
2. They tend to be oriented to being problem solvers.
3. They tend not to want easy answers- they seek solutions that are more likely to be comprehensive and enduring.
4. They challenge their instructors to be demanding of them.
5. They are grateful and appreciative of their instructors and the instructions that they are provided!
6. They really are invested in quality results and outcomes.
7. They are greedy for knowledge and understanding-m They really learn to grok what they are being taught.
In my humble opinion, These are all qualities that would be RARE and hard to find in the average Public School Student. While private school students Might have more of these characteristics, They would still be harder to find in private school students than they would be in a typical PRIVATE School Student!
The seven qualities that I've listed above cause me to believe that these students will develop into quality leaders that will seek workable answers and who will not settle for whatever " lowest common -denominator answers" that they can convince a slim majority of the population to buy into!
- Johnny -
This Year of 2013
is the Year of Preparation. If all works as I believe it will, This world will shrink and not seem so all-encompassing. DC will shrink- it will happen even tho' I now doubt that it shall!
Seek a vision and pursue Him...
Every true Encounter with God makes this world come more into perspective!
Evaluation is The Core Of Toastmasters
I will get to see and listen to a stellar presentation by a talented Toastmaster- Bill Malthouse- on The Excellence of Evaluation.
God, Let me accept that
It is better to trust in you than attempt to be a controller and a manipulator.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
DC or Marvel
Who is the BETTER Story Teller?
I believe DC, of late is, the chracters seem deeper. The More Recent DC cartoons I've seen on NetFlixs- WOW!!!!!
I believe DC, of late is, the chracters seem deeper. The More Recent DC cartoons I've seen on NetFlixs- WOW!!!!!
I think I need to just step forward and act...
I feel as if I have no idea what the next BEST thing to do is!
My Best years usually start with a STRONG
January. So, This month is an interesting indicator as I try to grok what can be possible for me in 2013.
Johnny, Do not lose sight of
what makes you kind, fun, gentle and appealing. Those are the breadcrumbs that will bring me back to where I best belong.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Seeking A Freeing and Less Difficult to Abuse
Much of our social service paradirm was design, establish amd constructed over a 42 year period - 1933 to 1975. A question that few people are willing to ask is- Does This Paradigm really serve our society well?
Some people are asking - Why do we take the view that this paradigm is set in stone and the only acceptable change that can be made to it is to allow it to grow larger and more complex.
Are there better ways, more inexpensive and effective, more individualistically oriented ways to meet the needs as well as motivate and empower our neediest fellow Americans?
People such as William Strauss and Neil Howe on their web- site ,The Fourth Turning, have been asking people to wonder " How do we make what we do more effective, efficient and transformative concerning the support we provide to the neediest Americans ?"
I am led to wonder if we are wiser to create a dual track system which will provide seperately and differently for those who through no fault of their own will never be able to provide for themselves and those who for numerous reasons are able to and should be expected to do more to live better and to improve their lives.
The First Program suggested should be set up to make sure that those who cannnot provide for themselves have adequate funding and programs. We , of course, must make sure that they are funded at prudent and sustainable levels both for themselves and and to insure that we can prudently affors the levels of funding that they are being accorded.
The Program must encourage people to seek to improve themselves and must be time- limited. No one should be thrown out in the cold. However, No one should benefit from the labor and taxes of others when it can be shown that they are capable of providing their own upkeep.
Who gains from a system that, at some level, encourages people to be and accept being far LESS than they can be? It seems to me that only those who recieve those benefits and those who make a living serving that those who are being provided those benefits prosper through such a system being in place and safeguarded!
Much of our social service paradirm was design, establish amd constructed over a 42 year period - 1933 to 1975. A question that few people are willing to ask is- Does This Paradigm really serve our society well?
Some people are asking - Why do we take the view that this paradigm is set in stone and the only acceptable change that can be made to it is to allow it to grow larger and more complex.
Are there better ways, more inexpensive and effective, more individualistically oriented ways to meet the needs as well as motivate and empower our neediest fellow Americans?
People such as William Strauss and Neil Howe on their web- site ,The Fourth Turning, have been asking people to wonder " How do we make what we do more effective, efficient and transformative concerning the support we provide to the neediest Americans ?"
I am led to wonder if we are wiser to create a dual track system which will provide seperately and differently for those who through no fault of their own will never be able to provide for themselves and those who for numerous reasons are able to and should be expected to do more to live better and to improve their lives.
The First Program suggested should be set up to make sure that those who cannnot provide for themselves have adequate funding and programs. We , of course, must make sure that they are funded at prudent and sustainable levels both for themselves and and to insure that we can prudently affors the levels of funding that they are being accorded.
The Program must encourage people to seek to improve themselves and must be time- limited. No one should be thrown out in the cold. However, No one should benefit from the labor and taxes of others when it can be shown that they are capable of providing their own upkeep.
Who gains from a system that, at some level, encourages people to be and accept being far LESS than they can be? It seems to me that only those who recieve those benefits and those who make a living serving that those who are being provided those benefits prosper through such a system being in place and safeguarded!
My Apartment
Too small and confining a world to contain and sustain myself in. Broadening out is a vital neceesity.
My Girl Friend proves to me that long patterns can be broken just when you least expect that they will!
Starting Over
A time to jettison what does not work, to try to do what seems likely to work and to be ready for that which one has never tried.
January is the Morning of The year- A time to re access, adjust and step forward a new and renewed.
January is the Morning of The year- A time to re access, adjust and step forward a new and renewed.
Not my favorite condition- I generally do not like the colder days of the year, Yet, For the World to come brilliantly alive in the Spring that cold is needed.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
2013 - The year when I learn how to love---
and how I make myself a better person for my amazing Girlfriend, Mandy, to love.
What things from the old year- . . .
lessons learned, new ideas that worked well and have proven to add more quality into your life will you GLADLY bring into 2013 !
When you keep finding things in life
that amaze, delight you and thrill you- that catch you up in the splendor of living, You are acknowledging that there is A God- whether you or I know that or not!
One of My problems- I am too desirous
of pleasure and fun that I miss out on the healing opportunities of joy and contentment.
Discipline ---
We say we are forced to do things when we often have numerous choices. Often our choices are entered into because we think " I don't want to settle for less, or have less than anything not as good as what others have."
What have you found the best way to find peace and satisfaction in who you are and what you have.?
What have you found the best way to find peace and satisfaction in who you are and what you have.?
What would our lives be like if our Years
started in the Summer.
We , in America, are told a lot about SAD, Seasonal Affected Disorders" and how the gloom of exiting a season of brightness- Christmas- into The Dark of January is tough for nombers of us to cope with.
This is not true of all of us on this planet- South of The Equator- are in Summer as they exit Christmas.
Would we be better off in our Year started in The Summer?
- Johnny -
We , in America, are told a lot about SAD, Seasonal Affected Disorders" and how the gloom of exiting a season of brightness- Christmas- into The Dark of January is tough for nombers of us to cope with.
This is not true of all of us on this planet- South of The Equator- are in Summer as they exit Christmas.
Would we be better off in our Year started in The Summer?
- Johnny -
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