We often glibly speak and write about, "How vital it is to live for and live out youe dreams and Bring your visions to life"! I've been a Toastmasters member for OVER 20 years and I have had to learn to NOT roll my eyes when I herar 10 or more such speeches in any given month.
I recently awa , though, the glorious excitement at seeing a young person doggedly and passionately folliow a high-risk, bold and motivating dream/ vision. A large Christian Music Festival was held in The Bull Run Park Special Events Center in the further out suburbs of Washington DC this past Saturday, May 14th.
Washington DC is not considered at ALL TO BE a Contemporary Chrisrian Music Hotbed. A lot of Christian Teens are prone to bemoan the fact of how farrrrrr they need to travel to hear their favorite music played by their favorite bands. One of those Young people in my Pastor's 17 year son, Jonathan Lee Slye.
Last Summer , Jonathan spoke to Brian " Head" welch, formerly of the Group Korn about his desire to have an all day Chrisrian Rock Concert and Festival occur near Washington. Welch bought into Jonathan's vision immediately and agreed that if such a festival occured that he's be eager to perform there at a majorly disccounted price.
This launched Jonathan. He booked The Bull Run Special Events Center. He negotiated with agents. He started a really impressive website.He got early support from his family, who did remind him that this would be a major undertaking that he would need to doggedly commit himself to!
He did just that. With The support of his family and the church and an impressive networking effort, He raised the 70,000 dollars that he needed to pull off for the concert/ festival. His headliners included Brian Welch, POD and Emery! I get the strong feeling that there WILL be a Second Spring JamFest in May of 2012!
Jonathan amazed everyone. Suring the second service at Arlington, Virginia's Grace Community Church, Jonathan was accorded a Standing Ovation by the congreagation. Brian Welch shared his testimony duting both services this PAST SUNDAY!
I considere Jonathan to be an inspiration and a true hero. Living out your dreams at 17- Life can truly be amazing and tremendous!
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