The Night of 05/01/2011 will be known next year as well as 684 years from now, as the night we learned of the Death of Usama Bin Laden. I discovered this news while I was listening to WMAL Radio- 630 AM- broadcasting in the GREATER Washington DC Area.
The program that I was listening to is a favorite of mine- The John Bachelor Show. John was broadcasting from Krakow, Poland, covering march of remembrance made to honor the victims of The Nazi Death Camps such as Auschwitz, which is about an hour's drive from Krakow. Survivors take place in this march, Jewish Young People come from all over the world to take part in this march as do other young people from all over the world. This event also reminds all of our need to commit ourselves to remember that we will act to never permit such an outrage to occur again.
As this was going on the news of The Death of Mister Bin Laden was becoming common knowledge. John Bachelor was consulting a number of Israeli sources to keep us abreast of what was going on. Where he was he was cut off from other sources. He also reminded us of Bin Laden's commitment to mass murder and using the death of innocents to weaken and break Western Resistance towards his goals.
Few Broadcasters can weave together such treads of complimentary and well-matched data seamlessly and effectively. John Bachelor is one who does so most well!
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