One of the more fascinating stories from ancient days is the story of Pandora's Box. This is the box that contained all disease. disaster, crime. lies, slander, gossips and so forth. When a curious young woman opened that box, Then all of these maladies and factors of corruption and negativity were released upon the world.
Throughout this month of May, I've been attending and participating in a class that has a three-fold process - Learning what my spiritual gifts are, learning how I can use those gifts to best improve my life and the lives of those I encounter and , finally, discovering how those gifts can be best used to serve, honor and be used in worshiping God!
So, I have been focusing on seeing what works best in my life. Looking into how I am an asset and how I enrich the lives of others.
I call this process Pangrata. Grata is the Latin Word best used to translate the English word " Grace". I'm finding that this church study is showing me of all of the grace and blessings within me and how everyone gains when I open up and am willing to release the spiritual gifts invested within me to positively affect all of those who I am regularly around and those, of course that I am yet to embrace and have not yet met or gotten to know!
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