We are familiar with people not wanting to have anything to do with the military. They object to war and military policy in total and would prefer to not support or be connected to the military in any way shape of form/
What would happen if we allowed people to not fund government programs that they object to on moral, ethical and legal grounds. I'm sure we all can think of programs and policies that we can LEGITIMATELY maintain that " I totally disagree with that program/ policy. I believe it is wrong and immoral/ evil for our government to be involved in this- so I do NOT want one penny of my money involved in that."
This would take, I believe, some of the most poisonous venom out of our system, I'm deliberately not being specific. I'm sure we can all think of programs that make us feel uneasy and troubled over funding.I also think that this will help to build more effective consensus- You are going to need to truly convince the objector that it is best to fund your program or policy or be able to do less due to a lack of funding for your program/ policy/ cause.
I know that it might be said that if this is that much of a concern for you, then you need to drop out of society and live off the grid. Yet, Military Conscientious Objectors are not forced off the grid. It seems to be a matter of living ethically to not be compelled to fund that which you feel is immoral and inappropriate to fund!
- Johnny -
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