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Monday, December 31, 2012
This is my last Blog Entry for 2012!
It has been a year of unexpected progress . That has been the most defining quality of 2012. Now on to 2013!
When human being, of Earth ancestry, have....
lived on other worlds for hundreds and thousand of years, What stories will they tell of Old Earth.
The Best measure of the future is
The number of children who are confident that they can boldly and audaciously live their fondest hopes and dreams.
I know that My God is Trustworthy and Dependable! That is why I can be luxuriant in my worship of Him.
Miracles occur all the time.
I know that something I dismissed would ever be possible now so illuminates my life- Mandy, You are indeed My Miracle Angel.
You can be lost easily when
you never focus in and allow your life to be anchored, grounded and real.
Pushing towards a Goal.
I want to be more free to share honestly and not where whether it is profound or mundane. Tonight, I am also working to end 2012 advancing my blog to 2650 Total Entries!
Scholarship is of little
value if it doesn't touch, expand and empower lives. God, Help me to learn to be more of a teacher that will please you.
My Amanda!
She is pretty, classy, bright and feisty. I want to learn to please her, fulfill her and let her know that I want her to become all that she is capable of becoming.
My Fear of Being Hurt and Making A Mistake ...
often makes my life , too often, little more than a confining straight jacket!
The Washington Sports Moment of 2012
To Me a Tie- The Emergence of Both Bryce Harper and Robert Griffin the Third.
If I can't appreciate or find a way ...
to appreciate who I am and where I am, Will I be likely to find satisfaction somewhere else. I know my future is brighter and It will be much better than I have ever known. I will live better if I can learn to live better on the Road to 2014!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
The Redskins win
I am not a fan but I admire the fighting spirit that got them a final outcome that no one believed, really, that they could achieve.
I am a Creation of The Great Creator
I must remind myself more often that He does not create anything worthless.
Great AA Meeting
There is power when you turnn your back on what diminishes you and decide to trust God to help you live more fruitfully.
When you challenge a sense of gloom,
You force yourself to see that we create , in a sense our own Heaven and Our Own Hell. God, You are the way, Show me how to proceed right now as you desire that I do so.
I need to value ...
each moment more. I want to learn to be more alive this year, I need to value the moments and not over think them!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
In early 2013,
I need to Think Barry Manilow,. Here In Greater Washington, I must try to " Get the Feeling Again" !
Johnny - There is no reason to panic
As Early 2013 arrives , Take a lot of deep breaths, remember one day at a time and deal as best as you can with the next option/ possibility before you.
Depression does wear you out.
I need to be refreshed , refocused and repositioned. I need to think many thing out over the next two or three days.
The Dallas Cowboys NEED a Derek ...
Jeter. Where have all the Cowboys gone? Will anyone ever sing odes to the Current Cowboys ?
I used to think it would be weird to serenade some one that I am in love with, until I met Mandy!
My Dad died on January 6Th, 2002. I feel very " haunted" of late by thoughts of he and my brother and those dread years in the Bronx!
Lord, I feel a bit adrift
Please help me to be focus and directed in this year of 2013. Help me to make the most and get the best out of this New Year!
This is a rough patch of days and ...
times to navigate through, As I remind myself often of late . Today is not the rest of my life!
It is the Best of Times
How long has it been since I ended any year with this much hope? It has been quite!!!!! a while.
Waiting for someone you love
has been the tale of 2012! I started the year wondering if she would ever be in my life. On this last Sunday of 2012, She is!
I'm too worried about being happy. I need to be more consistently contended and willing to be able to celebrate my personal- at- the- moment- Status Quo!
They do hope troubled children to get through perilous times. I owe a lot to Mickey Mantle, John Robinson and Superman/
I love My Yankees
Yankee Stadium was my most enjoyable safe place during my teen years in The Bronx!
The Power Of Music
The Songs that always buoy my spirits - The Theme From Rocky, I Believe I Can Fly and The Quest
Public Speaking Education
I believe the Schools need to take this on. To be able to speak clearly, to convey your idea winningly and to present yourself as impressively as possible!
Schools, to best prepare young people to prosper in their futures , need to make this a priority.
Schools, to best prepare young people to prosper in their futures , need to make this a priority.
We all believe in Something !
We all live accord to our beliefs. It is best then to believe in something that matters, that is significant, is positive and true.
Our beliefs tell the world who we truly are!
Our beliefs tell the world who we truly are!
Perfection is never possible! Improvement and growth our. Sometimes just doing what is clearly possible is the best way to live rather than obsessing on reaching perfection.
I wish I could wish My Mandy ...
A Happy New Year face to face. That will not occur. Sometimes the " Not Yets" motivate you to keep working to make them the way that things are.
America is A Nation, A Dream and ...
an ideal. When you insist that the The United States of America be considered as just one of many nations, You lose sight of the value of dreams and ideals.
I left The Bronx permanently in ....
1977. One key for a Great 2013 is to help purge The South Western Bronx from inside my spirit, soul and mind!
I am exercising more.
I know that will make a difference It always will !. It has, in part, brought back my PERSONAL SUNSHINE after being mired in a very oppressive depressive battle from December 26Th through yesterday December 29TH.
What helps the Future charm us ?
Knowing that more is possible, Seeing a vision, getting a glimpse, being tantalized for a strategic instance.
We seem , as a society, to be severely stuck and trapped. I simply believe that we will not and CAN NOT stay as we are!
We seem , as a society, to be severely stuck and trapped. I simply believe that we will not and CAN NOT stay as we are!
The Healing Power of Interruptions
I need to be shaken out of my world. That is one of the lessons I learned from my most recent bout with severe depression and anxiety.
I see the world from my view point and I see someone who, right now, is not living in a place that he enjoys and who sees hope in a year but precious little right before him.
I know that I serve a loving and living God. He will not let me stay in my place of sulking and distance indefinitely.
I see the world from my view point and I see someone who, right now, is not living in a place that he enjoys and who sees hope in a year but precious little right before him.
I know that I serve a loving and living God. He will not let me stay in my place of sulking and distance indefinitely.
Peace in 2013
I need to be less worried about being understood and improve as someone who understands. A much better listener than a speaker.
Peace requires an individual investment. We have to want Peace and practice peace to start a trend of living more peacefully overall!
The old song lyric- Let There be Peace on Earth and Let it begin with Me!
Peace requires an individual investment. We have to want Peace and practice peace to start a trend of living more peacefully overall!
The old song lyric- Let There be Peace on Earth and Let it begin with Me!
RG 3 - The Continuing Story!
I'm not at all a Redskin fan. Yet, He is one of the bright and hopeful lights that made this 2012- 2013 NFL Season.
No One Can Leap Frog Time
This is a desire that we all have, Yet We all know that it is quite impossible, Therefore, We have each day to enter into, navigate through and exit, of course, one day at a time.
Many start to mourn at this time of the Year because they love and revel in the specialness of the Holiday Seasons, Tomorrow night, This present one will end. Some may allow it to linger until the last Second of January 6TH.
Yet, We are clearly in a Season soon to end. Many people loath early January as a dark, leaden and dull time, quite the opposite of The Season that it follows.
However, As time can NOT be leap-frogged , It also never stands still, We are , all of the time both exiting and once again heading toward each day of the Yea all at once.
Farewell, Christmas 2012, We will get To Christmas 2013! We will also, if we are wise, make the most we can of each day between now and then. If you really like Christmas- Wink - Mark November First, 2013, The effective beginning of the 2013 Christmas Season!
- Johnny -
Many start to mourn at this time of the Year because they love and revel in the specialness of the Holiday Seasons, Tomorrow night, This present one will end. Some may allow it to linger until the last Second of January 6TH.
Yet, We are clearly in a Season soon to end. Many people loath early January as a dark, leaden and dull time, quite the opposite of The Season that it follows.
However, As time can NOT be leap-frogged , It also never stands still, We are , all of the time both exiting and once again heading toward each day of the Yea all at once.
Farewell, Christmas 2012, We will get To Christmas 2013! We will also, if we are wise, make the most we can of each day between now and then. If you really like Christmas- Wink - Mark November First, 2013, The effective beginning of the 2013 Christmas Season!
- Johnny -
Greater Washington DC on TV
Greg Garcia, The Creator of My Name is Earl and Raising Hope, was born and raised in Arlington, Va. If you watch the show, You will see many DC reference.
Pimmit Hills is the Name of The Trailer Park near where Earl Hickey and His brother, Randy live is a lower middle class area near the Tysons Corner Shopping Center. Earl lives in Camden County, The Actual Camden County is in Maryland. One episode has Earl visiting Frostburg State University which is in Western Maryland.
The Father in Raising Hope often wears a Washington Capitals Jersey. We see what Greg Garcia has lived with, encountered and experienced again and again in those two series.
- Johnny
Pimmit Hills is the Name of The Trailer Park near where Earl Hickey and His brother, Randy live is a lower middle class area near the Tysons Corner Shopping Center. Earl lives in Camden County, The Actual Camden County is in Maryland. One episode has Earl visiting Frostburg State University which is in Western Maryland.
The Father in Raising Hope often wears a Washington Capitals Jersey. We see what Greg Garcia has lived with, encountered and experienced again and again in those two series.
- Johnny
Saturday, December 29, 2012
The Power Of Momentum
When you keep moving forward, You are amazed to learn when you must stop for a moment that you are where you are!
You are thrilled to realize that you have gotten much further and your life is MUCH better than you thought it would be or could be!
- Johnny -
You are thrilled to realize that you have gotten much further and your life is MUCH better than you thought it would be or could be!
- Johnny -
Life is Good
Knowing this is true allows us to never cease to work to make this even more true continually!
The Dreamers Still Rule!
This is my 1600 TH Post on this Blog. I am a depression and anxiety sufferer and the last few days have been truly torment for me.
I get treatment and I do listen to those who are there to help. I also know that I am an individual with passion and dreams and hopes. My situation is due to spending many years with people who seem to have been determined to crush dreams, to deny any and all worthwhile possibilities. It is not good for one to have parents who can be described rightly as such. Sadly, This is the way my parents were.
I am often told that that was then and this is now- Yet, The effects don't vanish and wounds inflicted then do make it necessary, from time to time for vicious battles to be fought now.
I'm learning that rolling over and playing dad or rolling with it in any way is likely to turn me into a victim. So You battle believe in the best- find. recognize and claim the best in yourself and be wise and smart enough to yearn to find the very best in others. Those are the kindred spirits that you want as fellow warriors at your side.
I do not deny the cynical and soul-withering naysayers that take you on as the enemy. I just know that this must be a no quarters requested battle.
The more we ask people to be their best and use that as their armor no matter how intense the battle is the better all of us become. When America is at its best, Such people lead and direct our nation!
Mood does follow Action. Medication is helpful and so are therapy sessions yet- no therapist will fight this battle for you and your life is still your life - you pollute it when you decide that- I will live as you say I must because I'm powerless, unable to make any difference and know that I have absolutely no other choice.
Some people, Far Too Many, may well tell people such as me that such ideas are a sign of illness, evil or just living outside of reality. When you remove all of the rationales, They maintain this is because we do what is FORBIDDEN - We disagree with him, her or them!
To Those who say Amen. I thank you and salute you. The fight today is honorable because it is being undertaken to build a better and worth sustaining tomorrow!
- Johnny-
I get treatment and I do listen to those who are there to help. I also know that I am an individual with passion and dreams and hopes. My situation is due to spending many years with people who seem to have been determined to crush dreams, to deny any and all worthwhile possibilities. It is not good for one to have parents who can be described rightly as such. Sadly, This is the way my parents were.
I am often told that that was then and this is now- Yet, The effects don't vanish and wounds inflicted then do make it necessary, from time to time for vicious battles to be fought now.
I'm learning that rolling over and playing dad or rolling with it in any way is likely to turn me into a victim. So You battle believe in the best- find. recognize and claim the best in yourself and be wise and smart enough to yearn to find the very best in others. Those are the kindred spirits that you want as fellow warriors at your side.
I do not deny the cynical and soul-withering naysayers that take you on as the enemy. I just know that this must be a no quarters requested battle.
The more we ask people to be their best and use that as their armor no matter how intense the battle is the better all of us become. When America is at its best, Such people lead and direct our nation!
Mood does follow Action. Medication is helpful and so are therapy sessions yet- no therapist will fight this battle for you and your life is still your life - you pollute it when you decide that- I will live as you say I must because I'm powerless, unable to make any difference and know that I have absolutely no other choice.
Some people, Far Too Many, may well tell people such as me that such ideas are a sign of illness, evil or just living outside of reality. When you remove all of the rationales, They maintain this is because we do what is FORBIDDEN - We disagree with him, her or them!
To Those who say Amen. I thank you and salute you. The fight today is honorable because it is being undertaken to build a better and worth sustaining tomorrow!
- Johnny-
The Next Time you look at The Moon
Remember Neil Armstrong. Remember that being told we can't afford to dream and aspire is nothing that you will endorse and be a part of!
Harry Chapin Rocks!
Be empowered and dedicated TODAYto the importance of The Individual- Listen today to Dance Band on the Titanic! A powerful ode of Possibilities - Poetry for Dream Building written and song By the Late Harry Chapin.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Life is always worth fighting for.
Deciding that no mood dictates your life is a powerful and life-affirming idea.
You love your girl friend well when you are not
clingy! This is a hard lesson. My loneliness at any given moment in a me issue and not an us issue.
I feel stronger- The last 2 days have been painful
experience that demand that we become more mature and and trusting often are!
I live best and am most content...
when I strive to challenge and get beyond axiety and angst rather than be controlled and dictated to by them.
Are Amaricans realistic about our Nation and what it
needs to do to improve ?. The voting of last month indicates to me that the answer is " No" !
My heart is not reliable
I know that my brain is amazing when I give myself a chance to think things through fully and calmly!
Remember This December 27Th is not ...
a splendid day in your opinion, Yet, It is far better than December 27Th, 2011!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
A failure to accept what cannot sanely ...
and positively be changed is a recipe for strife, discontentment and negativity!
If Today is a day that is an obstacle in ....
your opinion, a day keeping you from where you want to be and who you desire to be wit, Then, , Do you have a respect for time and your ability to act within that day to make things worthwhile and splendid on any given day ?
A word can be a hard thing to keep.
However, You become suspect and questionable when you are known for not keeping your word!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Speaking continually more openly and honestly ...
about what is in your heart and mind is a good foundation to becoming more reliably eloquent as a presenter!
If Most of my nights in 2013 turn out like ....
this one I may post 2000 posts more during that year!
Some times the valley is
where you are, The heights that you wish to arrive at is still far away and will only be reached by dedicated commitment and effort!
God , Please,Remind me that ...
You work best when we look at what we are headed towards instead of minutely studying and analyzing where I or anyone is at this very second!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
If getting better is painful and stressful,
Shouldn't you welcome and embrace the intensity of the pain and stress that you are surviving at this moment ?
I wonder if things will ever feel copasetic
and pleasing for any ewxtended period of time. My Life is much better now than it was a year ago. However My ,Life a year ago seemed rather predictable, more easy to predict and adjust to.
Late on this Wednesday night, December 26Th, 2012, My life is anything but that!
Late on this Wednesday night, December 26Th, 2012, My life is anything but that!
Dr. King and Saul Alinsky!
Dr. King's non- violent strategy- Protest unjust laws and be ready to go to jail for them. Be civil, polite, dignified as you protest. Be so reasonable that people watching your behavior will be compelled to support you and rally to support your cause rather than those who oppose you. Your civility compared to the vulgarity, meanness and barbaric behavior will win the day for you.
Many of those protesting against our society including the President Of The United States, live by Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radical.
Never be reasonable, moderate or Civil. Never stop demanding. Demand the most outrageous things and be shy about doing so. Be negative, contentious, vulgar, alarming and disturbing. Make it clear that violence is always an option that you will consider.
This may also explain why Our President would be comfortable with Reverend Wright's " GD the United States" sermons. It also might explain his comfort with men and women such as William Ayers - people willing to bomb buildings and murder policemen as Political Associates and Advisers.
- Johnny -
Many of those protesting against our society including the President Of The United States, live by Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radical.
Never be reasonable, moderate or Civil. Never stop demanding. Demand the most outrageous things and be shy about doing so. Be negative, contentious, vulgar, alarming and disturbing. Make it clear that violence is always an option that you will consider.
This may also explain why Our President would be comfortable with Reverend Wright's " GD the United States" sermons. It also might explain his comfort with men and women such as William Ayers - people willing to bomb buildings and murder policemen as Political Associates and Advisers.
- Johnny -
"What about me ???"
Is a question that can isolate you, create alienation and set you up to be very lonely, if you ask it aloud or in writing too often!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
When today becomes everything ....
and every need, concern, desire and question must be answered , to YOUR satisfaction now.
You can make a wreck out of your future!
You can make a wreck out of your future!
Learning To Compromise
How do you deal with problems that require that you sacrifice to benefit someone else- especially if that sacrifice will be something you want no part of ?
Do you actually listen to Christmas Songs?
It can actually be both an education and a rich blessing to enjoy the words and to look up in a dictionary the words that you do NOT fully understand.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I'm glad that Christmas lingers .....
Most of American Holidays are forgotten once the last second of the day we celebrate them. No so, for most of us, with Christmas! I, for one, am most pleased with this.
We forget that most of our Holidays have a message for us and ask something of us- To do better to become better, to dare more and to want to make life better for all we connect to,
Christmas is not really over for a few days yet! We can tke a little more time to let its message and subtle influences transform us all so that 2013 can more likely be a Happy New Year !
- Johnny-
We forget that most of our Holidays have a message for us and ask something of us- To do better to become better, to dare more and to want to make life better for all we connect to,
Christmas is not really over for a few days yet! We can tke a little more time to let its message and subtle influences transform us all so that 2013 can more likely be a Happy New Year !
- Johnny-
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Do Presents make or break Christmas ?
I once believed they did. I now see hoe small and pathetic that thinking is!
My First Christmas Ever within a Relationship.
This is The First Time I've ever been with a growing and strong significant other relationship. While I am sad to not be with her today, This is a very hopeful and special Christmas Nonetheless !
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
It was good to serve as A Speech Coach
The Annandale Team did well today! Placed in 2 events in Speech and got their feet wet in Debate!
The Annandale Team did well today! Placed in 2 events in Speech and got their feet wet in Debate!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
It is good to accept friends as they ...
are and not try to manipulate them to be what you wish them to be.
I have made an impact on Young People....
in 2012. The Speech Tournament in Fairfax tomorrow is, in part, a result of this effort on my part.
The Debate / Individual Event Team of....
The Annandale High School is involved in their very FIRST contest tomorrow, Wednesday, December 19th at Edison HS in Fairfax, Va.
I 'm a volunteer coach with this team. They've only beem in operation, as a team, for a little over 2 months!
I 'm a volunteer coach with this team. They've only beem in operation, as a team, for a little over 2 months!
Monday, December 17, 2012
I can't not Celebrate Christmas
I must get my head in the Season while it is here- even if Mandy is not with me. You really can't celebrate Christmas 3 months from now.
I am still in a funk
My brain seems disinterested and apathetic concerning my present life- it feels as if I'm dragging through my days.
When you stop trying to improve your life,
It is honorable to be willing to admit that this is what you have done!
Does being out of the loop of current events for
Eleven Days indicate escapism or can it be a way of letting a mind and a spirit recover from shock, awe and overwhelm ?
Getting People to talk out their frustrations
How much of the explosions of violence that we keep enduring might have been eased if people were more willing to talk to people who would listen to them and encourage them to do something about the problems that seem to be beyond their ability to cope with.
The Return
My Internet, due to a modem failure and my being away on a trip was down from November 23rd to December 30th.
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