I will become someone that I loathe and cannot stand to be in the company of if I detect any type of noticeable gap between my principles and my daily conduct.
This can make my life exceedingly complex and stressful. I have a history of being fear-based, avoident and wanting the difficult things to go away and stay away from me.
Yet, By Principle, I am very much a romantic and idealist. Once I make a promise I keep it. I also want to provoke others to live their lives the fullest that they are capable of. I really do cherish looking for, finding and bring out the best in others. that is truly Johnny at his best!
Over The last Year and a half, I've learned to be freed of wanting to live avoidently and fearfully. I find that my life is FAR MORE honest, cleaner and more worthwhile when I do so. The first days and weeks after I was struck by that car in Annandale, Virginia were bearable because I didn't live in a cage of crippling fear as to what " My future would NOW be like!". those were not wonderful days but I'm glad my attitude was good during them.
The closer I am to letting my principles fuel my daily conduct the more I enjoy the person I am and am in the process of becoming!
- Johnny -
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