Too many of us sadly decide to deaden our lives and inure ourselves to newness, freshness and being pleasantly surprised by just having " Self-fulfilling blinders on and bulling through our days " KNOWING" we will encounter NOTHING save " The Same Old Same Old" attitude as we go through our days, weeks and years.
About a month ago, I discovered that The Beatley Branch of the Alexandria, VA Library System has a Free Comic Book Section. When comic books are denoted to THIS library - that is where they wind up. I have recounted to numerous people of seeing 100's of comic books being freely available just 2 weeks ago today !!! There are 5 shelves set aside for this purpose right next to the Library's Graphic Novel Section .
This is not ALWAYS the case. Some days, such as today, There are JUST just two comic books in That section I'm told that all of this varies from day to day or even from hour to hour .
Free Comic Books at a Public Library- Just not something one expects! It is also proof that we can be victims of "self-impoverishment" when we MAINTAIN an " Every Day is a Dull, Not Wonderful, Let's Just Get Through It." paradigm as our attitude and mindset!
- Johnny -
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