A winning team is not merely a collection of people or names on a roster. It is people who are committed to each other and want each to succeed through the process of becoming stronger by investing in each other. Teams that are effective worthwhile and positive truly care about the person or persons that they have agreed to be bonded to.
Teams can be as small as TWO people. In my opinion, Romantic and Significant Other Relationships need to be developed in stages. It is wise to discover that you like the OTHER person. Then, Work to see if you can become friends. The next step is to become a well- functioning teammate of the other person. To me, This is the way to start a lasting a mutually nurturing relationship.
I allude to often a process of self- improvement that I entered into on the First of October, 2011. I called it The 18 Month Prime Directive. Each Month, I chose critical goals to work on and self-sabotaging behaviors to eliminate, I agreed to put myself under the authority of a 5 member Board of Directive. I also told myself, " I can NO LONGER ALLOW myself to permit --- too hard, it will overwhelm me or I just can't" be the reasons why I choose to NOT make a change or do what, in the long run, is in my best interest to do."
This process which transpired from October First, 2011 up to April 30Th, 2013 has made me a person that I far more like and enjoy- depending upon THE DAY! - LOL!!!!!
- Johnny -
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