Americans and, while I'm not as sure of this, Western Europeans ,overall, seem to value and celebrate the philosophy of the idea of " The Quality of Life."
The Quality of Life idea seems to revolve around the idea of impressive and getting much better continually. More money, more opportunity, new homes, better vacations, superb serendipity fertilizing their lives continually.
When someone is miserably poor, when someone has fallen off the mountain of prosperity and now is groaning after landing in the " Death Valley" of ruin, Is life still valuable and worth continuing ? when a healthy person is told that their health is gone and that pain and misery will be their lot for years, Does life, then, become purposeless and not worth enduring ?
If a child is the womb is found to have a severe disorder that will cripple their ability to think and function , Is his or her life really not something that should be allowed to continue?
I know that it is easy to say life is wonderful when it seems to all to clearly be JUST that, but does a life that seems sorely limited, bitterly impoverished, agonizing or torment- drenched, qualify as one that it is most reasonable and logical to immediately halt?
- Johnny -
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