It is said that following dreams that you are not practically prepare, trained and ready to effectively fulfill is a recipe for heartache, ruin and tragedy.
I once had dreams of holding elected office and making a positive, significant lasting and truly historic difference in the American Governmental System. My plan was to start by getting a job on a Congressional Staff.
There was a clear flaw to this ----- I did not type at all in Early 1978 when I was getting ready to pursue my dream . I still do not type well- I barely hunt and peck- to type- LOL- the truth.
This led, in large part- to my dream dying stillborn. The only reason I wanted to leave Frostburg, where I lived at the time anmd loved- was to become a Political Actor.
When that never came to pass, I started to fall out of love, as year after year came and went with living in Greater Washington DC! For I was here for the wrong reason, as I look back over the last now 35 and a half years plus, I could not do the one thing here that I had longed to do since I was 10 years old. While there were numerous other options to pursue, needless to say, I could not live out THE REASON that I felt compellwed and driven to come to Our Nation's Capital to pursue!
- Johnny -
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