I may be very wrong on this- However, I strongly believe that the parents of the Tea Party Movement are a well- know phrase and a philosophy. The phrase is " Too Big To Fail.". The philosophy is that banks have social and ethical obligations that must take precedence over intelligent and sound and wisely justifiable financial considerations. One of the most prominent features that enraged and still enrages people today is the idea that you can issue bank loans- in that case to purchase homes- that had virtually NO chance of ever being paid back!
Risk is a part of the reality of day- in and day -out life. A true and vigorous exercise of freedom entails risk!!! No one can be guaranteed that every thing they do will be successful. Or, Even that anything they are involved in will be successful. The very phrase" Too Big to Fail" antagonizes many people and sets their teeth on edge!!! They believe that if you fail and cannot continue whether you are a bank, an insurance company,a Fortune 500 Company a car company or even a lemonade stand that that is regrettable and sad but must be seen as acceptable because life goes on! The same people believe that if the industry or the possibility to sell a good product that will make a profit that another company will,EVENTUALLY come into existence to fill the gap left by your FAILED enterprise!
Much of the same sentiment also can be connected to issuing worthless loans to buy homes. No one is absolutely guaranteed the right to home ownership.Having a dwelling that belongs to you and only you is simply!!!! not!!! an!!! inalienable!!!! right. Political Leaders and especially elected officials that proclaimed these notions as "political reality that we all simply HAD to accept and live with" became prominent issues for those who recruited and organized those who would decry and denounce the status-quo political supporters and the politicians they allied themselves to!
The Tea Party is still new. They do not always support outstanding candidates. I think they have decided to stress running candidates who say what they mean and mean what they say. They'd rather deal with rough edges and awkward statements than polished candidates. They'd rather support somewhat flawed candidates than give their money and support to polished and bought men and women who stand for little or nothing and are aloof from the electorate. Katie Couric may refer to segments of the electorate as the " Unwashed Masses" but the vote of someone in faded and out of style clothing DOES count as much as the vote of the stylish woman wearing Gucci's!
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
One Push
From October of 1990 until August of 2000, I was the sponsor of two Alateen groups that met at a 12 step recovery club in Falls Church, Virginia. I also was a paid employee, for a good part of the time at that club.
We had some rather wild young people who attended the NA and AA meetings that were held on Wednesday nights. Mark was one of the more sullen young people who attended the meetings there. He seemed to take a liking to me- told me I listened to him, looked him in the eye and didn't seem to think that he was dangerous to be around. It's funny Mark could be very much of an intimidator but for some unknown reason I chose NOT to be in fear of him.
He would readily admit that he could be a troublemaker but not all the time at the prestigious public HS he attended in North Arlington. Over a couple of weeks, He told me that the Principal had been blaming him for nearly any and every student behavior problem that occurred within the Junior class. . Mark also told me that he was getting very tired about being singled out.
Then, a Vandalism problem occurred and he was called to task for being the ringleader. I asked him if he knew who was involved and he said he did. I suggested that he share with the principal what he knew and HE ACTUALLY DID! The pinncipal listened and then a few days later told Mark again that he KNEW itt was him and that he was NOT going to rest until he proved it.
Then , I didn't see Mark for about a month. I learned when I next saw him that he and the Principal went to war with each other. The Principal got in Marks' face accusing him and being very derogatory with a huge crowd of student watching. He pushed the pnciplal- shoved him hard and he went backward and down a landing to the next floor. The Principal, amazingly, just was bruised and sore but threatened to have Mark arrested asd expelled.
Instead of going nuclear, Mark told the principal to call his father. Mark's Dad, an attorney, came immediately to the school and, to Mark's total shock his dad forcefully took up for him. It was along these lines - " I know that My Son is a majorly annoying pain in the a**, but he is far from the only difficult -to -deal with kid in this school." and " Is there a reason why you feel Mark is the prime suspect in the vandalism, Where is your proof?" and " Is there any particular reason you needed to insult and malign my son in front of a large crowd of his friends and fellow students!" The father admitted that what his son had done was " inappropriate, obnoxious, and foolish" but he also challenged the Principle to look at his role in that confrontation as well. Finally, He demanded that the principal bring in the police and properly investigate the vandalism!
There was an investigation and Mark was clearly shown to have not been a party of it. I think Mark, in every way was wrong in the way he dealt with his principal, especially when he shoved him. Yet, and I would have never thought this of this sullen hard a** then 17 year old but was his response the response of one who felt bullied.
I guess I will never completely know but it is ONE of those things. looking back on it now, that made me go "hmmmm" then and it still does to this day!
- Johnny-
We had some rather wild young people who attended the NA and AA meetings that were held on Wednesday nights. Mark was one of the more sullen young people who attended the meetings there. He seemed to take a liking to me- told me I listened to him, looked him in the eye and didn't seem to think that he was dangerous to be around. It's funny Mark could be very much of an intimidator but for some unknown reason I chose NOT to be in fear of him.
He would readily admit that he could be a troublemaker but not all the time at the prestigious public HS he attended in North Arlington. Over a couple of weeks, He told me that the Principal had been blaming him for nearly any and every student behavior problem that occurred within the Junior class. . Mark also told me that he was getting very tired about being singled out.
Then, a Vandalism problem occurred and he was called to task for being the ringleader. I asked him if he knew who was involved and he said he did. I suggested that he share with the principal what he knew and HE ACTUALLY DID! The pinncipal listened and then a few days later told Mark again that he KNEW itt was him and that he was NOT going to rest until he proved it.
Then , I didn't see Mark for about a month. I learned when I next saw him that he and the Principal went to war with each other. The Principal got in Marks' face accusing him and being very derogatory with a huge crowd of student watching. He pushed the pnciplal- shoved him hard and he went backward and down a landing to the next floor. The Principal, amazingly, just was bruised and sore but threatened to have Mark arrested asd expelled.
Instead of going nuclear, Mark told the principal to call his father. Mark's Dad, an attorney, came immediately to the school and, to Mark's total shock his dad forcefully took up for him. It was along these lines - " I know that My Son is a majorly annoying pain in the a**, but he is far from the only difficult -to -deal with kid in this school." and " Is there a reason why you feel Mark is the prime suspect in the vandalism, Where is your proof?" and " Is there any particular reason you needed to insult and malign my son in front of a large crowd of his friends and fellow students!" The father admitted that what his son had done was " inappropriate, obnoxious, and foolish" but he also challenged the Principle to look at his role in that confrontation as well. Finally, He demanded that the principal bring in the police and properly investigate the vandalism!
There was an investigation and Mark was clearly shown to have not been a party of it. I think Mark, in every way was wrong in the way he dealt with his principal, especially when he shoved him. Yet, and I would have never thought this of this sullen hard a** then 17 year old but was his response the response of one who felt bullied.
I guess I will never completely know but it is ONE of those things. looking back on it now, that made me go "hmmmm" then and it still does to this day!
- Johnny-
Don't hit please, I'd rather that you use your words?
Most of us, nearly all of us, would express anger and outrage if we saw a 7 year old boy or girl being punched, kicked, slammed hard into walls. Some people, the bravest and the most caring of the population would seek to intervene to stop these brutal and inhumane tortures. They would do so even if this meant that they themselves might be subjected to severe injury or worse!
If the man or woman involved tried to justify this as "discipline" and " proper punishment", most of us would raise serious objections to these proffered "explanations"! We'd say that discipline needs to be proportional and needs to have some instruction person. Hitting a child as hard as you can , at will for as long as you can fails to be considered a proper and appropriate way to discipline ANYONE. If another young person uses this kind of unrestraine4d and unmeasured force against another young person or a younger child, We properly and justly consider him or her to be a bully.
Yet, Suppose another person no matter what their age decides to make jokes and humor their weapon of choice! Suppose that person clearly decides to entertain him or herself or others by wounding some one's spirit, by publicly humiliating them. Is this improper? Is this wrong, evil, immoral or unethical ? If we see someone suffering, cringing, displaying the same physical reactions and body gestures and emotions that one might display if they are enduring a crippling beating ,What then? Is it wrong to demand that the "jester" stop now and immediately! Is it wrong to tell them that "I will not allow you to continue to ATTACK this man or woman, youth or boy or girl?" Is it wrong to challenge others to discontinue their " aiding and abetting" in the process of verbally savaging a fellow human being?
I cannot be objective on this issue, not even slightly. I regularly endured unprincipled and unrestrained beatings from both my mother and father. I've had baseballs thrown at my head, I was once thrown to the ground and hit several times mid- back with a broom stick. I had a heavy metal magnifying glass narrowly miss hitting me in the head when it was thrown at me from across the room. I was one pushed to the .floor and was hit 4 times on my left shin with a baseball bat. One of my nickname sfor my parents is " Mommy and Daddy Dearest!" I guess one of the blessings in my home was that we seemed not to have had any wire hangers!
As I look back , they would mock me for not being a boy because I would cry as I was being beaten, they also would make jokes as they told each other that a boy knows how to endure pain well and doesn't whine, cry out or complain. My mother would often say with a nasty grin on her face, " I gave birth to three girls!" and then berate me for telling her she was wrong to say that. My protest sometimes led to further physical beatings. One time just before the start of a new school year, my mom asked my dad for money to buy new underwear, My dad 's reply " I guess all 3 of them need panties!" He and my mom laughed out loud over this!
Years later, when telling a therapist about all of this, he offered the following observation," Based on what you are telling me, I believe your father should have been imprisoned and your mother institutionalized!" I believe his analysis to be 100 % on target. To me, Their verbal cruelty, their sadistic and character-corroding and self-esteem crippling " sense of humors " should earn them these "living assignments" EVERY BIT as much as their Gestapo and KGB approved methods of physical "discipline" Both John Felix Rodriguez Senior and Florence Elizabeth Raven- Rodriguez are now deceased- my mother for a decade, my father for just short of a decade. I will not tell you where I believe both of them are residing right now- however I do believe that it is a place where many people are desperate to have both air conditioning and refrigeration!!!!
So, I have some strong opinions on those who choose to coolly, calculatingly and strategically employ humor as others would employ a gun, a knife or a bomb. I'd rather avoid being anywhere near them and where they are I absolutely do NOT wish to be!
If the man or woman involved tried to justify this as "discipline" and " proper punishment", most of us would raise serious objections to these proffered "explanations"! We'd say that discipline needs to be proportional and needs to have some instruction person. Hitting a child as hard as you can , at will for as long as you can fails to be considered a proper and appropriate way to discipline ANYONE. If another young person uses this kind of unrestraine4d and unmeasured force against another young person or a younger child, We properly and justly consider him or her to be a bully.
Yet, Suppose another person no matter what their age decides to make jokes and humor their weapon of choice! Suppose that person clearly decides to entertain him or herself or others by wounding some one's spirit, by publicly humiliating them. Is this improper? Is this wrong, evil, immoral or unethical ? If we see someone suffering, cringing, displaying the same physical reactions and body gestures and emotions that one might display if they are enduring a crippling beating ,What then? Is it wrong to demand that the "jester" stop now and immediately! Is it wrong to tell them that "I will not allow you to continue to ATTACK this man or woman, youth or boy or girl?" Is it wrong to challenge others to discontinue their " aiding and abetting" in the process of verbally savaging a fellow human being?
I cannot be objective on this issue, not even slightly. I regularly endured unprincipled and unrestrained beatings from both my mother and father. I've had baseballs thrown at my head, I was once thrown to the ground and hit several times mid- back with a broom stick. I had a heavy metal magnifying glass narrowly miss hitting me in the head when it was thrown at me from across the room. I was one pushed to the .floor and was hit 4 times on my left shin with a baseball bat. One of my nickname sfor my parents is " Mommy and Daddy Dearest!" I guess one of the blessings in my home was that we seemed not to have had any wire hangers!
As I look back , they would mock me for not being a boy because I would cry as I was being beaten, they also would make jokes as they told each other that a boy knows how to endure pain well and doesn't whine, cry out or complain. My mother would often say with a nasty grin on her face, " I gave birth to three girls!" and then berate me for telling her she was wrong to say that. My protest sometimes led to further physical beatings. One time just before the start of a new school year, my mom asked my dad for money to buy new underwear, My dad 's reply " I guess all 3 of them need panties!" He and my mom laughed out loud over this!
Years later, when telling a therapist about all of this, he offered the following observation," Based on what you are telling me, I believe your father should have been imprisoned and your mother institutionalized!" I believe his analysis to be 100 % on target. To me, Their verbal cruelty, their sadistic and character-corroding and self-esteem crippling " sense of humors " should earn them these "living assignments" EVERY BIT as much as their Gestapo and KGB approved methods of physical "discipline" Both John Felix Rodriguez Senior and Florence Elizabeth Raven- Rodriguez are now deceased- my mother for a decade, my father for just short of a decade. I will not tell you where I believe both of them are residing right now- however I do believe that it is a place where many people are desperate to have both air conditioning and refrigeration!!!!
So, I have some strong opinions on those who choose to coolly, calculatingly and strategically employ humor as others would employ a gun, a knife or a bomb. I'd rather avoid being anywhere near them and where they are I absolutely do NOT wish to be!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Grace and Leniency towards others while being demanding of myself.
We all know that it can be quite common to be very demanding and short of patience with others. It should not surprise anyone since the Baby Boomers and all those born after them seem to be living personification of the words "instant gratification". I am a baby boomer and I must admit, with a measure of regret that I do resemble the above comments.
Yet, Life is a laboratory. Each day offers us a classroom to build upon and either enrich or impoverish our life's choices. I stated , in the previous blog, the idea of a friend feeling that people must be competent and that we have a RIGHT to expect and demand that others live and ESPECIALLY intersect with us in a competent fashion.
Yet, Is the quality of our lives just the sum of getting the reactions we optimally desire? Will the sun refuse to arise if we have a difficult day or if people exceed the annoyance, nuisance and bumbling quotient that we generously assign to them each day.
It seems to me that kind, generous, understanding and flexible people tend to be the best people to associate with!I know I have better days when I strive to be such a person. I, however, tend to be far too moody and "fair weather" and I pay a price for this!!!
Excellence and very high standards are great, I truly believe this. This is something that , I believe is perfectly fair for anyone of us to make these the standards we hold ourselves to! Yet, We become dictatorial, harsh, cruel, uncaring and dismissive when we set standards that we expect others to meet IF they are to be considered worth of our approval, pleasure and acceptance!
Grace and Leniency is a great mindset to maintain as we deal with others. It reminds us that ALL people have flaws and personal foibles. We all make mistakes. We do not get the full story and we are not privy to every detail of any other person's FULL and DETAILED personal stories. Not even siblings or husbands and wives/ significant others know ONE!!!! HUNDRED !!!! PERCENT of anyone else's life history!
Most of us would willing to admit that we wish to learn how to do well when we seek to win friend's and POSITIVELY!!! and EFFECTIVELY!!! influencing people. Two words/ two concepts that can help us in pursuit of doing such are, indeed , GRACE! and LENIENCY!
- Johnny -
Yet, Life is a laboratory. Each day offers us a classroom to build upon and either enrich or impoverish our life's choices. I stated , in the previous blog, the idea of a friend feeling that people must be competent and that we have a RIGHT to expect and demand that others live and ESPECIALLY intersect with us in a competent fashion.
Yet, Is the quality of our lives just the sum of getting the reactions we optimally desire? Will the sun refuse to arise if we have a difficult day or if people exceed the annoyance, nuisance and bumbling quotient that we generously assign to them each day.
It seems to me that kind, generous, understanding and flexible people tend to be the best people to associate with!I know I have better days when I strive to be such a person. I, however, tend to be far too moody and "fair weather" and I pay a price for this!!!
Excellence and very high standards are great, I truly believe this. This is something that , I believe is perfectly fair for anyone of us to make these the standards we hold ourselves to! Yet, We become dictatorial, harsh, cruel, uncaring and dismissive when we set standards that we expect others to meet IF they are to be considered worth of our approval, pleasure and acceptance!
Grace and Leniency is a great mindset to maintain as we deal with others. It reminds us that ALL people have flaws and personal foibles. We all make mistakes. We do not get the full story and we are not privy to every detail of any other person's FULL and DETAILED personal stories. Not even siblings or husbands and wives/ significant others know ONE!!!! HUNDRED !!!! PERCENT of anyone else's life history!
Most of us would willing to admit that we wish to learn how to do well when we seek to win friend's and POSITIVELY!!! and EFFECTIVELY!!! influencing people. Two words/ two concepts that can help us in pursuit of doing such are, indeed , GRACE! and LENIENCY!
- Johnny -
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Do people have a right to expect others to be competent?
A friend who I first met over 30 years ago is a straight speaking, blunt and spare no one's feelings type of a man! He will tell you what he's thinking and what he believes YOU NEED!!! to hear NO! MATTER! WHAT!
My friend D believes that only those who are competent have any reasonable chance of living a successful, fruitful and prosperous life in these United States.His definition of competence is - Think out clearly what you need to get done, do exactly that no more nor less and do things in a way that does not make you an impediment, speed bump,a process slowing downer. He believes that people need to be taught as to how much living competently is a must. He will go even further that people have a right to expect that people handle their public discourse and connectedness in a competent manner.
This notion seems like a " set in his ways" and a crotchety mans" outlook on life. Yet, Could this explain the mindset of 'road ragers", of people who want to go ballistic when someone has 22 items in the 15 items or less line in the store. Could people who want to strangle the person who has them to explain something YET again for the sixteenth time also be wanting to say " You need to be competent". This may also hold true for the person who refuses, when he is asked to, say something when he or she is asked to repeat him or herself. He or she may be seething and thinking, " If you were a good listener, I would ONLY need to say this once!"This also could be, perhaps, restated as " Why aren't you competent"?
It might make our lives easier. I've often imagined how much easier life might be if life worked on the principle of "GET! IT! RIGHT! THE! FIRST! TIME!" .However, Who said that life needs to be lived easily?
This is a companion piece, Part one as it were. What happens if I or Anyone decides to be demanding and expectant of myself and allow others grace and leniency ?
To Be Continued....
My friend D believes that only those who are competent have any reasonable chance of living a successful, fruitful and prosperous life in these United States.His definition of competence is - Think out clearly what you need to get done, do exactly that no more nor less and do things in a way that does not make you an impediment, speed bump,a process slowing downer. He believes that people need to be taught as to how much living competently is a must. He will go even further that people have a right to expect that people handle their public discourse and connectedness in a competent manner.
This notion seems like a " set in his ways" and a crotchety mans" outlook on life. Yet, Could this explain the mindset of 'road ragers", of people who want to go ballistic when someone has 22 items in the 15 items or less line in the store. Could people who want to strangle the person who has them to explain something YET again for the sixteenth time also be wanting to say " You need to be competent". This may also hold true for the person who refuses, when he is asked to, say something when he or she is asked to repeat him or herself. He or she may be seething and thinking, " If you were a good listener, I would ONLY need to say this once!"This also could be, perhaps, restated as " Why aren't you competent"?
It might make our lives easier. I've often imagined how much easier life might be if life worked on the principle of "GET! IT! RIGHT! THE! FIRST! TIME!" .However, Who said that life needs to be lived easily?
This is a companion piece, Part one as it were. What happens if I or Anyone decides to be demanding and expectant of myself and allow others grace and leniency ?
To Be Continued....
Monday, October 25, 2010
Unmerciful NFL FANS!
" You won but it was NOT close to being even slightly good enough! Your play is just not acceptable. I need for you to play a whole lot better!"
Are these the comments of a College Football Coach? An NFL Coach? An NFL Team Owner?. No, These are the comments that you can often EXPECT to hear and read from the fans of an NFL team that is "winning ugly" in the opinion of the fans. This perfectionistic and unsparingly unmerciful analysis is often fueled by the print, on the air and e- expert analysts who are paid to microscopically study every one and everything connected to THAT team.
I am NOT at all a Redskin Fan but I am a resident of the GREATER Washington DC area and I am a football fan- The Dallas Cowboys and the Miami Dolphin- and I heard the Redskins shredded on the radio yesterday after a WIN. The Fans of 106.7 FM - The Fan- were enthusiastically decrying the flaws, failures and foibles of their QB- Donovan McNabb . It is as if they have no memories of the team's Quarterbacks of the last decade!
Here is what I find to be the most fascinating about all of this. How many of these fans could easily and vehemently justify the mediocre and barely sufficient work they render to their employer at work? How many are willing to accept the value of the word "sufficient"? Why do we treat many of the athletes we root for as employees or entertaining servants rather than player who play for our favorite team?
People who demand a supreme amount of others but ask very little, relatively speaking, little of themselves tend to be rather empty and easily frustrated people. The only person that we can control, after all, is ourselves! Maybe if a number of us, and I HAVE been there too often and easily, asked more of ourselves and held ourselves to a higher standard, then what the players fail to accomplish on a football field will become less likely to offend us , disturb us and anger us!
Are these the comments of a College Football Coach? An NFL Coach? An NFL Team Owner?. No, These are the comments that you can often EXPECT to hear and read from the fans of an NFL team that is "winning ugly" in the opinion of the fans. This perfectionistic and unsparingly unmerciful analysis is often fueled by the print, on the air and e- expert analysts who are paid to microscopically study every one and everything connected to THAT team.
I am NOT at all a Redskin Fan but I am a resident of the GREATER Washington DC area and I am a football fan- The Dallas Cowboys and the Miami Dolphin- and I heard the Redskins shredded on the radio yesterday after a WIN. The Fans of 106.7 FM - The Fan- were enthusiastically decrying the flaws, failures and foibles of their QB- Donovan McNabb . It is as if they have no memories of the team's Quarterbacks of the last decade!
Here is what I find to be the most fascinating about all of this. How many of these fans could easily and vehemently justify the mediocre and barely sufficient work they render to their employer at work? How many are willing to accept the value of the word "sufficient"? Why do we treat many of the athletes we root for as employees or entertaining servants rather than player who play for our favorite team?
People who demand a supreme amount of others but ask very little, relatively speaking, little of themselves tend to be rather empty and easily frustrated people. The only person that we can control, after all, is ourselves! Maybe if a number of us, and I HAVE been there too often and easily, asked more of ourselves and held ourselves to a higher standard, then what the players fail to accomplish on a football field will become less likely to offend us , disturb us and anger us!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Small Electronic Courtesies ?
I am surprised, but perhaps I should not be, by some of the venomous " commentary" that passes for conversation on the Internet. This is a medium where it seems all to easy to attack someone personally rather than respond intelligently and credibly to what they are posting. The classically noble action to avoid adhominem attacks seems to not be treasured on the 'Net!
Yet, Would such people respond with insult and slander to people they have face to face contact with? Not likely!!!! Why not actually exchange ideas, express positively and in a motivating fashion your disagreements and counter-proposals and strive for more engaging , stimulating and productive meetings of the mind?
I am sadly coming to the conclusion that some people are not capable of this type of dignified engagement or perhaps are simply just too lazy to be willing to make the effort!
- Johnny-
Yet, Would such people respond with insult and slander to people they have face to face contact with? Not likely!!!! Why not actually exchange ideas, express positively and in a motivating fashion your disagreements and counter-proposals and strive for more engaging , stimulating and productive meetings of the mind?
I am sadly coming to the conclusion that some people are not capable of this type of dignified engagement or perhaps are simply just too lazy to be willing to make the effort!
- Johnny-
Friday, October 22, 2010
Believing that the best can be the actual final outcome!
I am 55, VERY soon to be 56.I am still a comic book reader and a HUGE!!! fan of the Orphan from the Planet Krypton, Superman!
To some , This will seem silly and juvenile in the extreme. To me, It is actually connected to my Christian Beliefs. I do believe that God ,through my faith trust and confidence in Jesus, guarantees to me that no matter how dark and nasty any one particular period of my life may SEEM to me, that all will be well in the final analysis. The TRULY FINAL outcome will be far greater and invincibly supreme over any deed, circumstance and situation.
Comic Books tend to also focus on people fighting with every resource they can to thwart those who wish to do harm to fight until the best possible outcome has been gained! Heroes sometime die as a result, or things are still in need of further repair or improvement even after they have done EVERYTHING they can do. This, of course, is true because comic books are written by limited and imperfect people.
I believe that the infinitely perfect and unlimited can solve or ills and make all things pervasively and undeniably well. He can cause things to become without flaw or lack. So, to me, The best comic books I read can be seen as an inspirational foreshadowing of what will one day be forever true!
To some , This will seem silly and juvenile in the extreme. To me, It is actually connected to my Christian Beliefs. I do believe that God ,through my faith trust and confidence in Jesus, guarantees to me that no matter how dark and nasty any one particular period of my life may SEEM to me, that all will be well in the final analysis. The TRULY FINAL outcome will be far greater and invincibly supreme over any deed, circumstance and situation.
Comic Books tend to also focus on people fighting with every resource they can to thwart those who wish to do harm to fight until the best possible outcome has been gained! Heroes sometime die as a result, or things are still in need of further repair or improvement even after they have done EVERYTHING they can do. This, of course, is true because comic books are written by limited and imperfect people.
I believe that the infinitely perfect and unlimited can solve or ills and make all things pervasively and undeniably well. He can cause things to become without flaw or lack. So, to me, The best comic books I read can be seen as an inspirational foreshadowing of what will one day be forever true!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
No Place to be Safe- No Place to experience Personal Peace and Serenity
" I am never able to relax, It is clear to me that I am wrong and unacceptable. No matter where I am I must expect to be physically attacked. At best, I know I'm likely to be insulted, slandered and demeaned at any time and for any reason.", These TEND to be the thought and beliefs of people who have been pervasively and intensely bullied over long periods of time.
I wrote, in an earlier blog , about my never feeling safe anywhere - at home. in the neighborhood, while attending church or at school! This sense of dis - ease has followed me into adult hood. I have endured criminal acts and both physical and verbal bullying as an adult.
Schools have, over the last few years, have made some visible but questionably effective efforts to challenge and curtail bullying. These efforts still ask , too often, " What is wrong with the person being bullied?" and " What does he or she do that just might invite bullying?" In my opinion, the people who decide to attack and turn human beings into his/ her prey are THE PROBLEM and they are where the focus needs to be! I think that we are capable of separating out good humor and mutually agreed upon and proper teasing and joshing and someone being in an attack mode and involved in targeting individuals.
Bullying is not something that should be considered a rite of childhood passes that we endure, adjust to and eventually get beyond. Parents need to teach their children that you do not process their most negative reactions violently and pejoratively on other human beings. People are not proper dumping grounds for other peoples' venom and frustration.
This isn't a matter of teaching everyone martial arts. Not every one is going to learn to be proficient at these self-defense methods.There are some children who will not resort to violence and will not verbally return insults. The idea of ignoring the other person works rather inconsistently, some bullies will push until they gain a response. Some victims of bullying have been subjected to savage verbal and physical beatings when they FINALLY respond because now the bully has an "EXCUSE "to justify or her actions.
I believe this is indeed a most thorny and complicated problem! I do think that PART of the solution can be found in understanding that people are INDIVIDUALS and that respect for the individual is where we can begin to successfully arrest this unacceptable nastiness. The only general response that our society has pursued is the idea of " hate crimes"- we say that it is wrong to treat CATEGORIES and SEGMENTS of people in a derogatory way. Therefore, Bullying a gay teenager is seen as a crime against gays more than a crime against that INDIVIDUAL bullied 17 year old! This may help people to be stronger within a recognized an organized group but not as Timothy or Pamela!
Groups are not subjected to daily torments- individual boys or girls/ men and women are. Thus, When we make individuals feel more invested in and valued, Bullying will become steadily less likely, in my humble opinion, to be an issue!
- Johnny-
I wrote, in an earlier blog , about my never feeling safe anywhere - at home. in the neighborhood, while attending church or at school! This sense of dis - ease has followed me into adult hood. I have endured criminal acts and both physical and verbal bullying as an adult.
Schools have, over the last few years, have made some visible but questionably effective efforts to challenge and curtail bullying. These efforts still ask , too often, " What is wrong with the person being bullied?" and " What does he or she do that just might invite bullying?" In my opinion, the people who decide to attack and turn human beings into his/ her prey are THE PROBLEM and they are where the focus needs to be! I think that we are capable of separating out good humor and mutually agreed upon and proper teasing and joshing and someone being in an attack mode and involved in targeting individuals.
Bullying is not something that should be considered a rite of childhood passes that we endure, adjust to and eventually get beyond. Parents need to teach their children that you do not process their most negative reactions violently and pejoratively on other human beings. People are not proper dumping grounds for other peoples' venom and frustration.
This isn't a matter of teaching everyone martial arts. Not every one is going to learn to be proficient at these self-defense methods.There are some children who will not resort to violence and will not verbally return insults. The idea of ignoring the other person works rather inconsistently, some bullies will push until they gain a response. Some victims of bullying have been subjected to savage verbal and physical beatings when they FINALLY respond because now the bully has an "EXCUSE "to justify or her actions.
I believe this is indeed a most thorny and complicated problem! I do think that PART of the solution can be found in understanding that people are INDIVIDUALS and that respect for the individual is where we can begin to successfully arrest this unacceptable nastiness. The only general response that our society has pursued is the idea of " hate crimes"- we say that it is wrong to treat CATEGORIES and SEGMENTS of people in a derogatory way. Therefore, Bullying a gay teenager is seen as a crime against gays more than a crime against that INDIVIDUAL bullied 17 year old! This may help people to be stronger within a recognized an organized group but not as Timothy or Pamela!
Groups are not subjected to daily torments- individual boys or girls/ men and women are. Thus, When we make individuals feel more invested in and valued, Bullying will become steadily less likely, in my humble opinion, to be an issue!
- Johnny-
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Todos Ilegales Son Criminales
All Illegals are Criminals. Any Foreign national who is present in the United States without permission is in violation of the Immigration Laws of the United States.
Many Americans feel that these are racist concepts, an exercise in hatred and bigotry, First of all, Hispanics are not a separate race, not withstanding that Columbus Day is often called " La Dia De La Raza". This is not reality. If anything , It was the start of the mixing of 2 or 3 different races, over time, in The Caribbean and in Central and South America.
Beyond this, Do any of us feel that we discriminate against thieves when we disapprove of their stealing and continuing to steal ? Are we hateful when we act against murderers who have killed and are still actively killing? People who are in this country without permission and who continue to remain here have violated the law and are presently violating the law.
The people here without any right to be here can argue that they need to be here due to unbearably harsh and difficult conditions in their home land! Yet, While we may sympathize with the action of law breakers, We hold them accountable for their actions and do not free them from the consequences of their actions.
It may be rather unsympathetic but it is not immoral or illegal to expect people who are not present in the US WITHOUT OFFICIAL PERMISSION to leave our country. I believe that American Citizens should travel to the countries that these illegals come from and work to improve conditions in these nations. This will make these lands increasingly better places to live.
I also think that it is morally unacceptable to permit these nations to , in fact, actively encourage these unfortunate men and women to leave the lands of their birth, I am bothered by the idea of nations striving to export their citizens. We should put pressure on the leaders of these nations to care for the needs of their own citizens. Some of these nations need to use their wealth to provide for their neediest men, women and children. They also can decide to do what America does, We do not exempt our wealthiest citizens from paying taxes to benefit those in severe need,
The Citizens of The United States have no obligation to do anything for people exploiting our country for their own benefit. It is never wrong to ask that people obey just., proper and rational laws!
- Johnny-
Many Americans feel that these are racist concepts, an exercise in hatred and bigotry, First of all, Hispanics are not a separate race, not withstanding that Columbus Day is often called " La Dia De La Raza". This is not reality. If anything , It was the start of the mixing of 2 or 3 different races, over time, in The Caribbean and in Central and South America.
Beyond this, Do any of us feel that we discriminate against thieves when we disapprove of their stealing and continuing to steal ? Are we hateful when we act against murderers who have killed and are still actively killing? People who are in this country without permission and who continue to remain here have violated the law and are presently violating the law.
The people here without any right to be here can argue that they need to be here due to unbearably harsh and difficult conditions in their home land! Yet, While we may sympathize with the action of law breakers, We hold them accountable for their actions and do not free them from the consequences of their actions.
It may be rather unsympathetic but it is not immoral or illegal to expect people who are not present in the US WITHOUT OFFICIAL PERMISSION to leave our country. I believe that American Citizens should travel to the countries that these illegals come from and work to improve conditions in these nations. This will make these lands increasingly better places to live.
I also think that it is morally unacceptable to permit these nations to , in fact, actively encourage these unfortunate men and women to leave the lands of their birth, I am bothered by the idea of nations striving to export their citizens. We should put pressure on the leaders of these nations to care for the needs of their own citizens. Some of these nations need to use their wealth to provide for their neediest men, women and children. They also can decide to do what America does, We do not exempt our wealthiest citizens from paying taxes to benefit those in severe need,
The Citizens of The United States have no obligation to do anything for people exploiting our country for their own benefit. It is never wrong to ask that people obey just., proper and rational laws!
- Johnny-
Monday, October 18, 2010
Public Transportation in Greater Washington DC
The primary Public Transportation option in the Greater Washington DC Area is provided by WMATA - The Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority-more routinely known as METRO. Metro operates a bus system and a train system.
Metro , on the whole, is more of a penalty than a service. It is frequently over -crowded and it is chronically off-schedule. The operators are often practioners of incivility and are inclined to tell people who are not pleased with the service to not use the service.
I find Metro often ignores their own rules. I've watch people eat and drink under signs that say " No Eating And Drinking". I've seen Metro buses stop for passengers when they routinely make announcements that say " Once the bus departs one stop it will not stop again until it reaches the next stop." People are asked to use their cellphones respectfully and then you wind up enduring people screaming into their phones assaulting you with vulgar conversation that you'd really prefer to not listen to.
You'd like to hope that Metro will stress , at some point, running on time and that insisting that all patrons being treated wirh respect and according dignity. It would be marvelous for Metro to insist that all rules be rigorously enforced and that not doing so will be considered a fireable offense. Yet, Metro seems to operate in an alternate reality and any complaints registered against it in protest are considered to be a reason to judge and to question those who raise them.
It is often said that we'd all be better off if people drove less and used mass transit more often. I think that Metro shows that poorly and insularly-operated mass transit provides a strong reason to decide to continue to say "no" to using Mass Transit!
- Johnny -
Metro , on the whole, is more of a penalty than a service. It is frequently over -crowded and it is chronically off-schedule. The operators are often practioners of incivility and are inclined to tell people who are not pleased with the service to not use the service.
I find Metro often ignores their own rules. I've watch people eat and drink under signs that say " No Eating And Drinking". I've seen Metro buses stop for passengers when they routinely make announcements that say " Once the bus departs one stop it will not stop again until it reaches the next stop." People are asked to use their cellphones respectfully and then you wind up enduring people screaming into their phones assaulting you with vulgar conversation that you'd really prefer to not listen to.
You'd like to hope that Metro will stress , at some point, running on time and that insisting that all patrons being treated wirh respect and according dignity. It would be marvelous for Metro to insist that all rules be rigorously enforced and that not doing so will be considered a fireable offense. Yet, Metro seems to operate in an alternate reality and any complaints registered against it in protest are considered to be a reason to judge and to question those who raise them.
It is often said that we'd all be better off if people drove less and used mass transit more often. I think that Metro shows that poorly and insularly-operated mass transit provides a strong reason to decide to continue to say "no" to using Mass Transit!
- Johnny -
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Just a Sunday!
Today, Sunday, October 17th, 2010 was a good day to pray, cherish friends and invest. I enjoyed a great sermon on Money and how when we give we are being like the Lord we say we strive to follow.The idea is that Jesus always sought to give and to be the spur for an increase in each persons' life. The sermon advocated that we are at our best when we earnestly wish to share in the largess that we have been provided with.
Then, I took part in a rehearsal for the Christmas Pageant that will be performed during the two services to be performed on Sunday, December 18th. I have a small part. I play a homeless person who is really an angel sharing with a woman that Jesus came as a baby to be like us and among us. He then grew to provide peace and a way of escape to those of us bound by turmoil and no access to any way out from our lives of limitation.
I then participated in the meeting of a New Bilingual Chinese- English Toastmasters Club. They hold their meetings on the campus of George Mason University. The main message of that meeting is actively striving to succeed will bring about greater and greater opportunities for success and fulfillment.
It seems the message of the day is that great expectations, daring engagement and a desire to enrich others will always bring about benefit to all of those committed to those efforts! - Johnny-
Then, I took part in a rehearsal for the Christmas Pageant that will be performed during the two services to be performed on Sunday, December 18th. I have a small part. I play a homeless person who is really an angel sharing with a woman that Jesus came as a baby to be like us and among us. He then grew to provide peace and a way of escape to those of us bound by turmoil and no access to any way out from our lives of limitation.
I then participated in the meeting of a New Bilingual Chinese- English Toastmasters Club. They hold their meetings on the campus of George Mason University. The main message of that meeting is actively striving to succeed will bring about greater and greater opportunities for success and fulfillment.
It seems the message of the day is that great expectations, daring engagement and a desire to enrich others will always bring about benefit to all of those committed to those efforts! - Johnny-
Monday, October 11, 2010
Is Minding Your Own Business just soooooooo 20th Century?
I remember, as a boy,that the admonition to " Mind Your Own Business" was an admonition that you did not dare ignore. Being persistent in trying to " Find out about the business of someone else business"after you had been clearly warned NOT to do so would VERY likely lead to a stern rebuke and punishment.
Perhaps due to what occurred on 9/11/01, This social dictum fell into the 'superceded by current events" category ! Yes, It is good to know if someone has a Bomb in a bag or a suspicious cell phone that might either have a bomb contained within it or that might be used to trigger an explosion remotely. However, People seem likely to study the cover of the book that you are reading to see EXACTLY what book you are reading or study the newspaper you are reading to see what editorial you are reading, I guess that having a dangerous opinion might lead to a dangerous future violation of NATIONAL Security.
I do think that no matter how risky life in the USA just might be in the Fall of 2010, that our maintaining and preserving our personal freedom do require that each of us KNOW that we have the right to live SEPARATE lives! We are told that celebrities have the right to be microscopically annoyed by the paparazzi
because their career choices invite this very type of certainty. Yet, The average person does not invite such
mega and omni study and scrutiny.
So, Unless their is a clear, obvious and reasonable reason to invade an other person's privacy- a good reason to expect them to be directly answerable to you, perhaps the ethos of " Mind Your Own Business " needs to make a comeback. So unless you have a paramount reason to worry about what another man, woman, boy or girl is doing, PLEASE M.Y.O. B.!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps due to what occurred on 9/11/01, This social dictum fell into the 'superceded by current events" category ! Yes, It is good to know if someone has a Bomb in a bag or a suspicious cell phone that might either have a bomb contained within it or that might be used to trigger an explosion remotely. However, People seem likely to study the cover of the book that you are reading to see EXACTLY what book you are reading or study the newspaper you are reading to see what editorial you are reading, I guess that having a dangerous opinion might lead to a dangerous future violation of NATIONAL Security.
I do think that no matter how risky life in the USA just might be in the Fall of 2010, that our maintaining and preserving our personal freedom do require that each of us KNOW that we have the right to live SEPARATE lives! We are told that celebrities have the right to be microscopically annoyed by the paparazzi
because their career choices invite this very type of certainty. Yet, The average person does not invite such
mega and omni study and scrutiny.
So, Unless their is a clear, obvious and reasonable reason to invade an other person's privacy- a good reason to expect them to be directly answerable to you, perhaps the ethos of " Mind Your Own Business " needs to make a comeback. So unless you have a paramount reason to worry about what another man, woman, boy or girl is doing, PLEASE M.Y.O. B.!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Spending as an expression of snobbery
Over the last 6 weeks, I've found myself in a highly restrictive and severely limiting financial situation. I have found it most necessary to spend as little as I possibly can from day to day. I've just spent whole days just staying home- my current disability status does make it possible for me to do this. I tend to get "cabin feverish" if I do too much of this but it does reduce my spending to Z!E!R!O! on those days.
What I did not expect to occur is the effect that not spending had on my self-image and perception. I had to fight overpowering feelings of making less of myself- of believing that my value was steadily and continuously diminishing.
I had always thought of a person who did NOT allow money to have that type of intense control over me. I now see how mistaken I had been in maintaining that view of myself! Greater Washington DC is of course known as a part of the country that worships at the altar of political power and influence. I now do see that unless you have money and can show others that you are able to spending with comfortable lavishness you can be considered to be a person not worth very much.
Yet, When the money is tight, ignoring the limitations and using the plastic to live by the credo " I want what I want and I want it now" is a self-abusive fool's game , It is a game that only the credit companies win.
Yet, Have opined on all of the above, One simple encounter taught me my most valued lesson since late August. I decided to go to the library to pick up some movies. I suddenly felt a strong sense of humility, " Johnny, Free Movies that are likely scratched up. Are you really willing to settle for this??? This is truly sad!"
Therefore, I put the movies I had in my right hand on the shelf and ventured to the nearest available Red Box. I " impressed all who could see me" by placing a debit on my card for ONE!!!! WHOLE!!!! DOLLAR to rent " She's Out of My League", This movie , of course, stopped several times as it played and frustrated me rather noticably. I started to get rather angry but then I stopped myself , " Johnny, It is ONLY a dollar". Then again, I laughed when I remembered that I had three movies in my hand that I could have taken out for NOTHING! If they were scratched, I'd still be a dollar richer!
So, It was just about needing to spend a dollar - TO IMPRESS MYSELF- to truly be a snob- a rather pathetic snob. That little lesson was worth a dollar to gain. Money has many vital uses but it really does not work well as a rating, measuring or evaluative tool!
- Johnny -
What I did not expect to occur is the effect that not spending had on my self-image and perception. I had to fight overpowering feelings of making less of myself- of believing that my value was steadily and continuously diminishing.
I had always thought of a person who did NOT allow money to have that type of intense control over me. I now see how mistaken I had been in maintaining that view of myself! Greater Washington DC is of course known as a part of the country that worships at the altar of political power and influence. I now do see that unless you have money and can show others that you are able to spending with comfortable lavishness you can be considered to be a person not worth very much.
Yet, When the money is tight, ignoring the limitations and using the plastic to live by the credo " I want what I want and I want it now" is a self-abusive fool's game , It is a game that only the credit companies win.
Yet, Have opined on all of the above, One simple encounter taught me my most valued lesson since late August. I decided to go to the library to pick up some movies. I suddenly felt a strong sense of humility, " Johnny, Free Movies that are likely scratched up. Are you really willing to settle for this??? This is truly sad!"
Therefore, I put the movies I had in my right hand on the shelf and ventured to the nearest available Red Box. I " impressed all who could see me" by placing a debit on my card for ONE!!!! WHOLE!!!! DOLLAR to rent " She's Out of My League", This movie , of course, stopped several times as it played and frustrated me rather noticably. I started to get rather angry but then I stopped myself , " Johnny, It is ONLY a dollar". Then again, I laughed when I remembered that I had three movies in my hand that I could have taken out for NOTHING! If they were scratched, I'd still be a dollar richer!
So, It was just about needing to spend a dollar - TO IMPRESS MYSELF- to truly be a snob- a rather pathetic snob. That little lesson was worth a dollar to gain. Money has many vital uses but it really does not work well as a rating, measuring or evaluative tool!
- Johnny -
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Some thoughts on Elections
I'm a very political animal, I absorb Politics and this has been true since I was six years old. I'm a Republican and I'm far too often guilty of voting the party line. On this Saturday Night, October 9th, 2010, I feel that I very much need to apologize for this!
There are FAR too many people who campaign every 2 or 6 years to purely and simply KEEP getting Elected,. That seems to be all their lives and careers are about!!!! Men and women who simply want to live their lives as Senators and Congressmen are not good for the United States of America. Too often, These individuals wind up serving 20 to 25 terms in the House of Representatives or 5 or 6 terms in the United States Senate. They do that by offering the "narcotic" of Government money to those who keep voting for them. " I will fight to gain more benefits for anything you need and I urge you to create new needs" is what some of these candidates FOR Re- Election would say were they FORCED to be candid and fully and honorably disclosive.
Some will, with a big smile on their face, discuss how much more TAXPAYER money they will bring home, how many more Federal projects and programs they will bring home to their district/ their state if they are returned to Congress.If we stop to think about it, someone running for a Senate seat in say, Wisconsin, is actually telling people in Green Bay, " If you vote for me, I will make sure that taxes paid by hard working people in Delaware will be used to build a new Community Center here on Bart Starr Avenue!"
I know that people speak about how Billions of Dollars of Federal Monies were offered to members of Congress to get them to vote for President Obama's health care program. Yet, Will we admit that you and I are often guilty of permitting ourselves to be bribed when we go to vote in past Novembers!!!!???
The Founders set up a Constitution that asked the Government to do just a small handful of things. These were the matters that they believed just were not within the ability for one person or small groups of people. They viewed the people as being quite capable of being inspired by their own hopes and dreams and visions to do what they, on their own and through their own initiative were quite capable of doing.
Yes, Life happens and things go awry. Yes, Some people need public support and would be hard pressed to keep getting from day to day without it I, myself, am currently in THAT position. Yet, Even those of us who find ourselves there, We should be encouraged to " relentlessly seek a way of escape", to refuse to accept that our lives will always be this way. When people lose hope, and are denied a chance to dream of something that is personally suited better for them, they start to shrivel and die spiritually!
In the speech he gave after securing the 1976 Republican Party Nomination in Kansas City , Missouri , President Ford said the following in acceptance speech, " Any Government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have!" President George W. Bush often reminded us that the Government TRULY does not have their own money, " It's the PEOPLE'S Money!"
I think we do best when our politics are best shaped by our consciences and a true desire to see each person do as well as they possibly can by the best of their own PERSONAL efforts. These are just some thoughts that have been rumbling around in my brain as we approach next month's elections! - Johnny-
There are FAR too many people who campaign every 2 or 6 years to purely and simply KEEP getting Elected,. That seems to be all their lives and careers are about!!!! Men and women who simply want to live their lives as Senators and Congressmen are not good for the United States of America. Too often, These individuals wind up serving 20 to 25 terms in the House of Representatives or 5 or 6 terms in the United States Senate. They do that by offering the "narcotic" of Government money to those who keep voting for them. " I will fight to gain more benefits for anything you need and I urge you to create new needs" is what some of these candidates FOR Re- Election would say were they FORCED to be candid and fully and honorably disclosive.
Some will, with a big smile on their face, discuss how much more TAXPAYER money they will bring home, how many more Federal projects and programs they will bring home to their district/ their state if they are returned to Congress.If we stop to think about it, someone running for a Senate seat in say, Wisconsin, is actually telling people in Green Bay, " If you vote for me, I will make sure that taxes paid by hard working people in Delaware will be used to build a new Community Center here on Bart Starr Avenue!"
I know that people speak about how Billions of Dollars of Federal Monies were offered to members of Congress to get them to vote for President Obama's health care program. Yet, Will we admit that you and I are often guilty of permitting ourselves to be bribed when we go to vote in past Novembers!!!!???
The Founders set up a Constitution that asked the Government to do just a small handful of things. These were the matters that they believed just were not within the ability for one person or small groups of people. They viewed the people as being quite capable of being inspired by their own hopes and dreams and visions to do what they, on their own and through their own initiative were quite capable of doing.
Yes, Life happens and things go awry. Yes, Some people need public support and would be hard pressed to keep getting from day to day without it I, myself, am currently in THAT position. Yet, Even those of us who find ourselves there, We should be encouraged to " relentlessly seek a way of escape", to refuse to accept that our lives will always be this way. When people lose hope, and are denied a chance to dream of something that is personally suited better for them, they start to shrivel and die spiritually!
In the speech he gave after securing the 1976 Republican Party Nomination in Kansas City , Missouri , President Ford said the following in acceptance speech, " Any Government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have!" President George W. Bush often reminded us that the Government TRULY does not have their own money, " It's the PEOPLE'S Money!"
I think we do best when our politics are best shaped by our consciences and a true desire to see each person do as well as they possibly can by the best of their own PERSONAL efforts. These are just some thoughts that have been rumbling around in my brain as we approach next month's elections! - Johnny-
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Two Williams.
In September of 1965, The South Western Bronx was not considered, by anyone, to be a clone of The Garden of Eden, To this then 10 year old boy, The neighborhood he lived in seemed most terrifying, perilous and intimidating .Sadly, The small 4th Floor Apartment he lived in - Apartment 19 of 615 East 189th Street appeared -to this sensitive boy- far more of a terror zone than anything on the streets could possibly be.
This child, an articulate, creative , imaginative and curious boy, seemed to sense that others viewed him as simply and purely wrong! He spoke too often and about anything and everything, this led his father to scold him and at times insult him, telling him that, " No one wants to listen to you. Only women speak all the time. Only stupid women speak all the time!." To conform with standards of decency, The father's language has been cleaned up a good bit. The father would also often tell him, " Boys know how to be quiet! Don't you know how to be a boy?"
This then Ten year old boy's mother nursed grudges and never let anyone anyone forget about any and every wrong that had EVER been visited upon her. She did not give birth until she was 37. This seemed to be a hideous crime as she, in her mind, believed that she was too old to be a first time mother.She made sure that this ten year old knew about how he, by his very birth, had failed her. She often reminded him that, " I waited too long for you to be my first born" ," I needed you to be better than you are!"
The boy's parents were often scolding, condemning and microscopically critical. Sadly, These parents also expressed their displeasure and extreme lack of acceptance of him by resorting often and generously to physical "punishment". The boy was struck with slaps and fists. His hair was pulled. He was thrown into walls. He had a magnifying glass thrown at his head. He was struck in the back with a broom. He once had his
left shin struck with his own baseball bat. He cried and screamed and protested. This was cited to him as further evidence that he was simply "wrong". He failed, after all to respond, to "punishment" as a real boy should. Perhaps that is why he identified with Pinocchio, who also wanted to be accepted as a " real boy"!!!!
He attended an old-fashioned Catholic School which highly favored physical punishment to instill life-long
discipline and to "craft the soul". This boy found himself bullied and intimidated by other students at school and by the other kids in the neighborhood. He once noted that ," Our teachers took attendance at Church and took careful note of any misbehavior we engaged in. We were paddled the next day for not knowing how to act before God." This led him to believe that he was not safe at home, in the neighborhood, at school or at church.
In 1964, As a Fourth Grader, He was first introduced to his first love- History! Wow, History seemed to be a subject invented for him. Suddenly, He was being taught something that seemed to begin to answer his endless who, what, when, where, why and how questions. He suddenly felt empowered to excel--- to show his intelligence, spirit and pluck! On Promotion Day, The Last Day of the 1964-1965 School Year, He won the History Award, Suddenly, This boy felt loved, valued and important.
When September of 1965 arrived, He started 5th Grade! Empowered from last year's new discovery, The boy boldly showed off in his first 5th Grade History class. He not only answered questions, but, with a nervous smile, went on to further explained his answers .The boy did not notice the pleased smile on his teacher- Brother William D'Mato's face.
On Wednesday of the Second Week of that school year, Brother William called the boy up. He held his right hand out, expecting it would be slapped by a pointer or a ruler. His teacher quickly reassured him that he was not in any trouble. The teacher praised his love of history and then handed him a copy of the Teacher's Edition of the History Book. It was clear to the boy what a great honor this was. He was told that he could borrow it. The boy carefully brought it home as if he'd been given a book of gold. He sat in his room and carefully read each page. It amazed him to get to see the notes provided to the teachers explaining how and why they were being advised to teach history in the manner the book put forward. He started to see, for the first time, that learning could be fun and rewarding!
In that same month of September, 1965, A new TV Program debuted on CBS- Channel Two- in New York. On Wednesday, September 15th, at 7:30 PM, Lost In Space debuted. This is a program that now seems silly to most of us! We tie the phrases " Danger, Will Robinson" and "Warning, Warning" as chestnuts that came from this program.The pilot episode focused on a family planning to take a 5 and a half year journey to Alpha Centauri, to colonize a planet. The boy loved the Space Program and the Robinson Family, Major West and The Robot quickly became heroes to him.
The ship becomes Lost in Space due to the sabotage of Dr. Zachary Smith , who was trapped on board the ship, The Jupiter 2, at launch.. The boy fixated on the youngest member of the family Will ( William) Robinson, The Second William of this tale! Will Robinson was played excellently, in the boy's opinion, by Billy Mumy. Will struck a cord with the boy! Here was a boy in constant peril, a boy that could face hideous dangers at any time. His creativity, intuitive cleverness and outspokenness were valued by his family, He was loved and praised because of those personality traits. This was a powerful education for this boy, He was not wrong, he was not flawed because he acted according to who he was.It actually began to dawn on him that any educated, aware and thoughtful person would quickly and fully appreciate this. Suddenly, Being smart and wanting to learn more and more were things that could be praised and found worthy of honoring . This was a powerful and transformative educational moment for him.
I am now 55 nearly 56! I have taught in private and public schools and served as an instructor and a coordinator for a home-schooled association.I now see that the Two Williams helped to embolden my spirit and see that it was possible to seek out a hope and a future. One of the greatest values of education is to foster and nurture a love for learning in each child that is being educated. Learning becomes a passion once a child sees that education is about them and for them, that it is a gift that they should earnestly long for and covet!
It seems to me, as I reflect back on what occurred 45 years ago, that a Kind God provided a vision that made it possible for a battered and shattered boy to dream of possibilities and potential. I spent FAR too many years trying to pretend that either- my child hood never happened , that it was NOT as bad as I thought it was or that I could shrug it off and move on. Sadly, This was not true and I played a major price for trying to avoid and hide from what I needed to confront squarely and deal with fully.
Yet, The news tells me that there are a lot of "lost ,endangered and disregarded" boys and girls who many want to write off as hopeless and toss on the educational "discard pile". Yet, I wonder what happens when a teacher looks for a spark, searches for and seeks a sign of hope or potential, even if that sign seems extremely faint and difficult to detect and decides to work to nurture the desire and hope that they encounter.
Perhaps educational miracles start with a few brief words . " I believe, I seek, I notice and I invest" motivating the best angels within the spirit and soul of a dedicated educator. William D'Mato was exactly such an educator. Billy Mumy, in the dramatis personae of Will Robinson, became such an educator and teacher to me! Two Williams made a difference in my life. Perhaps in the battle to truly LEAVE NO CHILD BEHIND more Williams will show up at the most critical moment they are needed! Looking for the spark that will cause each and every child to hunger and thitst after education and knowledge may provide to us a future far greater than any that most of us can PRESENTLY imagine!!!!
This child, an articulate, creative , imaginative and curious boy, seemed to sense that others viewed him as simply and purely wrong! He spoke too often and about anything and everything, this led his father to scold him and at times insult him, telling him that, " No one wants to listen to you. Only women speak all the time. Only stupid women speak all the time!." To conform with standards of decency, The father's language has been cleaned up a good bit. The father would also often tell him, " Boys know how to be quiet! Don't you know how to be a boy?"
This then Ten year old boy's mother nursed grudges and never let anyone anyone forget about any and every wrong that had EVER been visited upon her. She did not give birth until she was 37. This seemed to be a hideous crime as she, in her mind, believed that she was too old to be a first time mother.She made sure that this ten year old knew about how he, by his very birth, had failed her. She often reminded him that, " I waited too long for you to be my first born" ," I needed you to be better than you are!"
The boy's parents were often scolding, condemning and microscopically critical. Sadly, These parents also expressed their displeasure and extreme lack of acceptance of him by resorting often and generously to physical "punishment". The boy was struck with slaps and fists. His hair was pulled. He was thrown into walls. He had a magnifying glass thrown at his head. He was struck in the back with a broom. He once had his
left shin struck with his own baseball bat. He cried and screamed and protested. This was cited to him as further evidence that he was simply "wrong". He failed, after all to respond, to "punishment" as a real boy should. Perhaps that is why he identified with Pinocchio, who also wanted to be accepted as a " real boy"!!!!
He attended an old-fashioned Catholic School which highly favored physical punishment to instill life-long
discipline and to "craft the soul". This boy found himself bullied and intimidated by other students at school and by the other kids in the neighborhood. He once noted that ," Our teachers took attendance at Church and took careful note of any misbehavior we engaged in. We were paddled the next day for not knowing how to act before God." This led him to believe that he was not safe at home, in the neighborhood, at school or at church.
In 1964, As a Fourth Grader, He was first introduced to his first love- History! Wow, History seemed to be a subject invented for him. Suddenly, He was being taught something that seemed to begin to answer his endless who, what, when, where, why and how questions. He suddenly felt empowered to excel--- to show his intelligence, spirit and pluck! On Promotion Day, The Last Day of the 1964-1965 School Year, He won the History Award, Suddenly, This boy felt loved, valued and important.
When September of 1965 arrived, He started 5th Grade! Empowered from last year's new discovery, The boy boldly showed off in his first 5th Grade History class. He not only answered questions, but, with a nervous smile, went on to further explained his answers .The boy did not notice the pleased smile on his teacher- Brother William D'Mato's face.
On Wednesday of the Second Week of that school year, Brother William called the boy up. He held his right hand out, expecting it would be slapped by a pointer or a ruler. His teacher quickly reassured him that he was not in any trouble. The teacher praised his love of history and then handed him a copy of the Teacher's Edition of the History Book. It was clear to the boy what a great honor this was. He was told that he could borrow it. The boy carefully brought it home as if he'd been given a book of gold. He sat in his room and carefully read each page. It amazed him to get to see the notes provided to the teachers explaining how and why they were being advised to teach history in the manner the book put forward. He started to see, for the first time, that learning could be fun and rewarding!
In that same month of September, 1965, A new TV Program debuted on CBS- Channel Two- in New York. On Wednesday, September 15th, at 7:30 PM, Lost In Space debuted. This is a program that now seems silly to most of us! We tie the phrases " Danger, Will Robinson" and "Warning, Warning" as chestnuts that came from this program.The pilot episode focused on a family planning to take a 5 and a half year journey to Alpha Centauri, to colonize a planet. The boy loved the Space Program and the Robinson Family, Major West and The Robot quickly became heroes to him.
The ship becomes Lost in Space due to the sabotage of Dr. Zachary Smith , who was trapped on board the ship, The Jupiter 2, at launch.. The boy fixated on the youngest member of the family Will ( William) Robinson, The Second William of this tale! Will Robinson was played excellently, in the boy's opinion, by Billy Mumy. Will struck a cord with the boy! Here was a boy in constant peril, a boy that could face hideous dangers at any time. His creativity, intuitive cleverness and outspokenness were valued by his family, He was loved and praised because of those personality traits. This was a powerful education for this boy, He was not wrong, he was not flawed because he acted according to who he was.It actually began to dawn on him that any educated, aware and thoughtful person would quickly and fully appreciate this. Suddenly, Being smart and wanting to learn more and more were things that could be praised and found worthy of honoring . This was a powerful and transformative educational moment for him.
I am now 55 nearly 56! I have taught in private and public schools and served as an instructor and a coordinator for a home-schooled association.I now see that the Two Williams helped to embolden my spirit and see that it was possible to seek out a hope and a future. One of the greatest values of education is to foster and nurture a love for learning in each child that is being educated. Learning becomes a passion once a child sees that education is about them and for them, that it is a gift that they should earnestly long for and covet!
It seems to me, as I reflect back on what occurred 45 years ago, that a Kind God provided a vision that made it possible for a battered and shattered boy to dream of possibilities and potential. I spent FAR too many years trying to pretend that either- my child hood never happened , that it was NOT as bad as I thought it was or that I could shrug it off and move on. Sadly, This was not true and I played a major price for trying to avoid and hide from what I needed to confront squarely and deal with fully.
Yet, The news tells me that there are a lot of "lost ,endangered and disregarded" boys and girls who many want to write off as hopeless and toss on the educational "discard pile". Yet, I wonder what happens when a teacher looks for a spark, searches for and seeks a sign of hope or potential, even if that sign seems extremely faint and difficult to detect and decides to work to nurture the desire and hope that they encounter.
Perhaps educational miracles start with a few brief words . " I believe, I seek, I notice and I invest" motivating the best angels within the spirit and soul of a dedicated educator. William D'Mato was exactly such an educator. Billy Mumy, in the dramatis personae of Will Robinson, became such an educator and teacher to me! Two Williams made a difference in my life. Perhaps in the battle to truly LEAVE NO CHILD BEHIND more Williams will show up at the most critical moment they are needed! Looking for the spark that will cause each and every child to hunger and thitst after education and knowledge may provide to us a future far greater than any that most of us can PRESENTLY imagine!!!!
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