Some people enjoy being a part of groups, They can easily become one of the gang, the mob or the throng. They do not need to know well, have a good connection to or even like or enjoy EVERY person within the group.Even if someone is not a person they happen to like or enjoy being with, That person is ok and fine to be with because this he or she is a MEMBER of the group.
Sometimes I'm reminded of George Costanza or Cosmo Kramer from the old Seinfeld show- Quirky, draining oboxiouisly difficult and calculatingly bizarre! George and Kramer required a lot of forbearance and oceans of tolerance at times from Jerry and Elaine and anyone and EVERYONE else on the show!. Works on a Thursday night TV show but in real life- I don't think so- at least NOT for me! No, no, no!
However bowling teams, The crowd at a bar, the 25 people who go to a sporting event often exist because large numbers of people are able to- somehow- work with, operate in and are comfortable in being a part of such clusterings of people.Just very hard for me to relax, enjoy, enter into and not be self-conscious in such settings and circumstances.
I admit that I have trust issues, I like to have long conversations with people on numerous subject. I love energetic conversations about favorite things , activities and passions, I'm well ware that you don't get " heavy deep and real" with people. Yet, over time- weeks and months- by having numbers of such conversations with people is how I like to build friendships.Those friendships , I find are true and nurturing. Conversely, People who I find vexing, stressful, annoying and difficult - people who seem to be " not at ALL my cup of tea"- are people I'd rather not get to know, spend a lot of time with or spend any more time around or with this is absolutely and unavoidably necessary!! It is, therefore, safe to believe, that I WOULD NOT!!! want to be around such a person regularly in social situations.
So, Is there away for me to adjust and learn to embrace this method that isn't me. As the way I want to proceed does not seem readily available it looks like I will need to learn how to adjust.
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