I find it interesting when it comes to human beings, We insist on finding natural reasons for what people can do that exceeds the natural that we already know of! Most of these searches seem to be focused upon areas that are known as either the spiritual or the intangible.
Mind, intuition, kindness, altruism, generosity are among the aspects of our humanity that seem to fluster some who try to explain hopw these atributes could have just come to be without any outside agency or without any additional outside of humanity imput.
Yet, Often these explnations try to trace to genes or areas of the brain we do not yet KNOW much about as the source of these attributes that are of us but yet not of us- not a reflexive or chemically or internally bio-electrically triggered response!
Yet, These same people do not wish to factor in that reality could be a created construct. They readily reject the POSSIBILITY that we are intelligently designed and through the imput of Someone greater than ousrselves we are far more than the adding up of our biologically traceable posasibilities.
I can't prove my supposition, I admit this. Can they show me, however, why this is an invalid explanation?
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