Peer group pressure is not just for 13 year olds any longer. Nor is it just limited to political leaders who are tied to polls- the ones who will take no and run at full speed from ANY position that will cause his or her poll numbers to drop.
Many of us, I know that I am one, want to be seen as likable and popular. One of the great weaknesses that I am seeking to get beyond and conquer is my too strong tendency to people please. Too many of us consider the reactions of those around us before we say and do NEARLY ANYTHING. Yes, It can be said that this can keep you, me or anyone from saying and doing the EXACTLY wrong thing. It keep us from speaking before we think! It can also keep us from being mean, cruel, vicious and hurtful. All of this certainly COULD be true!Do we really wish to maintain and teach that blandness, hiding and fearfulness is wisdom and intelligence?
Actually, It isn't just chameleon -like artificially maintained " kindness" that is projected by the go-along to get alongers ! People can also be mean, harsh and vicious in order to blend in with the mean, harsh , nasty and hurtful! People scowl and create an aura of offensiveness in 2011 and then simply justify it by saying that is just how I see many people behave in public these days.
A man who called himself "A Drum Major for Justice" someone who strongly and boldly proclaimed what he believed and why he proclaimed it,and CHOSE to live by it. Even in the midst of daily death threats and having his home bombed on several occasions, He still spoke out, clearly and unwaveringly, The Truth as he knew it! 43 years ago last night,April 4th 1968, This man was assassinated, cruelly shot to death, as he stood on the second floor balcony of a Memphis, Tennessee motel. That man is properly regarded as an honored American Hero, Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior.
Most of us revere and celebrate this martyr for truth and justice. Yet, I AND so many others will too often save proclaiming the truth and speaking boldly either when we are with like-minded soul or just when I and myself are the only ones present to hear me!
I'm learning that part of the process of learning to love and value myself more and more is to truly be me! To learn to be comfortable and discuss and PRACTICE out in the open what I indeed think and believe is a part of my healing and renewal process. I was not born to serve as a pale copy of anyone else, My life will work best when I enter into it and fully and unreservedly live it as me.The world is changed by those who will be as they are - chameleons are too busy matching color schemes to ever have the time to make any kind of worthwhile difference.
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