So often, I know what to do what I should do, what I need to do! I know why I should do it and what I will gain from being active and being brave enough to act.
Yet, So often I choose simply not to act. I decide, " I think its' good but it won't be good enough." I fear people's reactions and I fear being seen as an obvious fool - as someone whose obvious failed asnd been proven a loser yet again.
This past Monday Night, March 27th, at Grace Community Church in Arlington an interest and organizational meeting was held for a New Drama Group. 10 people attended and their was a lot of energy, enthusiasm and desire to establish a Drama Group an an integral Church ministry.
At one point, The talk turned to what kind of scripts we might perform. I had an idea for am easter script and I said that I could have a script e-mailed to the associate pastor within a week. I e-mailed that script to my friend and my pastor 20 minutes ago.
There are absolutely no guarantees that this script will ever be approved or used at my church. Sometimes even a great idea is not guaranteed being adapted. Yet, Doing nothing permits is a guarantee that advancement will not occur. Trembling in fear and hiding only allows me to become only better practiced in and more likely to just further practice and perfect trembling and being fear-obsessed.
Today ,I gained! Today, I wrote a brief script and e-mailed it just as I promised I would!
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