The difference makers- The thoughts that you shift you from, " Oh, Woe is me, I'm so troubled and have so little" to " Wow, I have been so blessed and I will get to be a blessing!"
Those of you who read my blog know that I've been very candid and disclosive about the circumstances of my life. On the Rarly Morning of Thursday, July 7th, I will be boarding a plane at BWI/ Friendship Airport just outside of Baltimore. My destination is Tecate, Mexico.
I , as a part of a team from Arlington, Va's Grace Community Church, will be helping to renovate a school that is on The top of a very high and extremely steep hill or a rather small but treacherously steep mountain above the Town of Teacte, Mexico. Our Church will also be running an Arts and Vacztion Bible School Session, Teaching Health and Hygience Classes and running a recreation program.
The El Florido Colonias is a place where desperately poor people live, Most of them live in shacks that are made from scanenged materials. They do not have running water and all of their water is trucked in. There is a Toyota Plantr in Tecate where a few of the Hillside residents are employed. The wages they are paid are equivalent to 80.00 a week unless you are management or skilled labor.
By the standards of the average person living in the suburbs of the DMV, I am at the booton rung. However, I can be blessed and serve to be a blessing to others when I am working to buil;d hope and possibilities for the people on that hillside high above Teacate!
I was even blessed with success as I raised money for the trip. It will be a change of pace, a blessing and a time to think radically differently.
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