Many Christians are often held to blame and expected to account for any and all misdeeds of past Christians, including and especially Christian missionaries.
Quite often missionaries went to unfamiliar lands and cultures and came to have learn about Jesus and Christianity and urge them to decide to come to accept and serve Jesus and His ways- aka- Christianity! So often, These missionaries were not flexible in their thinking- The Jesus they offered was Jesus as they saw Him or perhaps, more to the point, taught about Jesus, The Bible and The Faith they practiced Christianity as they were comfortable in seeing them, teaching them and practicing. The way of Jesus was reduced to their way or falseness or apostasy.
I ,as do my fellows on the Grace Mission Team, know that while we serve God we do not control Him, nor do we understand Him perfectly, comprehensively and absolutely! We are flawed people who are still sinners, but we are redeemed by the will and grace of The Lord Jesus!
The Grace Community Church Mission's Pastor- AKA- the Missions Dude- is Josh Hadder! Josh regular visits and works with- side by side with- the people of El Florido, He is ALWAYS seeking to draw them out, asking their opinions on what needs to be done within THEIR!!! community! Therefore,From the 7th through the 11th of July, Our Team will be working on the Roof of The Hill top School. We will be teaching crafts. We will be teaching health and sanitation. We will also be running a Bible School for the Children and Youth. This is what they have asked us to do on THIS trip!
Over the last year, Josh has asked the El Floridians to help finance some of their work going in within their community.This is a touchy subject with some people in the Church, " They really don't have much and we really shouldn't be asking them to pay in anything". However, They are being asked to do so and, as of THIS moment that relationship seems to be working smoothly well for all concerned!
So, That is an adventure that gives so much to all involved. It also serves to remind me of the value of " Godliness with Contentment" - appreciating that I am blessed already by what I now have and by who is presently involved in my life.
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