Would there be a market for a computer that could advise you upon and make recommendations that would assist you as you are drafting a message ?
Often the best e-mails show verve, style, cleverness, insightfulness and wit. Some of us may , from time to time, struggle to present ourselves that way.
You could develop a program that would analyze your style and, in the same way that spell and grammar check currently do, offer you variants, based on your writing style, that are likely to be well-received and prove impressive to whoever is sent that e-mail message of yours !
Would people pay to have such a tool available to them ?
- Johnny -
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Friday, April 26, 2013
One Foot in Front of The
Other also produces action and progress. Not flashy and exciting but sometimes this IS the wisest way to proceed.
Geno Smith had a long night last night ...
Waiting and waitinnng and waittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttting to be selected by an NFL team in the First Round of The NFL Draft.
I'm looking forward to today
It will be a lot of time on Public Transportations but I'm covering my 2 favorite Library semi-annual sales in one day.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Having a PSP again feels really good.
I find that the Sports games, believe it or not, keep my wits sharp.
The Slppery Slope ...
can be a test of how hard one wants to stay on his or her feet. It may also measure how willing a person may be to get back up once they do fall!
Julius Schwartz and I ...
The Late Julius ( Julie) Schwartz was a Doyen and Icon at Excellence at DC Comics for over 40 years. I have been a reader of DC for nearly 50 years.
I learned recently, through reading a comic book issued as a tribute to him after his death how much I had in common with him , Sadly, I never had the honor of meeting Mister Schwartz.
We were both born in The Bronx. We both attend Theodore Roosevelt HS- 500 East Fordham Road.We both not only wrote for the School Newspaper- The Square Deal- but served as Editors for it. We both wrote columns for The Paper- He a Humorous Column and I, A Political Column.
It was his innovative work for DC that kept me reading and collecting college beyond my boyhood year. Later on, I met one of his nephews, in Arlington, Va, while coaching Optimist Baseball in North Arlington.
Julie Schwartz- My LOVE for Creativity and Heroic Literature were largely kindled by you. I'm really honored that you and I have walked a number of the same paths!
- Johnny-
I learned recently, through reading a comic book issued as a tribute to him after his death how much I had in common with him , Sadly, I never had the honor of meeting Mister Schwartz.
We were both born in The Bronx. We both attend Theodore Roosevelt HS- 500 East Fordham Road.We both not only wrote for the School Newspaper- The Square Deal- but served as Editors for it. We both wrote columns for The Paper- He a Humorous Column and I, A Political Column.
It was his innovative work for DC that kept me reading and collecting college beyond my boyhood year. Later on, I met one of his nephews, in Arlington, Va, while coaching Optimist Baseball in North Arlington.
Julie Schwartz- My LOVE for Creativity and Heroic Literature were largely kindled by you. I'm really honored that you and I have walked a number of the same paths!
- Johnny-
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Mood does follow action
I started today rather stuck, frustrated and feeling sorry from myself. As I have taken action over the last two hours and thought better and been MORE productive, My Mood has changed MARKEDLY, for the better!
Sunshine is Healing .
I do much better, overall, on Sunny and Warmer Days. Today, One out of Two will need to suffice - LOL .
This is the Start of The Last Week Of My 18 Month Prime Directive Program!
What started with trepidation on 10/1/ 11 has made me a radically different person as the last nearly 18 months have transpired !
Pain is inevitable, Suffering is a Part of Every Life but !!!!! ...
Misery is Optional.
This is a dearly loved, cherished and a vital paradigm of The Recovery Movement and All 12 Step Programs! Having been involved in such groups as well as therapy on and off through out my life and CONSISTENTLY since the last days of December of 1988.
To my regret and sorrow, I've often gone to such meetings and been a consumer of Metal Health Services in Fairfax County , Virginia and yet still stubbornly and rather pathetically spent too many years telling people how cruel and vicious people had been to me. I railed loudly against "predators and bullies".
While I'm not at all; fond of people who choose to behave that way and treat others this way, I do, more and more GET that we cannot control others. People are accountable and responsible for their actions. Hopefully Those who violate the law will one day need to answer to the law for their choices. Should they evade this, I believe that There is a SOVEREIGN God who judges impartially, fairly and , ultimately, absolutely justly!
I also know that I am fully responsible and accountable for each and every one of MY choices and actions! I cannot control how others treat me and respond to me. I cannot control how they speak to me and about me to others Yet. I can control how I respond. William Blake taught the idea that , " The Greatest Discovery of ANY generation is that a human being CAN alter his life by altering his attitude." Doctor Viktor Frankl, A Well- Renowned Psychologist and therapist and a World War TWO Death Camp survivor saw this same matter as follows, " Everything can be taken from a man but one thing : the last of human freedoms - to CHOOSE one's ATTITUDE in ANY given set of circumstances, to CHOOSE one's way of life."
I spent too many years blaming, deferring, whining, hiding and excusing. I became the locust that ate away my own life. Finally, I chose slowly over the last7 and a fraction years, starting with serving on two teams sent from My Church, Arlington Virginia's Grace Community Church- one- Hurricane Relief in Biloxi, Mississippi and helping to Build a house on a barren mountainside above Tecate, Mexico.
I lapsed and fell back since those days in 2006 but a seed was planted, a seed that I could not permanently ignore, explain away or, for long or consistently, set aside! God kept telling me, " I made you better than this and better than this. You are ALREADY mine, You already ARE My servant. Yield to me and let me teach, direct and empower you! It will not be easy, comfortable AND WITHOUT PAIN, My Grace is SUFFICIENT to sustain you through all that you MUST do!"
My life really started to become one that I chose to make more positive and beneficial to others and myself in July of 2011! I decided that I could not stand to be around myself- I wanted to choose to be done with myself. I was directed to humble myself and ask for help and given the ability to listen to God's Sane and Orderly Direction.
I spent the next few months designing an 18 Month Program- being reminded that TIME TAKES TIME and that a person to become different must allow him or herself to submit toa process of commitment, intent and action that will create a continuing journey that will bring about fresh and sustainable change.
I am now in the process of doing an AA 12 Step Inventory- To look at my resentments and , as any good businessman, I will be working to remove that which profits no one, that which I clearly " cannot sell."
I have had a lot of support, wisdom, strong and motivating advice from a number of dedicated fellow Church Members. I, following the wise advice of my Pastor, John Slye, chose AND decided to set up an 18 Month Program for My self- the 18 Month Prime Directive- With Goals and Action responses for EACH of Those 18 Months. I also spend time reviewing and adjusting this program over the course of EACH of these months. I am still a sinful man, my feet are still most definitely clay but I will confess that OVERALL I think more clearly, make better choices and am living a life that I enjoy more and more!
Change requires a desire, an attitude a commitment to act, a plan of action and getting into action doing what you said that you desire to do!
The 18 Month Prime Directive Program, formally, comes to an end on April 30Th. I am grateful to God and to numerous PEOPLE that have worked with me to" create" a me that I, on most days, actually enjoy being .
- Johnny -
This is a dearly loved, cherished and a vital paradigm of The Recovery Movement and All 12 Step Programs! Having been involved in such groups as well as therapy on and off through out my life and CONSISTENTLY since the last days of December of 1988.
To my regret and sorrow, I've often gone to such meetings and been a consumer of Metal Health Services in Fairfax County , Virginia and yet still stubbornly and rather pathetically spent too many years telling people how cruel and vicious people had been to me. I railed loudly against "predators and bullies".
While I'm not at all; fond of people who choose to behave that way and treat others this way, I do, more and more GET that we cannot control others. People are accountable and responsible for their actions. Hopefully Those who violate the law will one day need to answer to the law for their choices. Should they evade this, I believe that There is a SOVEREIGN God who judges impartially, fairly and , ultimately, absolutely justly!
I also know that I am fully responsible and accountable for each and every one of MY choices and actions! I cannot control how others treat me and respond to me. I cannot control how they speak to me and about me to others Yet. I can control how I respond. William Blake taught the idea that , " The Greatest Discovery of ANY generation is that a human being CAN alter his life by altering his attitude." Doctor Viktor Frankl, A Well- Renowned Psychologist and therapist and a World War TWO Death Camp survivor saw this same matter as follows, " Everything can be taken from a man but one thing : the last of human freedoms - to CHOOSE one's ATTITUDE in ANY given set of circumstances, to CHOOSE one's way of life."
I spent too many years blaming, deferring, whining, hiding and excusing. I became the locust that ate away my own life. Finally, I chose slowly over the last7 and a fraction years, starting with serving on two teams sent from My Church, Arlington Virginia's Grace Community Church- one- Hurricane Relief in Biloxi, Mississippi and helping to Build a house on a barren mountainside above Tecate, Mexico.
I lapsed and fell back since those days in 2006 but a seed was planted, a seed that I could not permanently ignore, explain away or, for long or consistently, set aside! God kept telling me, " I made you better than this and better than this. You are ALREADY mine, You already ARE My servant. Yield to me and let me teach, direct and empower you! It will not be easy, comfortable AND WITHOUT PAIN, My Grace is SUFFICIENT to sustain you through all that you MUST do!"
My life really started to become one that I chose to make more positive and beneficial to others and myself in July of 2011! I decided that I could not stand to be around myself- I wanted to choose to be done with myself. I was directed to humble myself and ask for help and given the ability to listen to God's Sane and Orderly Direction.
I spent the next few months designing an 18 Month Program- being reminded that TIME TAKES TIME and that a person to become different must allow him or herself to submit toa process of commitment, intent and action that will create a continuing journey that will bring about fresh and sustainable change.
I am now in the process of doing an AA 12 Step Inventory- To look at my resentments and , as any good businessman, I will be working to remove that which profits no one, that which I clearly " cannot sell."
I have had a lot of support, wisdom, strong and motivating advice from a number of dedicated fellow Church Members. I, following the wise advice of my Pastor, John Slye, chose AND decided to set up an 18 Month Program for My self- the 18 Month Prime Directive- With Goals and Action responses for EACH of Those 18 Months. I also spend time reviewing and adjusting this program over the course of EACH of these months. I am still a sinful man, my feet are still most definitely clay but I will confess that OVERALL I think more clearly, make better choices and am living a life that I enjoy more and more!
Change requires a desire, an attitude a commitment to act, a plan of action and getting into action doing what you said that you desire to do!
The 18 Month Prime Directive Program, formally, comes to an end on April 30Th. I am grateful to God and to numerous PEOPLE that have worked with me to" create" a me that I, on most days, actually enjoy being .
- Johnny -
Monday, April 22, 2013
Getting Too Angry, Childishly Angry ...
when you don't get your way, EVEN IF, you've worked hard to have all go well is foolish and asinine.
I was foolish and asenine, last night, when the wheels came off something I really wanted to go well last night!
I was foolish and asenine, last night, when the wheels came off something I really wanted to go well last night!
Expressing Intensely and Meaningfully Heartfelt Gratitude To Those who Serve !
About 2 hours ago, I was at a nearby Supermarket, I noticed a young, athletic-looking man wearing a "Wounded Warrior" T- Shirt.
Wondering if he was now serving in The Military, I walked up to him and asked. When he answered " Yes", I offered my hand to him and thanked him for his service.
I often say this to Active Duty Military. At times, to be shame, what I say is far TOO perfunctory,
Today, I expressed the deep gratitude that was welling up inside me, " I get that what you and others do protect my freedom, my safety and my life. Especially after Boston, I am truly douched by your willingness to be dedicated to Our Country." I did not expect to be, but I teared up by the end of saying what I said !
This is NOT The First time I've ever done this.The situation and the circumstances do not always warrant this more EXTENDED expression of admiration and gratitude and, to be blunt, sometimes I'm too deeply into my " own little world."
Gratitude is most touching when it is intensely expressed to those whop are willing to , if need be, express Their LAST FULL MEASURE of Devotion, on my/ our behalf !
- Johnny -
Sunday, April 21, 2013
The Best Way to view how MUCH you have been blessed...
is, at times, to look back where you were and compare it to where you are right now, at this VERY moment!
Friends, My life is far from perfect and ideal now! However it is SO MUCH BETTER!!! than it was 385 Days ago!
I am so grateful and appreciative of that and for that!
- Johnny -
Friends, My life is far from perfect and ideal now! However it is SO MUCH BETTER!!! than it was 385 Days ago!
I am so grateful and appreciative of that and for that!
- Johnny -
Friday, April 19, 2013
When you care you dare . . .
and you stretch yourself out for those who need you, Tonight, I may be volunteering to be involved in such a circumstances.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
The Comic Book Library
Too many of us sadly decide to deaden our lives and inure ourselves to newness, freshness and being pleasantly surprised by just having " Self-fulfilling blinders on and bulling through our days " KNOWING" we will encounter NOTHING save " The Same Old Same Old" attitude as we go through our days, weeks and years.
About a month ago, I discovered that The Beatley Branch of the Alexandria, VA Library System has a Free Comic Book Section. When comic books are denoted to THIS library - that is where they wind up. I have recounted to numerous people of seeing 100's of comic books being freely available just 2 weeks ago today !!! There are 5 shelves set aside for this purpose right next to the Library's Graphic Novel Section .
This is not ALWAYS the case. Some days, such as today, There are JUST just two comic books in That section I'm told that all of this varies from day to day or even from hour to hour .
Free Comic Books at a Public Library- Just not something one expects! It is also proof that we can be victims of "self-impoverishment" when we MAINTAIN an " Every Day is a Dull, Not Wonderful, Let's Just Get Through It." paradigm as our attitude and mindset!
- Johnny -
About a month ago, I discovered that The Beatley Branch of the Alexandria, VA Library System has a Free Comic Book Section. When comic books are denoted to THIS library - that is where they wind up. I have recounted to numerous people of seeing 100's of comic books being freely available just 2 weeks ago today !!! There are 5 shelves set aside for this purpose right next to the Library's Graphic Novel Section .
This is not ALWAYS the case. Some days, such as today, There are JUST just two comic books in That section I'm told that all of this varies from day to day or even from hour to hour .
Free Comic Books at a Public Library- Just not something one expects! It is also proof that we can be victims of "self-impoverishment" when we MAINTAIN an " Every Day is a Dull, Not Wonderful, Let's Just Get Through It." paradigm as our attitude and mindset!
- Johnny -
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
There are orphaned miracles
These are the ones that people stopped striving to attain 5 seconds before they were scheduled to arrive!
I don't believe I have a Playdoh God
He does not become anything I want Him to be at any given time.
No matter why you are discontended, angry or
disturbed, There are limits to how that should be expressed.
In these hours after Boston, This seems very clear. People need to see the necessity of askling for help and support when they need it. If someone is so ill that they can't help him or herself, It is deadly foolish to have them be a part of the general population!
- Johnny -
In these hours after Boston, This seems very clear. People need to see the necessity of askling for help and support when they need it. If someone is so ill that they can't help him or herself, It is deadly foolish to have them be a part of the general population!
- Johnny -
Monday, April 15, 2013
Move and let your heart be moved
Don't be afraid to care and have your heart be moved by that which moves the HEART of God.
Be less worried about how you seem ...
Johnny, and more worried about whether your heart is invested in what you are doing!
Great Check up today
I guess when it comes to health- I am very blessed and well-favored and wealthy.
If Peace today depends upon me ...
How peaceful will the locations and events that I will integrate myself into be on This Monday, April 15Th, 2013 ?
My smile today
Will it be a disguise today or a true reflection of what I am thinking and feeling today ?
Sunday, April 14, 2013
I'm writing in A MUCH better way NOW!
My writing seems sharper, crisper, more purposeful and more, to be blunt, worth reading !
Lord, Give me courage to do
what I must do to live a good, orderly life over the next 16 and a fraction days!
My Principles and My Daily Conduct
I will become someone that I loathe and cannot stand to be in the company of if I detect any type of noticeable gap between my principles and my daily conduct.
This can make my life exceedingly complex and stressful. I have a history of being fear-based, avoident and wanting the difficult things to go away and stay away from me.
Yet, By Principle, I am very much a romantic and idealist. Once I make a promise I keep it. I also want to provoke others to live their lives the fullest that they are capable of. I really do cherish looking for, finding and bring out the best in others. that is truly Johnny at his best!
Over The last Year and a half, I've learned to be freed of wanting to live avoidently and fearfully. I find that my life is FAR MORE honest, cleaner and more worthwhile when I do so. The first days and weeks after I was struck by that car in Annandale, Virginia were bearable because I didn't live in a cage of crippling fear as to what " My future would NOW be like!". those were not wonderful days but I'm glad my attitude was good during them.
The closer I am to letting my principles fuel my daily conduct the more I enjoy the person I am and am in the process of becoming!
- Johnny -
This can make my life exceedingly complex and stressful. I have a history of being fear-based, avoident and wanting the difficult things to go away and stay away from me.
Yet, By Principle, I am very much a romantic and idealist. Once I make a promise I keep it. I also want to provoke others to live their lives the fullest that they are capable of. I really do cherish looking for, finding and bring out the best in others. that is truly Johnny at his best!
Over The last Year and a half, I've learned to be freed of wanting to live avoidently and fearfully. I find that my life is FAR MORE honest, cleaner and more worthwhile when I do so. The first days and weeks after I was struck by that car in Annandale, Virginia were bearable because I didn't live in a cage of crippling fear as to what " My future would NOW be like!". those were not wonderful days but I'm glad my attitude was good during them.
The closer I am to letting my principles fuel my daily conduct the more I enjoy the person I am and am in the process of becoming!
- Johnny -
Rest isn't just inactivity and sleep
I can rest in the fact that I can trust and not everything relies upon what I do. Partnerships and bonded relationships are comforting.
Freedom is also
the ability to decide to adapt and get the most of this day as God provides My Daily Bread.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Be Ready to Serve !
It is true, There is much to be gained when you truly desire to meet the needs of others with a positive and productive attitude!
Trust that the struggles of this coming
Monday- Through Friday will be gotten through with grace and composure. Know that this is God's will for you, Johnny, during these 5 coming days!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Help me to remember tomorrow, God, ....
that worship is performing to delight and please an audience of ONE!
Blogging is another word for being out
there. If gaining more meaningful connections is about, when everything else is stripped away, a matter of your personal marketing, Then Blogging is one way to improve your ability to be a marketer!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I now understand that
getting a blessing long ahead of schedule can greatly negate one's ability to enjoy that blessing.
Becoming an Art Critic
Seeing the beauty and the passion of being an Artist. I now have abundant reasons to want to be able yop grok what it is to be a skilled and talented artist!
She is not here with me tonight.
However, Knowing that she IS AVAILABLE makes this Saturday night safer and more secure!
The 2800TH Entry ! - Does Bruce Wayne have a Choice ?
We ALL know the Story- Martha and Thomas Wayne took their 8 year old son, Bruce, to see the Movie Zorro.
Coming out of the Movie, The trio was prayed upon by Joe Chill, a thug intent on robbing them. When the Waynes responded too slowly to him, Chill used hid pistol to murder Bruce's Parents.
That act created a hero, The Dark Knight Detective and Masked Avenger, Batman. Batman boasts of his ability to terrorize criminals. This quest of his seems to have turned Batman into a cold, hostile and perpetually antagonized and hostile man.
Did this need to happen? Was Batman the only way this young Billionaire had to mourn and cope with the death of his parents? does his choice indeed serve as a proper memorial to them.
Batman is deeply troubled. While he can work well with Superman, His sunny nature and his ability to often prevent tragedies from transpiring does haunt Gotham City's Champion. Batman is a Creature of the Night and The Shadows this has led to conflict with The Green Lantern who wields a will- power enabled weapon of light.
It seems that Bruce could have become a National and World- Wide symbol of mercy, resourcefulness ans applied compassion.
Would The World have prospered if Bruce had not decided to become the Devout Scourge of any and every criminal ?
- Johnny -
Coming out of the Movie, The trio was prayed upon by Joe Chill, a thug intent on robbing them. When the Waynes responded too slowly to him, Chill used hid pistol to murder Bruce's Parents.
That act created a hero, The Dark Knight Detective and Masked Avenger, Batman. Batman boasts of his ability to terrorize criminals. This quest of his seems to have turned Batman into a cold, hostile and perpetually antagonized and hostile man.
Did this need to happen? Was Batman the only way this young Billionaire had to mourn and cope with the death of his parents? does his choice indeed serve as a proper memorial to them.
Batman is deeply troubled. While he can work well with Superman, His sunny nature and his ability to often prevent tragedies from transpiring does haunt Gotham City's Champion. Batman is a Creature of the Night and The Shadows this has led to conflict with The Green Lantern who wields a will- power enabled weapon of light.
It seems that Bruce could have become a National and World- Wide symbol of mercy, resourcefulness ans applied compassion.
Would The World have prospered if Bruce had not decided to become the Devout Scourge of any and every criminal ?
- Johnny -
Intentionally Battling to be Better !
In order to do better, to get well and to improve, One thing is QUITE essential! The Individual must want to get well, do better and to improve. Resolve tied to commitment and tied to action and focused activity will always lead to a better QUITE OFTEN, A MUCH Better Life !
- Johnny-
- Johnny-
There Can Be Miracles WHEN you believe. ...
I am seeing many and continuing miracles of late. While some are actually painful AT THE MOMENT that they are transpiring, All do give me reasons to know that INDEED I am being changed from GLORY To GLORY!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I do believe in DOING The Best Possible Thing/ Things for the Best Possible Reason. It sounds silly and idealistic but I find that I am happiest and most in love with life when I live within this mindset and attitude!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
I do like that things that
charmed me as a child still charm me at 58. I am told that growing up as I dis in the SouthWestern Bronx gave me every reason to justify being cold, harsh, hardened and cynical!
I am glad God has allowed that not to be how I am on This Spring Saturday in 2013!
I am glad God has allowed that not to be how I am on This Spring Saturday in 2013!
I am enjoying Blogging again
I think that some of the Blinders that were imposed by being lonely, transitioning into a New Year and then being hit by a car 16 days into the year are disolving.
I find that I don't truly grok what has encumbered and been a restraint upon me until I am freed of it/ them and put soe distance between me and them.
- Johnny -
I find that I don't truly grok what has encumbered and been a restraint upon me until I am freed of it/ them and put soe distance between me and them.
- Johnny -
I feel more Satisfied
I have worked hard to bless others today! The old timers are AGAIN prover wise, " Mood DOES Follow Action!"
Let me desire to be a student on This Day !
It is far better to listen, absorb and reflect than to be the provider of the instruction.
I learn Every Saturday
How to be a better Leader, Communicator and Educator. I take pride in My Membership in the Annandale, Virginia Based Get Up To Speak Toastmaster Club!
Lord. Let me get that others see things
differently than I do. Thus, To live well it is better to understand rather than to be understood!
I am too headstrong.
I know that I need to pause and reflect far more often. Life is not a matter of satisfying EACH and Every impulse and want.
God, You do not ask me to sing well...
to worship you. Your delight is that I do desire to sing to you and do act to sing to you each day!
A Warm Sunny April Day
helps me to see that life is good no matter what else may be occurring today in my life!
I believe that I made a difference in July of 2011 . . .
when I established an 18 month plan for myself! What works best in my life TODAY was set into motions by decisions First created during the Early Summer of that Year!
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
The ability to Imagine better days and...
better times is a sign to me, among others , that God loves me and has set Eternity within My Heart!
I want to be in Mount Vernon
Yet, Here I am in Alexandria, VA. Moping because this is not what I desire today would be an asinine choice.
- Johnny -
- Johnny -
Wowingly Dazzling or Consistently Reliable....
Which would you rather be true of those that you are very connected and bonded to ? Why ?
There is a large part of me that wants to say " Shock and Awe is TRES!!!! Kewl." Yet, My Heart tells me that Consistently Reliable is SO much more satisfying and desirable.
There is a large part of me that wants to say " Shock and Awe is TRES!!!! Kewl." Yet, My Heart tells me that Consistently Reliable is SO much more satisfying and desirable.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Loving Friends
work best when you can admit that there is a problem and huddle together to solve it. This says, " I care and I am Committed!"
Superman's GREATEST Secret ...
Not that!, We all know about Clark Kent and the glasses . Kal- El is actually meek. Meek as in humble, patient, gentle, kind, gracious, forbearing and calm.
He is not a brooding and simmering dark night. He is not an angry and acting out 10 foot tall Green Monster. He does not leave his enemies tied up with notes referring to himself as a " Friendly Neighborhood" anything and he doesn't leave scars on his opponents with Adamantium Claws.
He is known as THE Most Powerful of All The Heroes. Yet, He is also a consummate friend, and teamate and mentor. He is also the one who refers to other heroes by their first names when identity maintanance is not a vital need of the moment.
He knows how to bring just the amount of power that is needed to any given crisis. He also sees the individual merits of even his most intractable foes. Lex Luthor loathes Superman. Kal- El rarely thinks of Luthor in such terms. He considers the waste of Luthor's overwhelming intelligence and abilities to be a true tragedy.
He is my favorite hero and I do believe his meekness factors into why I hold him in lofty esteem. What other hero would find humor and actually enjoy being called " The World's Biggest Boy Scout" - only Kal - El of Krypton could would and does.
- Johnny -
He is not a brooding and simmering dark night. He is not an angry and acting out 10 foot tall Green Monster. He does not leave his enemies tied up with notes referring to himself as a " Friendly Neighborhood" anything and he doesn't leave scars on his opponents with Adamantium Claws.
He is known as THE Most Powerful of All The Heroes. Yet, He is also a consummate friend, and teamate and mentor. He is also the one who refers to other heroes by their first names when identity maintanance is not a vital need of the moment.
He knows how to bring just the amount of power that is needed to any given crisis. He also sees the individual merits of even his most intractable foes. Lex Luthor loathes Superman. Kal- El rarely thinks of Luthor in such terms. He considers the waste of Luthor's overwhelming intelligence and abilities to be a true tragedy.
He is my favorite hero and I do believe his meekness factors into why I hold him in lofty esteem. What other hero would find humor and actually enjoy being called " The World's Biggest Boy Scout" - only Kal - El of Krypton could would and does.
- Johnny -
Thursday, April 11, 2013
It is never wise to diminish yourself ...
So, Why do we so readily downplay who we are, what we know and what we are capable of accomplishing ?
God does work with those
who say " Use Me as You will " and then do not add any terms or conditions concerning how He is to use them.
When you put no conditions on God, He seems to become most creative and extremely generous.
When you put no conditions on God, He seems to become most creative and extremely generous.
I do feel far more motivated
I've spent a great deal of time being a motivated thinker this afternoon.
Are you invested in other individuals?
Do the lives of individuals really matter to you? Do you rejoice when they rejoice and mourn when they mourn? Do others have that same type of access to you?
Openness, vulnerability and access make us more our neighbor's neighbor!
Openness, vulnerability and access make us more our neighbor's neighbor!
Options and Choices
God's way of showing us that we are not stuck in molasses concerning the way we are living at this very second!
There are ways to get things done ...
quite often , I find that I am stuck in inaction because I will not simply get into action.
The best way to improve yourself as a writer ...
is to write. That simple truth impels me on days such as today.
How about " Yes, I can" as a motivating mantra ...
for America's poorest, most afflicted, most disadvantaged, overwhelmed and lost citizens.
I passionately believe that we need to figure out methodologies to get people to see their abilities, capacities, talents and gifts and how to make the most of them in order to live more effectively, prosperously and delightfully.
People are individuals and people gain the most satisfaction when they know that they matter to individuals and are considered significant and valuable by those same individuals. They are also taught that they can gain practical self-esteem and self- respect by acting to invest in the lives of other individuals.
What will it take for our society to see this as the best and most worthwhile way to bring about lasting HOPE and CHANGE in the lives of those who presently feel the most disconnected from believing in an EXCITING FUTURE and actually experiencing a today and tomorrow that they can revel in?
- Johnny -
I passionately believe that we need to figure out methodologies to get people to see their abilities, capacities, talents and gifts and how to make the most of them in order to live more effectively, prosperously and delightfully.
People are individuals and people gain the most satisfaction when they know that they matter to individuals and are considered significant and valuable by those same individuals. They are also taught that they can gain practical self-esteem and self- respect by acting to invest in the lives of other individuals.
What will it take for our society to see this as the best and most worthwhile way to bring about lasting HOPE and CHANGE in the lives of those who presently feel the most disconnected from believing in an EXCITING FUTURE and actually experiencing a today and tomorrow that they can revel in?
- Johnny -
My New Kentucky Home
will be established in 2014. I wish that this time of transition would swiftly come to an end1 However, I do find comfort that 2013 has is NOW over 100 Days old!
My Church Family, Best Toastmaster Friends ...
and others who mean so much to me are NOt kin.
However, They sare closer to me than many peoples' flesh and blood relatives are.
Thank you for that blessing , Lord.
However, They sare closer to me than many peoples' flesh and blood relatives are.
Thank you for that blessing , Lord.
My Yankees are going to go nowhere this year...
I hope to be proven wrong about the injuries they've sustained and their age as a team make this unlikely!
However, as a Sports Fan, I believe there is still a way. Therefore, Play for The Championship, Yankees ! I want you to crowned the 2013 World Champions !!!!! Let's Go, Yanks!!!!!
- Johnny -
However, as a Sports Fan, I believe there is still a way. Therefore, Play for The Championship, Yankees ! I want you to crowned the 2013 World Champions !!!!! Let's Go, Yanks!!!!!
- Johnny -
To me, Sunny and Warm Weather...
soothes my spirit and emotions and greatly helps to see the brightest and the best in this world more readily and eagerly.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Avoiding Dealing with what does NOT work in your life...
is an exercise in self- torture and self-abasement.
I have learned, over the last 18 Months, that a disciplined approach to admittiong your faults, taking good, orderly direction and putting that advice into practice is most healing, empowering and truly transformational!
- Johnny -
I have learned, over the last 18 Months, that a disciplined approach to admittiong your faults, taking good, orderly direction and putting that advice into practice is most healing, empowering and truly transformational!
- Johnny -
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Chatting with people who work in a ...
store before purchasing anything.
Not exactly something that Manhattan. The Bronx or Washington taught me nor trained me to do.
However, I did see people in My Future Home Town, Mount Vernon, Kentucky behave this way 4 months ago.
The Spirit of Christmas can still be seen in April, If you'll let it flow through you!
Not exactly something that Manhattan. The Bronx or Washington taught me nor trained me to do.
However, I did see people in My Future Home Town, Mount Vernon, Kentucky behave this way 4 months ago.
The Spirit of Christmas can still be seen in April, If you'll let it flow through you!
The Potential Bounty of Any Given New Day !
Too many of us are far too cynical, Expect nothing and believe that life will be hard and you will seldom be disillusioned and disappointed.I will admit that when I woke up on ths SUNNY, Wednesday April 3RD , In Alexandria, VA, I was not anticipating any divertingly pleasant and fun surprises!
I went to a local library today and found that they had 100's of Comic Books available to who Ever wished to have them. They could not assimilate them into their collection. This, it seems has been going on for a while but the amount available to give away was bountiful on this Wednesday,
This was nothing that I was expecting to find as I strolled into this library. It just shows that while you can never exactly predict what and who you will encounter at the start of each new day, There are some times when the events of a given day can catch you , quite delightfully , by surprise.
- Johnny -
I went to a local library today and found that they had 100's of Comic Books available to who Ever wished to have them. They could not assimilate them into their collection. This, it seems has been going on for a while but the amount available to give away was bountiful on this Wednesday,
This was nothing that I was expecting to find as I strolled into this library. It just shows that while you can never exactly predict what and who you will encounter at the start of each new day, There are some times when the events of a given day can catch you , quite delightfully , by surprise.
- Johnny -
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Is there power in Applied Individuality ...
that can better THE US in The Spring of 2013.
I will be exploring that question a great dael throughout this month. I will have a lunch meeting with a delightful, trusted , like-minded friend on the Afternnon of April 12Th.
Exploring this very topic IS the raison d-etre for our getting together that day !!!
- Johnny -
I will be exploring that question a great dael throughout this month. I will have a lunch meeting with a delightful, trusted , like-minded friend on the Afternnon of April 12Th.
Exploring this very topic IS the raison d-etre for our getting together that day !!!
- Johnny -
Johnny, You are not priviledged ....
If you want to be immune and insist on being shielded from the indignities of life that too often raise your ire ;
Then. Please change your mailing address to Oz, The Fifth Dimension, Never Never Land or Utopia!
Then. Please change your mailing address to Oz, The Fifth Dimension, Never Never Land or Utopia!
Do I need asuurance of success before ...
I will take a baby step towards getting into action?
If this be true, then, Am I guilty of bein g someone who walks by sight rather than faith? OUCH, if this is true!
If this be true, then, Am I guilty of bein g someone who walks by sight rather than faith? OUCH, if this is true!
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