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Thursday, May 12, 2011

What I mean when I thank someone for serving the USA.

 I, as do many Americans, often thank military personnel and first responders for their services to our Nation. I know that can become a tedious habit and  for some, those words have merely become just simply words that they recite, words that have been said SO often that they become devoid of meaning and significance.

 When I say it I acknowledge how val;uable and precious the freedoms that all Americans enjoy and revel in are! I know that those frredoms are safeguarded by vigilant men and women. I also know that there are those who wish to make us afraid to use those freedoms. I know that our fighting forces and our first responders are dedicated to allowing us to be free men and women in the strongest possible sense of those words and notions! I also know that they are committed to our safetyu and not only our survival but our thriving as as a people and as individual American Citizens well.

 I am so grateful that they asre willing to bear that burden and this is what I am thanking them for when I thank them for " Their Service To OUR Country!!!"

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