I have been scolded here for not being satisfied by the service that I am accorded by The DC Metro- Buses and Subways.
I rode on a bus the other day where the operator impressed me thoroughly. He told the passengers continually that " My goal is to stay on schedule.". One passenger got on the bus by sneaking in through the back door. He loudly told that passenger " You are cheating everyone on this bus. How dare you>" He told the passenger to leave- only by begging the driver to say was he allowed to stay on- Don't think he'll pull that trick again anytime soon."
One passenger signaled for the bus to stop and as the driver was breaking to stop , je told the driver " Next Stop". The driver let him know, " Do not waste my time and your fellow passengers' time." Another person took forever to get up and leave the bus- His challenge to her, " You need to be ready to exit the buis at your stop and when the doors open."
He is my nominee for Transit Operator of The Year. He needs to be made a trainer for other bus operators.
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